7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Lacate Spell
- Your Own World
- Dismiss God/Godess
- Call a Storm
- Meet Your Spirit Guide
- Fire Protection
- Money Tree Spell
- Anti Anxiety
- Create a Spirit Animal
- Stop A Spell
#2371 - Lacate Spell
Put the map on the table and put a few of blood on the map.
"Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous."
Last edited on Aug 29, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2372 - Your Own World
You start off by imagining the world you want as your own. Draw it out believe this is a real place.
After you draw it out make sure you have everything you want and need there, like food and wifi and laptops and a home. Now, youre going to put a physical wall all around that place you can decide who gets to be there and who doesnt, but people being there other than you will only last a little while. Now that youve created the whole realm, light four candles and put them on every corner of the paper.
Imagine yourself walking around in your world, imagine your self walking around, feeling your feet hitting the ground. Smell the air, and describe it to yourself. Did it just rain? Is the ground wet? Is there wind? Do you hear something falling off the trees? Are there trees?
This is called your focus site. Everything should become vivid for you.
You have to go lay down in your bed, but don't turn off the candls.
Leave the paper you drew your map of your world with the candles still lit and lay on your bed. Make your body straight.
Now take one of your fingers and rub circles right in-between your eyebrows
continue for 50 seconds after you do that, youre supposed to feel an energy still doing the soft circles.
Your eyes are supposed to be closed if you didn't know.
Now tilt your eyes to the energy and make it stronger.
Take one deep breathe and imagine your body is leaning upward and standing up. Try making your other body walk around. With this other body make a tunnel somewhere in your room with your mind.
You have to believe this will work.
Make a tunnel and make your other body walk through it and to your realm. Make the tunnel close behind you, so nothing can come in with you.
You have just entered another world.
Now that you've entered another world make sure when youre doing this that you aren't going to be bothered.
This will take away your concentration, also make sure no one is going to blow out the candles.
Like I said make sure you close up the tunnel. Time moves differently there.
Have fun doing whatever in your world. If you summon any wild animals there
you have to be careful.
Now to go back to our world.
All you have to do is open the tunnel once again from where you came from.
If you dont remember where it was that you came from just do it anywhere but you'll probably end up in like the drawer of your room.
Then just imagine your other body going back into your real body and youre safe.
But if you get any scratches or bruises in the other world, then theyre going to show in this world and thats about it you might want to make two maps of your world so you don't get lost.
*Make sure when youre drawing your map of your world you make a fence or walls around where youre going.*
*You can't die there because your physical body is here in this world like I said you're sending your other body.*
*You can also take on any form you want; vampire, mermaid, werewolf, etc.*
Last edited on Aug 29, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2373 - Dismiss God/Godess
"Gratias tibi ago. Dum venire meo. Abite in pax."
Last edited on Aug 29, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2374 - Call a Storm
"Tonitrus meum iram
fulgur meum fortitudinem,
adduce meo nubes nigrae quasi noctem. "
Last edited on Aug 29, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2375 - Meet Your Spirit Guide
Breathe deeply and build a ball of protective light around you. While soaking in your ritual bath, meditate on the whole ritual: the steps you will take and what you wish to say to your spirit guide when you make contact.
Enter the circle in the Hour of Mercury. Light the incense. With the oil, dress the Altar Candle and the Day Candle while concentrating on the purpose of the ritual. Light your Altar candle and your Day candle and state your intent:
''I am here to make contact with my Spirit Guide, and to acknowledge him or her''
With your Athame, inscribe Violet Candle #1 with the word ''Spirit''. Dress it with oil.
Light the Violet candle #1, direct your energies into it, and say:
''Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit. May its light reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit into which we will eventually enter''
Take your censer or incense wand and swing in around censing the whole area around the altar, while rhythmically repeating the word ''Merge'' and building up energy to focus.
Replace the censer and pick up Violet candle #2. Inscribe it with the word ''Spirit'' and dress it with the oil. Put it back on the altar, light it, direct your energy into it, and say:
''Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit. May it's light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit and help spread the light, illuminating the passageway between our worlds.''
Again, take the censer or incense wand and cense the entire area around the altar while chanting the word ''Merge'' Build up your energy to focus. Take violet candle #3, inscribe with the word ''Spirit'', dress with oil, charge with your energy, light it and say:
''Here do I light the third Lamp of Spirit.
May its light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May the light from these three lamps blend and grow, dispelling all darkness and lighting the way that my Spirit Guide may come to me and speak with me here today.''
Inscribe the 3 white candles with the word ''Truth'' and anoint each candle with oil. Light the 3 white candles in order of 1, 2, 3, and say:
''Here do I build Truth. As these candles burn throughout this ritual, their power generates nothing but truth in all that transpires between this world and the next. Through these candles there is truth in all communications that come to me''.
Again, cense the entire altar area while chanting the word ''Merge''.
Replace the censer and continue chanting. Sit comfortably while chanting, and gaze into the crystal ball, or the clear glass of water. Continue chanting until you feel it is right to let the chant taper off. Continue to quietly look into the crystal ball or glass, not trying to picture anything. Keep your mind blank, so whatever comes will appear will come in it's own free will. Gaze into the center of the crystal, there is no need to try not to blink. Look into the crystal and blink naturally. Try not to notice anything in your peripheral vision, just the center of the crystal. Eventually a face or figure will appear. This may take a long time, or it may appear almost immediately. If it doesn't come at all within approximately 20 minutes, abandon this attempt, extinguish the candles in the order in which they were lit, leave the altar set up, and try this ritual again in three days. You should have results within a month at most.
