7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Seeing Auras
- Mantra When In Danger
- Make Enemy A Friend Mantra
- Cleansing of Vajrasattva
- Dharmakaya Hayagriva Mudra Protection
- The Hayagriva Avalokitesvara Mudra
- Buddhist Protection Ritual
- Potion of Refreshment
- Relieve Stress
- Rain
#1801 - Seeing Auras
The first thing to do is retrieve your white background. Once you have that, move on to the next step.
Now hold up your finger to that background and focus on it. Attempt to focus on one specific place, like a knuckle or fingernail.
Concentrate deeply on that and you should see a colored oval around your finger. The color surrounding it is the color of your aura.
OTHER: In HannahJaide's original spell/ritual, she warns not to buy a fruit or vegetable if it has a WHITE aura, so I will warn you here so you will not make that mistake.
RED: In a positive light, red reflects a healthy ego. In a negative one, red energy represents anger, anxiety, unforgiving, or nervousness.
DEEP RED: Strong willed, grounded, survival, realistic.
CLEAR RED: Powerful, sensual, passionate, competitive, energetic.
ORANGE RED: Confidence.
BRIGHT PINK: Sensual, artistic, affection, love, sensitive.
DARK, MUDDY PINK: Dishonesty, immaturity.
ORANGE: Pertains to the reproductive organs and emotions. A color of vitality and excitement. In a positive light, it reflects productivity, creativity, being sociable, and having courage.
ORANGE YELLOW: Intelligence, detail oriented, scientific, perfectionist.
BROWNISH ORANGE: Low level of ambition. Person is lazy or has repressed emotions.
YELLOW: Color of awakening, easy-going nature, optimism, and intelligence.
PALE YELLOW: Physic and spiritual awareness, optimism, hopefulness, and positivity.
BRIGHT YELLOW: Fear of losing control and respect.
CLEAR METALLIC GOLD: Spiritually activated, inspirational awakening.
MUDDY YELLOW GOLD: Fatigue and stress from studying or trying to learn everything at a time.
GREEN: A comfortable, healthy color. Represents balance, growth, and change and a love of people, animals, and nature.
EMERALD: Healer, loving human.
YELLOW GREEN: Heartfelt, creative.
MUDDY FOREST GREEN: Jealousy, victim, blames others, insecure.
TURQUOISE: A sensitive, compassionate aura that usually surrounds healers and therapists.
BLUE: A cool, calm, and collected color that produces caring, loving and sensitive energies.
LIGHT BLUE: Peacefulness, clarity, intuition, truth.
ROYAL BLUE: Clairvoyant, very spiritual, generous, open to new opportunities.
MUDDY BLUE: Fear of expression, the future, and speaking the truth.
INDIGO: Color of deep feeling and intuition.
VIOLET: The most sensitive of colors in the aura. Intuitive, visionary, magical, and artistic.
LAVENDER: Reveals vision and imagination.
SILVER: Pertains to abundance. A lot of bright silver in an aura may mean money or a spiritual awakening.
METALLIC SILVER: Nurturing, intuitive.
MUDDY GREY: Accumulation of fear in the body, sometimes meaning health problems.
DIRTY GREY: Blocking of energy, skeptical.
GOLD: Represents guidance of wisdom. Someone with this aura is a guide with much wisdom and inner peace.
BLACK: Indicates an unforgiving nature, past life problems, unreleased anger, and grief or health issues.
WHITE: Signals purity, angelic qualities, truth, and health.
DIRTY GREY-WHITE: Potential illness.
EARTH TONES: Indicate people who may work outdoors such as as farmers.
RAINBOW: Indicates a healer.
PASTELS: Pertain to sensitivity and a need for serenity.
BROWN: Greedy, close-minded.
DIRTY BROWN OVERLAY: Holds on to negative energy and insecurity.
More about these auras can be found at Psychic Library, where I got this information.
#1802 - Mantra When In Danger
When you're in danger, chant continuously:
"Vajrakrodhaya mahadantaya dashdisho bandh bandh hum phat svaha."
You must do this only when you're in danger.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1803 - Make Enemy A Friend Mantra
Place the picture of your enemy in front of you. Chant for one mala or 108 times:
"Om aghore aghore karma karale.
Hum phat svaha.
Netratrayaaya vaushat.
Om phat svaha.
Astraya phat svaha."
Do this process for a total of 3 days in a row. It's best to forgive. If we keep on being enemies, how is that going to help? All that's going to come is harming each other. It's best to forgive and make peace to create balance and good karma.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1804 - Cleansing of Vajrasattva
Go in prayer form and close your eyes. Chant the hundred syllable mantra of Vajrasattva as many times as you want while thinking of Vajrasattva which goes as: "Om Vajrasattva Samaya. Manupalaya Vajrasattva. Tenopa tishtha dridho me bhawa. Sutokhayo me bhawa. Anurakto me bhawa. Sarwa siddhi me prayaccha. Sarwa Karma su tsa me. Tsittam shreyang kuru hung. Ha ha ha ha ho Bhagawan sarwa Tathagata. Vajra me munca. Vajri bhawa. Maha Samayasattva ah."
Then for at least 108 times or more while thinking of Vajrasattva, chant:
"Om Benza Satto Hung"
"Om Vajrasattva Hum"
You shall be cleansed of evil and black magic and you will be protected. If you chant his mantra anytime while thinking of him, he will protect you and help you at any time of need. DO NOT use this for selfish purposes.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1805 - Dharmakaya Hayagriva Mudra Protection
Cross both of your wrists and have all four of your fingers(except the thumb) from both hands clasp each other. Bend the thumbs down and have them have their nails touch each other. Let them move to and fro. Then chant as many times as you want(108 times or mala being best):
"Om Amridhushiva hum svaha."
Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1806 - The Hayagriva Avalokitesvara Mudra
First, clasp both hands together. Make the middle fingers, ring fingers, and pinkies be clasped together. As for the index fingers, erect them and bend them slightly. Make them have a space about 12 mm from each other. Move the index tips to and fro. Have the thumbs both erected and touching each other. Then chant as many times as you want(though best 108 times or one mala):
"Om paravikasiddho vajra saroki svaha"
Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1807 - Buddhist Protection Ritual
First, clasp both palms and two middle finger tips touching each other. Both of the middle fingers should be slightly bent. Both of the thumbs erected and they are placed above the heart. Then chant for 7 times with that hand position or mudra:
"Namo ratna trayaya. Namah arya-valokite svaraya. Bodhisattva ya. Maha Sattva ya. Maha Karunikaya. Tadyata Om chakra-varti cintamani maha padme ruru. Krishna jvala akarsaya. Hum phat svaha."
This makes demons no longer be able to enter your body. Then, with the hand position, say:
"Om padma Cintamani Jvala Hum.
Om Varada Padme Hum."
Next, place your right hand on top of your left hand with your palm facing upwards. Then use the right hand's pinkie to hook the left hand thumb while the right hand's thumb hooks the left hand pinkie. Chant for 3 times:
"Om. Arya-avalokite svaraya Bodhisattva ya. Maha Sattvaya. Maha Karunikaya. Tadyatha. Om cinkali cinkali maha cinkali cinkalitali cin kalitara svaha."
Place the hand position or mudra you just made on your head. You can then release your hands.
Last edited on Jul 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1808 - Potion of Refreshment
- In your bowl add a small spoon of honey
- Rip your mint leaves and place in bowl
- Rip lavender and add to bowl
- Mix
- Cut pepper add to bowl
- Cut lemon in half squeeze juice into bowl
- Do the same with the lime
- Crush two cocoa beans add to bowl
- Mix
- Take out the pepper (the only reason you added this was for the relief)
- Rub on skin in shower/bath like normal body wash
- Wash off
Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1809 - Relieve Stress
1: Sit in a comfortable meditation position on a sofa or floor
2: Think of what is stressing you
3: Imagine it fading away or breaking into loads of little pieces
Do the same thing for a person thats stressing you but imagine them disappearing or have terrible things done to them.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1810 - Rain
Go outside and stare up at the clouds while saying this incantation:
"Ancient Gods and Goddesses,
I invoke thee.
Waters from the sky,
Let it be."
"I command thee now,
To thee all.
Listen to my desire,
Rain fall!"
Make sure you imagine rain falling from the clouds when you say this spell.
(It may come as a hurricane, so beware)
Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.