7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Mermaid Spell
- The Curse of Intelligence
- Find your Spirit Animal
- The 11 Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani Sutra
- Someone Dream of You
- Summon Ghost
- Mermaid Spell
- Defensiva Circuli
- Magik 102: Elemental
- Effundi Vitam
#1891 - Mermaid Spell
Its a fairly simple spell. If you wish to be a merman, just change mermaids to mermen
Say this once while holding symbol tightly in your dominate hand:
"Mermaids, mermaids, hear my plea
I wish to be one of you
I have the voice, I have the will
I just need a beautiful tail.
Mermaids, mermaids hear my call
I'm now one of you
I have the voice, the will, the tail
I just need the magical powers.
Mermaids, mermaids I call to you
I am one of you
This is my powerful, magical wish
So mote it be, so mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1892 - The Curse of Intelligence
I have a question for all of you.
Why do we exist?
Why do we have to suffer through our lives if we know we are going to die?
And do we have a purpose?
These are all questions I have been asking myself now, but whenever I tried to ask people these questions, they either blew me off or thought I was suicidal, but never actually understood what I was saying, and I think I have finally figured out why. They aren't intelligent enough to comprehend these questions. I do not proclaim myself to be the most intelligent person there is, I am just stating a fact. In all honesty, I would rather be in their shoes, living life happy and normal. But I am to intelligent to live that type of life. I know that there are other people like me. That is why it is called the curse of intelligence. I may sound naive, but I think that if we banded together, we would be able to actually figure out those things and finally break this curse of knowing that everything we do is meaningless.
#1893 - Find your Spirit Animal
First, find somewhere comfortable.
Then relax yourself, and close your eyes.
Imagine a landscape. One that appeals to you. For example, a forest, a snowy field. Imagine what everything looks like. Use your senses.
Then imagine an animal approaching you. Not the animal you want, the animal that deep down, you feel is you. Greet it, you can ask it for advice, and go back to this place for a chat with your spirit animal, anytime. This is a very easy form of contacting it. This spell is good for newbies to magic. Good luck!
Last edited on Apr 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1894 - The 11 Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani Sutra
Namo Ratna Trayaya Namo arya Jana Sagara, Vairochana
Byuhara jara tathagata ya
Arahate Samyaksam, Buddha ya
Namo Sarva Tathagate bhyay arahata bhyay
Samyaksam, Buddhe be, Namo Arya Avalokite
Shoraya Bodhisattvaya
Maha Sattvaya
Maha Karunikaya
Tadyata, ya Om Tara Tara, Tiri Tiri, Turu Turu,
Itte we itte chale chale
Purachale Purachale
Kusume Kusuma wa re ili mili jiti jvalam Apanaya Svaha.
#1895 - Someone Dream of You
Get into a calm/mediative state, and imagine your target asleep.(kinda creepy,right?) Imagine going into their mind and seeing their thoughts. Now you can manipulate these thoughts by putting little suggestions into their heads, for example, if you want your crush to think your hot, put this thought into their head:
Hey,*your name*'s kinda hot.
The next step is to imagine them dreaming about you from their perspective, kinda imagine it like a movie about you from their view, for example, they could be running through a field with you.
Well done, you can now completely shape people's thoughts and dreams.
By the way me and my friend tried this, and it worked first time, so good luck!
Last edited on Apr 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1896 - Summon Ghost
Write the name of the ghost you want to summon in blood 3 times. Do not use your own blood. If you do, you will probably die because very few people can lose that much blood and still live. Even if you survive, you will probably make a paradox therefore destroying the universe.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1897 - Mermaid Spell
Squirt the gel into the cup or bowl.
Next add water.
Then say this spell 3 times:
"Mermaids O mermaids
Make me a mermaid
Whenever I wish I'll be mermaid
With a (tail color you want) tail
And hydrothermokenesis* as my power,
So mote it be!"
Power options : hydrothermokenesis (power to heat water(, hydrocryokenesis (power to freeze water) and Hydrokenesis (power to shape water)
Then put the water with gel in it all over your body.
Side effects:
- Headaches
- urge to have salt
- feeling powerful
Tail should arrive in a day. Powers will arrive in up to 4 days.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1898 - Defensiva Circuli
#1899 - Magik 102: Elemental
First, you must channel your magic into your fingers. Next, you must imagine the magic your hands becoming hot(fire), cold(ice), weightless(air), or heavy(earth). Then you must channel the magic out of your hands and into the air between them.If done correctly, depending on the element, the air within your hands should take on a certain aspect.
Last edited on May 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1900 - Effundi Vitam
Cast a circle, and hold the tip of your athame to a chalice that has been filled with wine. While doing this, say:
"Here in this circle, I do plea: my life force has gone weary, and I am feeling weak. Give me essence, so that I may be whole again! Steal it from the unworthy, so that I, being worthy, may have it! So that my power may be increased!"
After saying this, plunge the blade into the chalice, and say "So mote it be." Then, wait until you feel energy rushing into your body. After this happens, break the circle.
Last edited on Apr 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.