When a figure does appear, ask if he/she is your Spirit Guide. You will hear an answer. You may not hear it out loud, or even see the figures lips move, but you will be aware of the answer. This is how most of your conversation will proceed. You will ask your questions mentally (or out loud) and the answers will be clear inside your mind.
Ask if you have more than one spirit guide. If yes, ask them to appear also. You may ask anything you wish to know, but it is suggested to establish a connection first where your Spirit Guide may appear to you at any time, or at specific times, so that you can converse with other spirits through him/her. When you have finished speaking with your Guide, thank him/her, then sit for a moment with your eyes close meditating on all that you have learned. Extinguish the candles in reverse order to clear the circle.
Blessed Be
#2376 - Fire Protection
Cast the circle.
Invoke the God and Goddess.
Say aloud this statement of intent:
"On this night, I invoke the powers of fire to protect me from all that would harm me, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually."
Start at the south. Light the candle, shouting: "Nothing from the South can harm me!"
Imagine the flame creating a wall of protection on that side of you.
Move West, light the candle, and shout: "Nothing from the West can harm me!"
Again, with each candle you light, imagine the wall around you growing in power and intensity
North, light the candle and shout: "Nothing from the North can harm me!"
East, light the candle, shouting: "Nothing from the East can harm me!"
Hold up the Southern candle to the sky, shouting: "Nothing from above can harm me!"
Place it back on the earth, shouting: "Nothing from below can harm me!"
Sit in the center of the circle, watching the candles burn. Know that the fires are burning away all evil and harm that comes your way.
Meditate on the flames and feel their power forming a shield around you - a shield you can erect anytime you feel threatened.
Have cakes and ale (eating bread and drinking wine or juice restores energies spent during ritual)
Release the circle.
Thank the Goddess and God for their protection and presence in your circle.
Go to each of the four directions in turn, saying:
"Guardians of the East (South, West, North),
Powers of Air (Fire, Water, Earth),
I thank you for joining in my circle
And I ask for your blessing as you depart
May there be peace between us now and forever.
Blessed be."
Last edited on Aug 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2377 - Money Tree Spell
On a waxing moon, set the altar in the east of your circle. This will need to be left up for a full waxing cycle. You will need easy access to a door. Take a new penny in your hand, Circle the altar deosil (clockwise) and say:
''Bring to me what I see,
By thy power, Hecate.''
Spin rapidly deosil (clockwise) and go outside and toss the new penny in the air. Wherever it lands, bury all 5 pennies, saying:
"I give thee money Hecate.
Return to me prosperity.
I give thee five,
Return by three.
As I will.
So mote it be."
Return to your altar and snuff out the candles. Next week, at the same day and time, return to your altar with your talisman bag and the parchment. Light the orange candle. Visualize money flowing onto the altar. Unearth the coins and bring them to the altar. Wash them in the chalice water to purify them. Pass them through the incense smoke and the fire from the orange candle. Place each coin in the talisman pouch, old coins first. Add nine pieces of rock salt, close the mouth of the talisman pouch and face east and say:
"Bring to me what I see,
By thy power Hecate.
Altar power must it be
Earth and Air,
Fire and Sea.
Bring to me what I see
,by thy power Hecate."
Place the bag inside your clothing and wear it every day for 7 days. Leave it on your altar every night visualizing prosperity. On the 7th day, hide it in the eastern portion of your house.
Blessed Be!
Last edited on Aug 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2378 - Anti Anxiety
Anti-anxiety Spell/Chant
Whenever you are feeling anxious, take several deep breaths and repeat the following until you have calmed down. Chant:
"Nervous anxiety, you are dead.
Lord and lady, soothe my head.
Bring me to your calming peace
as I will, so mote it be."
Anti-Anxiety Tea
Add two teaspoons of valerian root to one cup of boiling water. As it seeps, chant:
"Nervous anxiety, you are dead.
Roots and water, soothe my head.
Bring to me your calming peace.
As I will, so mote it be."
Note: To cut the taste you might want to strongly sweeten it with honey.
Vanilla anti-anxiety spell
Hold a vanilla scented candle in both hands until it becomes warm to the touch. Chant three times:
"Vanilla chase this mess away.
Keep it far from me today."
Light the candle and let it burn until the anxiety disappears.
Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2379 - Create a Spirit Animal
If you accidentally conjure forth an evil spirit, you might want to learn some banishing spells beforehand, and do some protection spells before you start, that way you and whoever lives with you will be safe from it.
So lay down or sit down and relax, and meditate a few minutes. Then, open your eyes and say:
"In day and night, through dark and light, I call forth a spirit to protect me.
In the form of a spectral (animal you want).
This guardian will never leave my side."
If you feel a surge of presence, close your eyes and try to do telepathy. Try to get to know the spirit, because it wants to be with you. First ask it these questions:
Do you have good intentions?
Are you male or female?
What animal are you?
What is your name?
Ask it what animal it is because you may not get the animal you want.
If it says it does have good intentions, it could be lying! Ask it to take an oath to harm nobody in this realm, and to guard you for your whole life. If they accept, they have good intentions. If they refuse, then they are evil and want to harm you.
If it is evil, try to banish it. If you cannot feel its presence, the spell worked.
You can Have as many as you want, and they will help increase your magical power and energy, and you don't even have to ask them.
Last edited on Aug 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2380 - Stop A Spell
Say the following 3 times for incomplete spell:
"I made a incomplete spell which I hate,
Please go away before it changes my fate.
Then say this once:
This is my will so mote it be"
Say the following 3 times for complete spell:
"I made a spell which I hate,
Please go away before it changes my fate.
Then say this once:
This is my will so mote it be"
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.