7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Death and Disruption Brew
- Ward off Evil Spirits
- Look Deep Into Someone's Mind
- Space Clearing
- Protect Your Home From Evil Entities
- Incantation for Protection
- Earthen Strength
- Create a Ring
- Pray to the Gods
- The witchdoctors curse
#2601 - Death and Disruption Brew
Place all the flour in the cold water. Cut the petals up into small pieces. Place 13 pieces of petal in cold water. Crush a third of the blueberries with the knife. Place crushed blueberries in cold water. Stir mixture with the wooden spoon. Repeat steps 3 to 6 two more times.
Pour hot water into mug. Wait a few seconds for it to cool slightly while stirring the mixture. Pour mixture into the mug. Cover with tinfoil and chill for 2 minutes. Take it out of chiller and you have a successful death and disruption brew.
Known side effects are: strong hallucinations, inflicting physical pain on self, loss of recent to far in past memories, constantly being lost, being slow to do anything, frequent trips to the bathroom, being consistently angry. These may or may not effect you but be prepared for a flood of hurt.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2602 - Ward off Evil Spirits
Don't focus on anything particular, just relax your muscles and focus on being. If you want, you can call upon any guardians or other spirits which you feel are benevolent.
Once you are calm, light the candles and hold the crystals(s) in your hands. Repeat the following as many times as you need to feel safe:
''Spirits, I am safe. I am not intimidated and cannot be harmed. I am under the protection of light.''
Once you feel safe and comfortable, it's time to do the cleansing. For this you are basically going to summon the spirits and ask them to move on. Do so politely. If the spirit starts to get violent with you, know that you will be safe. Do not let the spirit scare you because it will lower your vibration making you more vulnerable to negative entities.
''Spirits which follow me, spirits attached, any malevolent shall be detached. With all due respect please leave me be, I'm meant to be on my own, I hope you can see.''
As you do this, breathe deeply as you close your eyes. Every time you breathe in, visualize white light coming into your body. When you breathe out, visualize dark energy that is the spirits leaving. If the spirit is physically harming you, try doing this ritual with a large group of people and chant at the same time.
Getting rid of spirits doesn't always happen in one ritual and is a process. You need to make sure you're not negative-minded, paranoid, or low vibrationally as this is what attracts negative spirits. If the spirits continue after doing this ritual, just repeat it every time they bother you.
#2603 - Look Deep Into Someone's Mind
"Mind reader
I see it
Help me achieve it"
Repeat this 3x.
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2604 - Space Clearing
**You can choose to light the white candle for burning and the incense either before or after you have cleared your mind and body but the spell candle must not be lit until you say the spell**
Firstly, prepare the ingredients on a surface in the area you wish to cleanse. This will act as a simple altar. When you feel the altar is ready, you must then sit down in front of it and relax your mind and body of any daily tensions.
When you feel you are relaxed enough, light the incense and the white candle for burning (if this candle is scented with lavender or other plants associated with the air element then thats even better!)
Take in the scents and mentally connect with the clarifying power of the air element. I usually do this by regulating my breathing, imagining energy being drawn into me from the earth with each breath as though it were a heartbeat.
When you feel you are strong enough (this may take practice and meditation, but it pays off), you must take the piece of paper with the spell written on it either in your hands or place it on the altar, as long as you can read it.
Light the spell candle and either hold it or place it on the altar in front of you to mark the start of the spell.Say/chant:
"I cleanse this,
My home,
With energy and tome,
Take out the bad,
But leave in the good.
The clap of my hands,
That hits with a thud,**
Sealed this deed,
So mote it be."
You must then snuff the spell candle quickly with your fingers, not by blowing it out, to signify the end. You must then light the spell using the second candle and let it burn in the ashtray. Allow the incense to burn out but the second candle may be snuffed. Your spell is complete.
**clap your hands together confidently and will the accumulated air energy outward from you in a sphere, cleansing the air of bad energies.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2605 - Protect Your Home From Evil Entities
2. Go to your main entrance at your house.
3. Pour the salt outside of the door way and say: ''Any evil entity or spirit that tries to enter this household will face the wrath of the Chosen Ones.'' I am a Chosen One, P.S.
4. Spread the salt out in a line and say the verse again.
#2606 - Incantation for Protection
Simply say this incantation outloud preferably or in your head whenever you feel unsafe.
"I am a violet being of violet fire, the purity that god desires."
Repeat it minimum 3 times but if needed, you can repeat it as many times as you wish. It's supposed to work like a shield that pushes negative energy away. It's also good to say it even when you're not in trouble to strengthen the spell.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2607 - Earthen Strength
Repeat 1x while doing physical activity.
"Gaia mother of Earth,
Above all the rest,
Imbue me with your strength,
Make me the best."
Say the very last word louder than the rest. Have a pain relieving spell handy.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2608 - Create a Ring
Place the ring in flowing water. Concentrate on the ring (to purify the ring). Make unwanted energies go( depends the craft).
As the ring is clear put it under clear sun/moon for 2 hours. Now take the ring and 'programme' it as you want. Put it any where alone for sometime wait until it gets warm or cold (depends sun/moon).
Now it's ready. Put on the ring. You will be the only one who could use the power of the ring
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2609 - Pray to the Gods
Make a circle withe 5 candles. Then put inside the circle the status of your god. Light the incence and candles and say the following:
"Oh gods and goddesses, I pray to you so you can help me continue my work as a witch. By the power of earth" (hold a stone or leafs in your hand) "water" (put your finger into the ball of water) "fire" (pass your finger above the flame ) "and air" (bring the smoke of incence to yourself) "help me find my true peace my true luck and true strength. To all things so mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2610 - The witchdoctors curse
You first must make a image of the person who is being targeted out of any medium of choice string is best and easiest . Now you must clam something of theirs it can be their pen, old glove, cup, straw, the most clever if manged their name written by them as to sign for your own curse delivery.
Day 1 -3 during the wanning moon attach the object to the doll leave the doll in my place left away from other people and dark.
Day 4-7 take the doll and store it in a box with the fether and leave it in a tight spot like under the mattress or a rock .
Day 8 hold the image of the person and show its victim the person can be at a distance and can just be for a sec that's why it has to have eyes to see
Day 9 must be the dark of the moon and Pierce the image with the needles or hooks be sure to soak them in the vinegar and to aim carefully the more painful the stad the more of a outcome as you burn incense underrated saying the Lord's Prayer backwardsat midnightand wait till 3 o'clock and go to the graveyard with 9 pennies to bury it in the box not on anyone s grave but off to the side once it in the ground leave the pennies all over by throwing them and leave AND NEVER GO BACK! DONT EVERYONE LOOK EVER! OR IT WILL COME BACK TO PUNISH YOU! I just glanced and i saw a demon jump over a grave stone so i never tried again and use spells to pass it with protection