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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7161 Spiritual Spells
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. Psychic Shielding
  2. Psychic Cleansing and Releasing
  3. Phonex Power Spe
  4. Peace with Candles
  5. Say The Right Thing
  6. Matter spell
  7. Edchael Vimtoloch's army busting energy death blade.
  8. Mind (hard)
  9. Easy Protection Charm for Beginners
  10. Therianthropy Spell

#1011 - Psychic Shielding

This spell should be done daily to help strengthen your aura and shield your mind from psychic attack
You may need:

  • Be done in the day
  • Be relaxed
  • Focus on the light
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    You may need:

  • Be done in the day
  • Be relaxed
  • Focus on the light
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    Be in a comfortable position.
    In a quiet room.
    Close your eyes and focus on the light.
    Picture a bright ball of warm light.
    That has everything good your trying to be.
    Have it spoke down to you but not growing any weaker.
    Have it flow down and expand around you creating a shield.
    When it is big enough say this:

    "There is one power in this universe and I
    Am the perfect manifestation of that power as such
    I will the boundaries of my aura to be strong and healthy
    Repelling all negative energy while replacing with positive healing energy.
    Inside these boundaries nothing can harm me for I am filled with the
    Strength of the goddess by my will so mote it be and it is so."

    Now have the boundaries grow smaller and smaller till it is your core
    And have it return to the ball above your head.

    Added to on Nov 10, 2017
    Last edited on Dec 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1012 - Psychic Cleansing and Releasing

    This spell is for those who have a psychic connection with fire. This spell can help before using spells so you have a better flow of magic.
    You may need:

  • Five white candles around a pentagram
  • Strong imagination
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    You may need:

  • Five white candles around a pentagram
  • Strong imagination
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    Go into a quiet warm space.
    Light all the candles in the penta gram and focus on the flame.
    Focus on the way it moves freely and warm.
    Focus on the feeling of strength and warmth in your heart.
    Visualize that the candle touches you with the flame.
    Picture the fire lighting up and burning.
    Your entire body.
    Now picture as it stops burning all the ash fall to the ground.
    Now you are purée with the light.
    And warmth of the flame as you now are one with it.

    Added to on Nov 10, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1013 - Phonex Power Spe

    As the title suggests, you get phonex abilities. These include Fire wings, Priokenisis, and very hot.
    You may need:

  • Quiet room
  • Night
  • Alone
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    You may need:

  • Quiet room
  • Night
  • Alone
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    1. Sit crosslegged
    2. Meditate
    3. Practice Priokenisis
    4. Say the spell below:

    "Deep within my soul lives a bird of pure flame and passion, let it be unleashed and fly about my body, let its wings burst from my back only when I will, Priokenisis will be at ease when I step a try. Ra, God of sun please hear my prayer and answer it from within the air, lasting one month I shall taste the burning desire of the Phonex, so mote it be!"

    The affects will depend on you and how you're built. Mail me of you need some help, and uh yeah that's all I have to say. May the God's be with you

    Added to on Nov 08, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1014 - Peace with Candles

    Will make things peaceful (may not work).
    You may need:

  • 1 candle in a calm color (blue,green,purple or white)
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    You may need:

  • 1 candle in a calm color (blue,green,purple or white)
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    Light the candle then say:

    "Peace peace come around me."

    Then peace will come around the area and will maybe work.

    Added to on Nov 07, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1015 - Say The Right Thing

    This spell will help you say the right thing in a given situation whether you need to help someone or come up with a smart remark
    You may need:

  • -Mind (meditation)
  • -Belief
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    You may need:

  • -Mind (meditation)
  • -Belief
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    Meditate on situations that don't know what to say but you would like to. Meditate on saying something smart. Maybe a situation in which someone is depressed and you need to know what to say to them. Maybe someone just burned you and you wanna give a smart remark. Meditate on this until you feel you are ready to cast the spell.

    Say ''Let me say the right thing. Let me be clever in my speech either to help or to harm. So mote it be.''

    This is my first spell on this site so give me some feedback and please rate it.


    Added to on Nov 06, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1016 - Matter spell

    This spell helps you control any type of matter you know gas liquid and solid message me if it works for you because it worked for me
    You may need:

  • your voice
  • a rock
  • water
  • a cup or jar
  • a spoon
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    You may need:

  • your voice
  • a rock
  • water
  • a cup or jar
  • a spoon
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    1. Grab the cup and breath into the cup or jar

    2. put the rock in the cup or jar

    3. fill the cup or jar with water

    4. mix it together with the spoon

    5. then drink

    in the next 5 minutes you would have your power. be sure to use it for good.train it every day

    side effects:
    this would happen for 1 day every 60 min

    Added to on Nov 06, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1017 - Edchael Vimtoloch's army busting energy death blade.

    Need an army wiped out? this one is for you.

    This is the very same technique used by the angel of death, Edchael Vimtoloch when she took down the Assyrian army in the defense of Israel.
    You may need:

  • experience drawing and manipulating holy energy.
  • pratice
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    You may need:

  • experience drawing and manipulating holy energy.
  • pratice
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    If you have not trained in drawing and using holy energy, you are not ready to use this. Holy energy simply cannot be substituted by other types of energy. see:


    1. extend you arm in the direction of the enemy group and open your hand so your palm is facing them.

    2. draw holy energy and channel it to form a ball of energy in your open hand.

    3. continue adding energy until you feel until you feel an intense tingling throughout your hand. when you begin feeling pain in your hand, you are ready for the next step.

    4. form the energy ball into a double-edged curved blade that's parallel to the ground, the ends curbed towards you, and the blade as long as the area the enemy group resides in is wide.

    5. launch the blade towards the enemy group by slapping down your open hand in their direction.

    6. watch the entire group die.

    Added to on Nov 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1018 - Mind (hard)

    This spell will teach you how to control minds around you and move things with the will of your mind alone.
    You may need:

  • 5 candels
  • a sill quite place (lots of room )
  • a mat or large soft pillow
  • A light small object
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    You may need:

  • 5 candels
  • a sill quite place (lots of room )
  • a mat or large soft pillow
  • A light small object
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    1.Arange the candels around the mat and put the object in front of where you are going to sit.
    2.sit in a meditational position in the middle of the mat
    3.meditate for 20 mins (concentrate on nothing )((easyer if you close your eyes ))
    4.then do it again but this time do it for as long as you want first concentrate on your mind after 15 mins open your eyes and concentrate onot the object and making it move with your mind ( if it helps use your mind to feel out like a hand and move it )
    5. Not everyone can use the power of mind so don't be sad if it doesn't work

    Added to on Nov 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1019 - Easy Protection Charm for Beginners

    Simple protection charm to defend against negative energies and harmful spells.
    You may need:

  • 1 crystal of your choosing
  • 1 bag or cloth
  • 1 marker
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    You may need:

  • 1 crystal of your choosing
  • 1 bag or cloth
  • 1 marker
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    I have found this spell quite useful as it can protect you from negative energies and harmful spells however it draws energy from the crystal so proper charging is important.

    The first step is to get a crystal or gem stone I use amethysts or quarts as they are good for protection spells.

    the second step involves charging your crystal/gemstone I find it easier to use an outside source of energy to charge especially for those who have trouble manipulating energy I personally charge mine by burying it beneath a tree wrapped in a cloth marked with my personal sigil for drawing in energy.

    However other methods can be used I prefer earth as it is the element I am drawn most to a simple way would be using moonlight to charge your crystal/gemstone.

    Thirdly one charged wrap your crystal in a cloth or put in a bag and mark the outside with a sigil of protection this sigil works best if it is a personal one but you can use another sigil as long as it is designed to protect you.

    tie the cloth/bag closed and keep it with you as a protective charm or store it in a room you wish to protect.

    charge your crystal once it is drained of energy.

    Added to on Nov 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1020 - Therianthropy Spell

    This spell will show you how to find your therian animal.
    You may need:

  • 1 you
  • Insence (optional)
  • Meditation music
  • Quiet space
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    You may need:

  • 1 you
  • Insence (optional)
  • Meditation music
  • Quiet space
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    Find somewhere you won't be interrupted and get into meditation position and a calm state of mind. With the music on concentrate on your vision that you see. You may see an animal in its habitat. If the animal comes close, don't open your eyes, just wait... it may start talking to you and asking you questions. Answer them in your mind, the animal can hear you. After, open your eyes and you will feel a strong energy pulse over you. If you have a dream about that same animal that might, that is your therian animal. If you didn't then you aren't a therian.

    Added to on Nov 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters