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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Holy Protection
  2. Animal
  3. Doorway into another World
  4. Elemental Blood
  5. Quileute Wolf
  6. Emergency Protection Spell (Spanish)
  7. Death in a Nightmare
  8. Wish Ball
  9. Sleep
  10. Protective Cat Blessing

#2311 - Holy Protection

Purify anything.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant: "Oh holy spirit that shines through the darkness. Oh holy spirit that purifys the light. Oh holy spirit that defiles the wicked. Purify thy soul." While immaginig filling the object with light.

    Added to on Sep 27, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2312 - Animal

    An animal spell.
    You may need:

  • Toy (animal)
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    You may need:

  • Toy (animal)
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    Say this 3 times while looking at your animal: "Spirit of the (animal) please help grant this wish:
    I wish to be a/n (animal) like you with eyes of (colour) and (colour) fur/feather, I have full control and shift whenever I want. I will have powers of (power) in my (animal) form. Spirit of the (animal) please, grant me this wish so mote it be."

    Added to on Sep 27, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2313 - Doorway into another World

    A spell to bring you into another world. I have not yet tested it myself but I hope to soon and will update after.
    You may need:

  • A key
  • String or a chain
  • Paper(optional)
  • Pen(optional)
  • Amethyst(optional)
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    You may need:

  • A key
  • String or a chain
  • Paper(optional)
  • Pen(optional)
  • Amethyst(optional)
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    Step 1: Attach the key to a piece of string or a chain and tie it around your neck.

    Step 2: Visualize whatever world you want to go to, it could range from a TV show to an anime or book or land of any magickal creatures.

    Step 3: Keep visualizing and stand in front of the door to your room(with you inside if your room), put your hand on the door knob, and say the words;

    "Away I go and out of sight,
    I will be gone until I deem the time is right,
    Forgotten from memories until I am back,
    While I'm gone in a new world as my presence lacks,
    Time will pass just as is,
    Lives will go on just like this,
    Through this door is what I see,
    This is my will, so mote it be."

    Step 4: Close your eyes and open the door. Once you have walked through the door open your eyes and you should be in whatever world.

    Step 5: To get back take off your key necklace and hold it at the end, spinning it counter-clockwise while saying the words;

    "My time is up, it is time to go,
    Back to the place I know,
    Home is where I wish to be,
    This is my will, so mote it be."

    Close your eyes when you start saying the last line.

    When you open your eyes you will appear in the open doorway and you are free to go.

    -Time passes just like it would normally, i.e. you leave for 30 minutes and when you come back 30 minutes have passed.

    -You may want to write down the chant to get back because you're screwed if you forget. (This is what the paper and pen are for.)

    -Whatever is in your pockets or in your hand and everything that you are wearing will come with you though it is suggested that you do not bring a lot of things or any other living things. This is the same for anything you might get in the other world.

    -Referring above, any injuries or sicknesses will stay with you too, i.e. you skin your knee while you're there when you come back you'll still have a skinned knee.

    -Although I said that you should stay away from bringing other living things with you if you do the spell with a friend(they have a key necklace and chant with you) there won't be any negative side effects and it should work just fine.

    -Vizualizing is important but putting power and will into your words is just as important, try and keep the two equal when going to the other world

    -While you are gone no one will go looking for you, just like it says in the chant to get there.

    -Side effects may include dizziness, nausea, blurry vision, vomiting, dehydration(not deathly), weakness, trouble speaking, and tiredness when arriving there and coming back though they wear off withing minutes.

    -Also, be careful in whatever world, especially if there's a high chance of death. If you die there you die in the real world. And, if the world you are going to is say a book, it is not wise to break the fourth wall.

    -To help with traveling have a piece of amethyst in your pocket or wear any jewlery with amethyst on it. This is optional though since not everyone has amethyst.

    Added to on Sep 26, 2015
    Last edited on May 19, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2314 - Elemental Blood

    This is a spell that is highly unpredictable,use with caution. This is a spell to help find your element,and to find out your power within the element.
    You may need:

  • A red candle (for fire)
  • A black candle (for death)
  • A green candle (for earth,plant,wood,poison)
  • A blue candle (for water)
  • A yellow candle (for air,wind)
  • A brown candle (for animal,soil,steam)
  • A gray candle (smoke)
  • A white candle (for light, dream)
  • A purple candle (for nightmare,shadow, darkness)
  • A silver candle (for stones,metals)
  • A pink candle (for storm)
  • A orange candle (for heat,lighting)
  • A gold candle (for lighting, light, snow, ice, spirit)
  • A clear candle (for all elements)
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    You may need:

  • A red candle (for fire)
  • A black candle (for death)
  • A green candle (for earth,plant,wood,poison)
  • A blue candle (for water)
  • A yellow candle (for air,wind)
  • A brown candle (for animal,soil,steam)
  • A gray candle (smoke)
  • A white candle (for light, dream)
  • A purple candle (for nightmare,shadow, darkness)
  • A silver candle (for stones,metals)
  • A pink candle (for storm)
  • A orange candle (for heat,lighting)
  • A gold candle (for lighting, light, snow, ice, spirit)
  • A clear candle (for all elements)
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    Do this spell on a sunny day; midday, or in the middle of the night; midnight.
    Find a quiet place, or a place where you feel relaxed.
    Create a pentagram on the floor.
    Set up the ingredients around the pentagram.
    Light all the candles starting with the clear candle.
    Sit in the middle and mediate, relax your body and mind, sit their as long as you want.
    When you get up, leave every thing there.
    When you sleep that night you will dream of that element or elements, and the power within the element that is yours.
    Beware though your soul can be traped within that dream, its likely that this will happen, if this does happen your body will be already dead, and that you can't return back into the mortal world.

    Added to on Sep 25, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2315 - Quileute Wolf

    This does work. But you must want to be one with all your heart, and believe it will work without doubt. Regardless of the age, your first shift will be on or near your 16th-18th birthday, unless you're already older.
    You may need:

  • Day time, which means after sunrise and before sunset.
  • Some kind of meat in a small chunk.
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    You may need:

  • Day time, which means after sunrise and before sunset.
  • Some kind of meat in a small chunk.
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    Before you start:
    Be specific with your fur color, for example, "black" or "brown" isn't good enough. Instead, be specific such as "dark, rusty brown" or "smoky charcoal black." Your best bet is to add two adjectives.

    Be outside during the day. Say the spell and lightly bury the meat.


    "Wolf spirits, I ask that you turn me into a werewolf. I wish that I could become a large, strong wolf whenever I want, with (color) fur. Please make this me, so mote it be."

    First Shift:
    It is very unlikely that you will shift until you are 16, but when you're ready for your first shift, go to the place you buried the meat and say in your mind, "Wolf spirits, I am ready to transform." Depending on your age, you may or may not shift.

    Your first shift will be somewhat slow, and really painful. But, as you shift more and more, you'll get used to it, and it won't hurt as much, and eventually you'll barely feel a thing. And it will get faster, until it only lasts about one second!

    But as you shift more and more, you can call on the wolf spirits in your head further away from the place, and eventually anywhere.

    Added to on Sep 25, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 25, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2316 - Emergency Protection Spell (Spanish)

    Read the Santeria Prayer (Not Christian, it is a spell) Working Botanica 26th Street Chicago.
    You may need:

  • Use Image
  • Say the prayer below,
  • You are asked to print several copies of it and put them everywhere, purse, wallet, car, bag, pocket, notebook, school, house, glue it to your skateboard, at work, etc. (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Use Image
  • Say the prayer below,
  • You are asked to print several copies of it and put them everywhere, purse, wallet, car, bag, pocket, notebook, school, house, glue it to your skateboard, at work, etc. (optional)
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    Image Link:

    Oración a San Judas Tadeo

    ¡Oh glorioso Apóstol San Judas Tadeo,
    siervo fiel y amigo de Jesús, el nombre del traidor que entregó a nuestro querido maestro
    en manos de sus enemigos, ha sido la causa de que muchos te hayan olvidado.
    Pero la Iglesia te honra e invoca universalmente como el patrón de los casos difíciles y sumamente desesperados.
    Ruega por mí que soy tan miserable, te ruego que hagas uso de tu privilegio especial, de socorrer visible y prontamente cuando casi se ha perdido toda esperanza.
    Ven en mi ayuda par que reciba yo los consuelos y el socorro del Cielo en todas mis necesidades, tribulaciones y sufrimientos, particularmente, en ......(hacer aquí la(s) petición(es) especial(es).....) si es para mi provecho espiritual, gloria de Dios y honor tuyo.
    Te prometo, glorioso San Judas, acordarme siempre de tus favores y nunca dejar de honrarte como a mi especial y poderoso protector, y hacer todo lo que pueda para extender tu devoción.


    San Judas, Apostol de Cristo y Martir glorioso, deseo honrarte con especial devocion. Te acojo como mi patron y protector. Te encomiendo mi alma y mi cuerpo, todos mis intereses espirituales y temporales y asimismo los de mi familia. Te consagro mi mente para que en todo proceda a la luz de la fe; mi corazon para que lo guardes puro y lleno de amor a Jesus y Maria; mi voluntad para que, como la tuya, este siempre unida a la voluntad de Dios. Te suplico me ayudes a dominar mis malas inclinaciones y tentaciones evitando todas las ocasiones de pecado. Obtenme la gracia de no ofender a Dios jamas, de cumplir fielmente con todas las obligaciones de mi estado de vida y practicar las virtudes necesarias para salvarme. Ruega por mi Santo Patron y auxilio mio, para que, inspirado con tu ejemplo y asistido por tu intercesion, pueda llevar una vida santa, tener una muerte dichosa y alcanzar la gloria del Cielo donde se ama y da gracias a Dios eternamente. Amen.

