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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Summon Custom Weapon
  2. Powerful Sigils Awakener
  3. Demon Possess a Friend
  4. Note for Create Your Own Sister
  5. Call of the Birds
  6. Communicate telepathically with someone else
  7. Midnight Terrors
  8. Stronger Power Ritual
  9. Past
  10. Acute Fire Manipulation

#1411 - Summon Custom Weapon

Summons a weapon of your design.
You may need:

  • Idea of weapon
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    You may need:

  • Idea of weapon
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    Picture your weapon and it's custom reasonable enchantment. Think of a name for your weapon. Then, say the name of your weapon 4 times, then it's enchantment (For first cast). For any casts after, say it's name twice. You will receive your weapon with it's enchantment.

    Added to on Feb 26, 2017
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1412 - Powerful Sigils Awakener

    !!NEEDS PRACTICE AND PATIENCE!! This spell is work almost for every sigils you make.It helps to reinforce and strengthen the power of the sigil.Make sure beliefs are your companion. "Every once in a while,sigils are the most powerful magick tools but it's almost the weakest one because it's depended on us." -me TrueMagick?
    You may need:

  • Your Sigil that you wanted to awaken
  • Clear mind
  • Belief
  • Visualization
  • Clear voice
  • Pure heart
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    You may need:

  • Your Sigil that you wanted to awaken
  • Clear mind
  • Belief
  • Visualization
  • Clear voice
  • Pure heart
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    !!READ THE SUMMARY FIRST!! 1:Place your sigil on clean table/something. 2:Clear your mind and heart,now point your hands on the sigil. 3:Visualize a red flowing energy from your mind to your fingers and it's flowing to the sigil. 4:Remember the feelings,what is it feel?Cold?Hot?Happy?Windy? Place the feeling to the flowing energy. 5:After 2 minutes,you done.You should do it for a bout 2 weeks to strengthen the sigils back. If you want to do it again,repeat the process,bookmark this page for sure :) It's not working? You lack belief and ingredient needs or maybe the instruction you've done is wrong.

    Added to on Feb 26, 2017
    Last edited on Dec 14, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1413 - Demon Possess a Friend

    Get a demon to possess one of your friends, works better if they are not powerful in magic.
    If it's miscast, then it won't work, and your friend might not like you anymore.
    You may need:

  • Friend
  • concentration
  • demon
  • circle
  • sleepover (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Friend
  • concentration
  • demon
  • circle
  • sleepover (optional)
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    Get a friend to cast a circle with you, tell them it's for a different spell, or if they don't believe in magic they'll probably go along with it just to humor you. Concentrate on them, and imagine a dark energy slowly surrounding them, and chipping away at them. If they have cast protection spells on themselves, you might need to break down that spell first before doing this one.

    Once you feel like they are weakened enough, ask them how they feel. If their tired for some strange reason then it's working. Then in your mind think:
    ''demons (or specific demon) I offer you a shell, rise up from hell and enter (friend's name), Bend her/him/them, twist her/him/them, Let my old friend die, and make him/her/them truly just a shell for you.'' think that three times, you can write it down, make sure your friend stays distracted, or tell them to think some other made up spell. A

    After you think that three times, then say it out loud, and place your hand on your friend. At first they will be mad, but the demon will slowly take them over over the rest of the night. It's performed better at sleepovers, so you can monitor your friend.

    There are different types of demons you can make your friend for different benefits. Message me any questions.

    Added to on Feb 25, 2017
    Last edited on Dec 24, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1414 - Note for Create Your Own Sister

    Extra details that can be added.
    You may need:

  • The paper from the spell.
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    You may need:

  • The paper from the spell.
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    She spawns with a month's worth of clothing, can get pregnant, and only attempts sex after 10 weeks, then once per year. To add this, hug the paper to your chest and say: ''Extra details, please. So mote it be.'' BEFORE you dispose of the paper.

    Added to on Feb 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1415 - Call of the Birds

    This will can birds to come at you and stay with you.
    You may need:

  • Leaf
  • silver (If want pretty birds)
  • Bronze
  • Belief
  • Bird food
  • Tree sap
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    You may need:

  • Leaf
  • silver (If want pretty birds)
  • Bronze
  • Belief
  • Bird food
  • Tree sap
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    Rub the tree sap over the leaf, The put the bird food on the leaf.
    Then take the bronze or silver and put it up to the sun then chant:

    "Gods and goddesses hear me plea I have a wish for the a wish that birds of the (bronze or silver) will come to me, so mote it be, so mote it be."

    Then put the leaf or silver or bronze on you then wait for 10 min.

    Added to on Feb 24, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 29, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1416 - Communicate telepathically with someone else

    This spell allows you to communicate with someone else telepathically. This is not like movies or TV shows where you could use telepathically instead of a cell phone, but this spell can help you if you want to talk to someone else with anyone else knowing. Also it would be best if you call upon the power of the elements to aid you in the spell, by saying "Wind, Earth, Fire, Water, I call to you to make this spell magic so mote it be" (Date posted: 2/23/17)
    You may need:

  • keep in mind all ingredients for any spell are optional; as they would be used to help you focus or to help direct your energy towards your intent*
  • Feathers and I mean real feathers, as feathers are associated with the element of air so they are great communicators. All feathers are great communicators but if your looking to use feathers in your rituals or you want a specific event to happen, below I shall list different real feathers and their magical priorities. Understand it doesn't matter what kind of feather you use for this spell and you don't even need to use a feather if you don't want you or don't have access to. But for others who may look at this spell, you may have access to other feathers. So if you ever want to use feathers in your rites here is a list of different types of feathers and what they do as well as what different color feathers do and for one time I'm saying it does not matter what kind of feather you use and you don't have to use one at all if you don't want you, but if you do want to use feathers in your rites for other spells then here is a list of them:
  • Peacock Feathers were thought to be very unlucky, because they resemble an eye. The eye shape represented the evil eye which people were afraid of. Today the beauty and natural strength of the peacock feathers are again recognized. They are specially valued for their multicolored eyes.
  • Blue Jay feathers are valued as bringer of light and joy and are said to have the ability to brighten up even the darkest places.
  • CROW
  • The Crow is one of the animals humans have always been afraid of. A crow at the window is said to represent the soul of a dead person. Crow feathers are used for mourning and letting go of unwanted feelings or situations.
  • Robin feathers can help to bring new things into ones life. They can also be used to induce fertility.
  • SWAN
  • The pure white feathers of swans are used to purify and cleanse by attracting new energy. They represent beauty, grace and goodness. Black swan feathers can be used to purify of unwanted energy.
  • This bird´s feathers are good communication feathers. They help to tap into the deeper consciousness and can teach sacred wisdom.
  • HAWK
  • The feathers of hawks not only hold the active energy of those artful hunters, but can also be used to identify diseases at skilled hands.
  • Eagle feathers are thought to be great energy bringers and remind us of the basic sacredness of all birds . They represent peace and happiness and can also drive away harmful energy.
  • Basically all feathers can be used for any spell, they can either attract or repel energy. But their color gives them a specify energy which should be chosen in accordance to the wished outcome of the spell. Naturally colored feathers are more powerful than chemically died ones. Often colored candles are used in conjunction with feathers to give additional strength to the spell.
  • Feathers
  • RED
  • Courage, good fortune, life, energy, lust, courage, enjoyment, vitality, overactivity
  • Attraction, energy, success, creativity, physical love, new ideas, will power, love, loneliness
  • Intelligence, blessings of the Sun, thinking, reasoning, playfulness, pondering, reasoning
  • Harmony, unity, fertility, growth, finances, nature, nature spirits, animal and plant spirits, forgiveness, selfishness
  • BLUE
  • Psychic awareness, peace, health, connection with spirits, protection, believe, faith, knowledge, communication
  • Spiritual awakening, deep spirituality, knowing of ones, faith, devotion, intuition, idealism
  • PINK
  • Love, romance, caring, feelings, empathy, kindness, love, tenderness, loneliness, longing
  • Purification, spirituality, hope, protection, peace, blessings of the Moon, balance, finding peace, absorbing energy
  • GRAY
  • Peace, neutrality, being invisible, doubting, neutrality, static
  • Protection, driving away, slow energy, grief, loss, repelling energy
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    You may need:

