7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Earthen Strength
- Create a Ring
- Pray to the Gods
- The witchdoctors curse
- Change from white to black
- Take Power from the Moon
- Sleepy Voodoo
- A Wolf Beast
- Murder Someone (Accident)
- Protection
#2611 - