2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- You Messed with a Witch
- Cthulhu Revenge
- Change Someone's Mind
- Demon Wolf
- Big Stomach
- Planet
- Become An Angel For a Short Time
- Raising Spirits
- Love & Money
- To Serve the night mother
#711 - You Messed with a Witch
Light the three black candles. Place the dirt into the jar along with nails, hair and image of person. Write on paper with your pen:
This persons time has come and they will feel fear, confusion and distaste in everything. Depression will consume and they will feel tired. Sadness will eat at their flesh. It shall happen at the end of the third day and the cemetery will carry out the dead.
Place the paper in the jar. Close the jar and chant over it 3 times
"Person will suffer and feel tormented."
- If you have a person in mind use name.
At the end of the first day place the jar in an area thats dark and covered.
At the end of the third day remove the jar and pour it into the dirt at the cemetery.
* Too make this stronger you can look at the image of the person and focus on putting all the negative energy into it, stare at it and feel your blood start to boil.*
Last edited on Dec 20, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#712 - Cthulhu Revenge
First, draw a magic circle in the black sand. Now, set down the black candle in the top most point of the star. Next, have helper 1 place the red candle in the point right side to the black candle. Have helpers 2, 3, 4 and 5 do the same with the other candles, but in this order: White Candle, Grey Candle, and Yellow Candle.
Now place the emblem in the center of the magic circle. Light the candles in the order they were placed, each person doing the candle they placed. Now seat everybody being the candles. Don't smudge the magic circle, or the spell will not work. Say this, "Oh Cthulhu, you have seen how this person has wronged us. Please give thy one a shard of how we feel. Even thy people go with me."
Now have each person, in order of the placement of the candles, say how the person has wronged them After each helper has spoken, say, "Now you have heard Cthulhu, O dragon lord, so smite thine enemy, smash him, wipe him/her off the face of thine earth..." Within minutes you have said these lines, you should hear thunder, but see no storm clouds.
Cthulhu's head should appear above the candle smoke, which should have now grown big. Say these final lines,
"Now we have awaken you,
Go and fly through the night,
Home on thine enemy,
Make sure he is thinking dark thoughts, not anymore of the light!
So mote be it!"
With that, the candles should go out, and the thunder gets louder and louder. The head of Cthulhu should have disappeared. If nothing happened, it is either you or one of the helpers is weak willed, or the spell may have not been cast correctly.
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#713 - Change Someone's Mind
Think of the person and what you want them to change while saying this:
"Change your mind
Change your will
I take your mind
Into my will
I change your mind
I change your will
You will do as I wish
Your mind will change in favor
Of this wish.
By the power of three times three,
It is my will, and harming none, so mote it be
So blessed be."
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#714 - Demon Wolf
Say 5-10 times:
"Werewolfs of the full moon, hear my plea, make me the demon wolf off of teen wolf, in human and wolf form i will be able to see 1000 miles away, smell up to 500 miles away, and hear up to 900 miles away, and be x10000 stronger than a elaphant and 1000 times faster than a cheeta, i will be able to withstand temperatures over 150 and below -50 deegrees, please make me as i was meant to be the demon wolf, so mote it be."
Male- I will be 6 feet tall weigh 250 pounds with a 8 pack
Female- I will be 6 feet tall weigh 100 pounds with a perfect body
Side effects-
- Bone aches
- Super senses
- Super strength
- Super speed
- Super jumping skills
- Sharper teeth
- Transformation at will often at random too meaning transformations may happen without you doing it
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#715 - Big Stomach
Chant: "bigger then a town, bigger then a land, make my stomach bigger then the world. Grow grow grow and don't stop till i say. So mote be."
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#716 - Planet
All you have to is chant "Space come to me. Let me be a planet. I will be (size) big and float in space so mote be".
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#717 - Become An Angel For a Short Time
After fasting for one day wrap a blindfold over your eyes. Then walk into the room you wish to change in, once inside close the door and put your head to the floor. Chant this incantation twice:
"Let divine light purify me, let it make me great and soar through the sky's with wings of purest white"
Then wait a month and you should change form on the same day at the exact same time.
Last edited on Oct 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#718 - Raising Spirits
If you have a candle, preferably white, however it depends on what color makes you happiest, light it and sit. Pause for a minute and close your eyes, feel the energy around you. Envision it going into your body, filling a hole in your energy, now say the words,
"Spirits, fill me with joy, for I feel like but a broken toy, I ask you this not as thy master, but as thy fellow, I ask the spirits of above and the spirits of below."
Then if you had a candle lit, blow it out. This will not cure your entire unhappiness, nor will it keep you from feeling unhappy in the future, it will get rid of some of it, however, so you may bare the rest.
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#719 - Love & Money
Get your sacrificed item and say: "This (Name of the item) is my sacrifice to you, now it is time to say 'shoo!' to money problems. From the (The name of a bank) I will take as many thousands as I have sacrifices." Get your rose, divide the petals up onto your sacrifices. If there is an odd amount, rip one of the petals up evenly.
Get your coin or note and throw it out a window. Then scrunch up your picture of a love heart and chuck it into water, until it disintegrates. With the stem of the rose, you can use it to weaken another person by highly emotional love. Chant: "By my forced hand and my unconditional hatred I 'justify upon this person to fall.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#720 - To Serve the night mother
2.Chant The Following:
I Hear By Swear
To The Night Goddesses Blessing
To Use Her Shadows For Deeds
For The Listener Can Only Hear And Speak To Her
All Who Disregard Her Will Be Slain By Me And If I Do Disregard Her She May Enslave My Soul Unless She Considers For Me To Give Her A Reason Not To.
And If People Do Disregard Her I Will Do The Deed She Tells Me To Do And Have Their Souls In Her Slavery To The Darkness
I Hear By Promise This From Now Until The Day I Retire.
3.Chant this until the flames on the candles start flickering and suddenly go out. Once this happens, She is telling you she has accepted your offering and heard your call.
Listener,This Spells Cannot Be Put On Someone By You, The Person Who Wants It Done By Someone Else Tell Them It Will Not Work.