  • keep in mind all ingredients for any spell are optional; as they would be used to help you focus or to help direct your energy towards your intent*
  • Feathers and I mean real feathers, as feathers are associated with the element of air so they are great communicators. All feathers are great communicators but if your looking to use feathers in your rituals or you want a specific event to happen, below I shall list different real feathers and their magical priorities. Understand it doesn't matter what kind of feather you use for this spell and you don't even need to use a feather if you don't want you or don't have access to. But for others who may look at this spell, you may have access to other feathers. So if you ever want to use feathers in your rites here is a list of different types of feathers and what they do as well as what different color feathers do and for one time I'm saying it does not matter what kind of feather you use and you don't have to use one at all if you don't want you, but if you do want to use feathers in your rites for other spells then here is a list of them:
  • Peacock Feathers were thought to be very unlucky, because they resemble an eye. The eye shape represented the evil eye which people were afraid of. Today the beauty and natural strength of the peacock feathers are again recognized. They are specially valued for their multicolored eyes.
  • Blue Jay feathers are valued as bringer of light and joy and are said to have the ability to brighten up even the darkest places.
  • CROW
  • The Crow is one of the animals humans have always been afraid of. A crow at the window is said to represent the soul of a dead person. Crow feathers are used for mourning and letting go of unwanted feelings or situations.
  • Robin feathers can help to bring new things into ones life. They can also be used to induce fertility.
  • SWAN
  • The pure white feathers of swans are used to purify and cleanse by attracting new energy. They represent beauty, grace and goodness. Black swan feathers can be used to purify of unwanted energy.
  • This bird´s feathers are good communication feathers. They help to tap into the deeper consciousness and can teach sacred wisdom.
  • HAWK
  • The feathers of hawks not only hold the active energy of those artful hunters, but can also be used to identify diseases at skilled hands.
  • Eagle feathers are thought to be great energy bringers and remind us of the basic sacredness of all birds . They represent peace and happiness and can also drive away harmful energy.
  • Basically all feathers can be used for any spell, they can either attract or repel energy. But their color gives them a specify energy which should be chosen in accordance to the wished outcome of the spell. Naturally colored feathers are more powerful than chemically died ones. Often colored candles are used in conjunction with feathers to give additional strength to the spell.
  • Feathers
  • RED
  • Courage, good fortune, life, energy, lust, courage, enjoyment, vitality, overactivity
  • Attraction, energy, success, creativity, physical love, new ideas, will power, love, loneliness
  • Intelligence, blessings of the Sun, thinking, reasoning, playfulness, pondering, reasoning
  • Harmony, unity, fertility, growth, finances, nature, nature spirits, animal and plant spirits, forgiveness, selfishness
  • BLUE
  • Psychic awareness, peace, health, connection with spirits, protection, believe, faith, knowledge, communication
  • Spiritual awakening, deep spirituality, knowing of ones, faith, devotion, intuition, idealism
  • PINK
  • Love, romance, caring, feelings, empathy, kindness, love, tenderness, loneliness, longing
  • Purification, spirituality, hope, protection, peace, blessings of the Moon, balance, finding peace, absorbing energy
  • GRAY
  • Peace, neutrality, being invisible, doubting, neutrality, static
  • Protection, driving away, slow energy, grief, loss, repelling energy
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    Please note: It helps if you visualize a mirror, and think of it as the object you are looking through to communicate with the other person. '' Harken oh winds of the earth, help me to communicate, I need to talk to (name of intended) and this call can not wait. May this signal never fall, (name of intended) please answer me, as I send this call'' ''so mote it be''
    Then bind the spell ''for the good of all and to harm none, this spell is bound and is to not be undone, by the power of three times three, as I do will so mote it be''
    Now you can telepathically talk to the person as if you were having a conversation with them normally. You can think what you want to say or you can speak it. Either way, you will hear a response through your thoughts as will the other person you are talking to. When are done with your conversation use this spell to end the telepathic communication
    ''the words were sent, my message received; my will has been done, this call I now leave'' ''so mote it be'' Now bind the spell and visualize the mirror shattering.

    Added to on Feb 23, 2017
    Last edited on May 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1417 - Midnight Terrors

    A spell to give you or some one else terrible nightmares.
    You may need:

  • 1 candle (not necessary)
  • Object representing the person
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    You may need:

  • 1 candle (not necessary)
  • Object representing the person
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    Light the candle if you want to, and hold the object. Chant this quietly.

    "I bring forth from deep in hell, the demons of night because all is not well, I wish for nightmares for (person's name), that will shatter their luck, good will, and faith. This mortal has done wrong, and shall pay deeply for their pain. While these midnight terrors shall shatter their brain!"

    After that, the person should have nightmare about their worst fear, and may also have bad luck for 1 week after.

    Added to on Feb 22, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1418 - Stronger Power Ritual

    Ritual that will make you full of strong energy. You will be ready for any situation. It may take 30 minutes.
    You may need:

  • Binaural Beat
  • Dark purple or light blue candle
  • Dark silent place
  • Blanket
  • Headphones
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    You may need:

  • Binaural Beat
  • Dark purple or light blue candle
  • Dark silent place
  • Blanket
  • Headphones
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    Get in your dark silent place. Sit on the ground(or on pillow). Light the candle, turn your binaural beat in headphones, put on you blanket, and put your head on the wall. When you get started, don't listen to your breath because it can make you astral projection. Listen to your hert beats and think about unreal thing, people or symbols. You will see se many things and you will feel vibrations. After 5 mins in this vibrations, wake up. You will feel full of energy and strong. First time can your eyes hurt. But that's good.

    I did it and it worked for me. Inbox me how did you felt before and after that. And don't forget to give meh some stars!

    Added to on Feb 21, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 30, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1419 - Past

    Travel to the past.
    You may need:

  • Watch
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    You may need:

  • Watch
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    Close your eyes and focus on where you want to be. You have to be specific if you want to travel to the past. Take a deep breath. Then chant:

    "Water, Fire, Wind and Earth,
    The time i have shall be reversed,
    A past far back i want to change,
    This spell i cast will bring me there,
    So mote it be"

    Focus hard. After a minute open your eyes. You'll see that you'll be in a different place, at a different time. You only have a limit; 2 hours. If you don't come back to the present. You'll maybe be trapped within time.

    To return back, chant:

    "I want it back, I want it all,
    to be brought back from the past reverse,
    So the present i will be brought,
    So mote it be"

    Then you'll be at the exact place, exact time, you first cast this spell.

    Added to on Feb 21, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 21, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1420 - Acute Fire Manipulation

    Used to help aid control of fire.
    You may need:

  • Lighter or match
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    You may need:

  • Lighter or match
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    Light the lighter or strike the match. While hovering your hand near the flames, chant: "Hephaestus, god of fire, I beg thee to help me control this element of destruction. So mote it be."

    Try various hand gestures to manipulate the size of the flame. Repeat all steps until a change in the flame's size occurs.

    Added to on Feb 20, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters