7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Banishing Oil
- Counteraction Spell
- Feel like or Become a Cat
- Sword Summon
- Protection Sachet
- Basic Banishment Spell
- Raising the Undead
- Attract Birds
- Earth Amulet
- Piece of Luck
#2451 - Banishing Oil
Mix together the ingredients and place in a glass jar. Leave in reach of sunlight and moonlight.
Every day for at least a week, shake the jar of mixture.
After a week, strain the potion and place in a clean jar.
Anoint a black candle with the oil, light it, and repeat seven times ''I banish you from my life, no more will you cost me strife, harm it none, so mote it be.'' Visualise them leaving your life.
You can add other ingredients designed to banish or protect you.
Castor oil isn't the only oil you can use: if you don't have it, use another oil.
The ingredients are in relation to one another, so you can make as much or as little as you want.
Do the banishing spell on a new moon and make the oil on a waning moon.
#2452 - Counteraction Spell
Fill the cauldron/bowl with the salt water (I like to use black salt in my water) but don't let the wick get wet.
Light the candle. As it burns, say:
''With this fire and water, I burn your spell and drown your magick, but wish you well.''
Chant this until the candle has burnt down the water, which will put out the flame.
Take the candle out of the water, snap it in half, and burn in the fire.
When it's burnt, put the fire out with the water, and discard of the ashes by burying them.
Please be cautious of fire.
Any sort of salt is good to use. Natural salts are best. As I said, I prefer using black salt.
Carve the name of the person (the magical name if you know it) into the candle so the spell is direct.
#2453 - Feel like or Become a Cat
1. Place the figurine in front of you.
2. Put the music on in the background.
3. Put the cat hair on or touching the figurine.
4. Then say this 3 times:
"I want to be a cat,
no predators,
fast speed,
claws for climbing,
I ask Bastet to make me a cat,
this is my will, so mote it be."
5. Take the cat hair off the figurine and put the hair on your head. keep it there, if it falls off, it's ok, but don't take it off.
6. Kiss the figurine.
7. Listen to the music until the end.
side effects: If you do this perfect, you will become a cat. If not, you will act and be like a cat, which is cool.
Better Climbing
Sharper Nails
Sharper Teeth
Better Speed
Better Night Vision
Better Hearing
Better Smell
Licking Self
How to change into and out of a cat:
This may take from 3 days to a month, and when the side effects get tense try these.
to change into a cat, imagine the cat you want to be and whisper "cat form, cat form, change me". To change back into a human, lick yourself 3 times on the paw and meow in between licks, then flick that paw with your ear.
Contact me if you have questions.
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2454 - Sword Summon
Trust yourself in believing this can work. Then close your eyes, imagining you as well as your sword Wait for 3-5 minutes
Now chant: "Green land and the white sky, the blue sea and the red inferno. Hear my voice, here's my command, appear the (names of your swords) by my side, in battle, in training, in any events possible. Anyplace I am, anytime I in, make it begin. My heart and soul that I control."
Open your eyes quickly and shout "All my energy in one single goal". Now focus all your energy into one single point and hold it. Then release it all around you.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2455 - Protection Sachet
#2456 - Basic Banishment Spell
Hold the paper in the flame and say this: ''With this flame, I burn [name of person you wish to banish] from my life, and harm it none, so mote it be.''
Repeat these words three times. When you're unable to hold the burning paper without being burnt, put it in the fireproof dish to burn.
When there're only ashes, meditate, visualising the person leaving your life and not coming back. Try not to think ill thoughts of them.
After meditating for a while, snuff out the candle and, whilst the wax is still warm but not too hot, press the ashes of the burnt paper into the candle until there're no more left. Make sure the wick is cool before you wrap the candle in the black paper and tie it shut with the string. Tie the small bell to the end of the string: this will help purify the air and the candle when it rings, hopefully making sure that no harm comes to the person you wish to banish by accident.
You can now dispose of your wrapped up candle. You can use the trowel to bury it far away from your house, or you can throw it into a river or the ocean. You can also burn it in a bonfire, but be sure to discard the ashes away from you.
Please be careful. Fire is dangerous. You don't need me to remind you, but please be careful with the flames and hot wax.
Try not to think ill of the person you wish to banish as it may cause harm to them or backfire and cause harm to you.
The best time to do this spell is during a new moon and at sunset.
When discarding your candle, choose the method you feel is more powerful. Some people think fire is more powerful because it's a furious force, but I think discarding it in water is more powerful because it can carry it far away from you, and others believe discarding it via the earth is more powerful because it's a grounding force.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2457 - Raising the Undead
Chant: "Corpus levitas Diablo daminium mondo vicium."
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2458 - Attract Birds
Go to an isolated area surrounded with vegetation as long as there are birds chirping and making sounds. If you don't have access to area like that, you can just go to a place where you hear birds and where you can meditate.
Cast a circle. Meditate in the circle for a few minutes. Start focusing only on the birds chirping. It may take a while, but eventually, birds will start flying above your head.
When they do, don't look at them and search for them because it will break your meditation. Just be glad that it worked. Practice this more and more and it will work more and more.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2459 - Earth Amulet
Earth is the element of life, stability and protection. Cast a circle. Cleanse the amulet before you do any of the following. Put the dirt, leaves and salt in the bowl and mix them up. Focus and feel the energy of the earth in the bowl.
Meditate and visualise being in a forest for a while. Hold the amulet above the bowl and visualise the amulet absorbing green energy from the bowl while chanting:
"Earth, the creator, the defender
Bless this amulet,
For it shall never let me surrender
Even if I stay or if I flee
Let it protect me, so mote it be."
When you have felt that the amulet has been charged, stop the amulet from absorbing the energy.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2460 - Piece of Luck
Put the item in front of your lap. Think of the Item. Think of energy going around it. Say " May the Gods from above, help me give this luck and power, I hope to shower it to good! So mote it be!"
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.