    Added to on Sep 24, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 25, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2317 - Death in a Nightmare

    This is an dangerous spell,it's very unpredictable.If ahead with it you have been warned. This spell will kill anyone in a nightmare,in an other world. It can back fire on the caster.. end up killing both.
    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
  • 3 black candles
  • 3 grey candles
  • 3 dark purple candles
  • full moon
  • a small mirror
  • a clump of hair from your victim
  • a few drops of blood from both
  • a small bowl
  • A few herbs Aconite,Agrimony,Almond,Althea, bay,and Borage, (cut into small pieces and burn)
  • and a lighter
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    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
  • 3 black candles
  • 3 grey candles
  • 3 dark purple candles
  • full moon
  • a small mirror
  • a clump of hair from your victim
  • a few drops of blood from both
  • a small bowl
  • A few herbs Aconite,Agrimony,Almond,Althea, bay,and Borage, (cut into small pieces and burn)
  • and a lighter
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    The spell has to be done in midnight on a full moon.

    1.Get all the ingredients together.

    2.Get into the basement or a room that's completely swallowed in darkness, if there's a window,leave it,it's part of the spell.

    3.Draw a pentagram.

    4.Sit at the base of the pentagram, while having the ingredients in the arms.

    5.Put all the candles around the pentagram.

    6.Say this spell before the caster starts;

    "All the creatures of the dark rivers of blood, from another world i call out to you,help me kill this one soul,from this world onto yours though he/she has giving me great pain,gods and goddesses of death and misery,please hear my plea.. make him/her soul suffer."

    7.After the caster is done with the spell,put the bowl into the center of the pentagram and put the herbs into the bowl.

    8.Put the mirror on the left side of the caster's body.

    9.Put the blood of the victim on the mirror and the caster's in the bowl.

    10.Put some of the hair onto the mirror and the rest into the bowl.

    11.Before setting the herbs on fire repeat the spell.

    12.Put the lighter into the bowl,quickly take it out.

    13.Repeat the spell.

    14.Put the mirror where the moonlight can hit it.
    Then leave until the next morning, remove the candles and reuse the wax for another death spell, kept the herbs in a window, kept the mirror their until a month after the caster did the spell, still kept the mirror in a window.
    The person is either dead, tortured or suck in the human world as a spirit,but as one whom can inflict harm to a mortal.

    Added to on Sep 23, 2015
    Last edited on Oct 12, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2318 - Wish Ball

    This is a psi ball for wishes.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Do anything you'd like with your hands just make sure you are not holding anything.When your hands are in that position your hands are tingling. Think over and over in your head what you want to happen, try to make it realistic. After you think you have done it enough you can stop thinking about your wish and you can stop holding your hands like that.Wait, sometimes I do it and it takes a couple of seconds, other times it takes a couple of minutes.

    Here is some wishes you can do to get started:

    • Don't get called on by the teacher.
    • Someone doesn't take the thing you want.
    • We do something fun next.
    • I will fall asleep.

    Added to on Sep 22, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2319 - Sleep

    This spell will Help you sleep, I have used this on many occasions.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Relax fully and close your eyes and chant: "Gods of Power, gods of might. Take my pain take my fright I just want to sleep tonight. Let it be let it be." Repeat this three times getting softer and softer while getting more relaxed but the third you should almost be asleep.

    Added to on Sep 19, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2320 - Protective Cat Blessing

    keeps your kitty safe from harm.
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 gold candle (optional)
  • Your cat
  • 1 dragons blood, carnation or hyacinth incense (stick or cone)
  • Your Voice
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 gold candle (optional)
  • Your cat
  • 1 dragons blood, carnation or hyacinth incense (stick or cone)
  • Your Voice
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    Perform during the moon phase Waning Gibbous.
    Burn the incense.
    Once burnt, light your candle and whilst holding/stroking your cat look into the flame and say:

    "Bast of beauty and or grace,
    Protectress of the feline race,
    Shield cat's namefrom all hurt and harm
    And keep him/her always safe and warm.
    Watch over cat's name from day to day
    And guide him/her home if s/he should stray.
    And grant him/her much happiness
    And a good life free of strife and stress."

    Proceed to extinguish the flame.

    Added to on Sep 19, 2015
    Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters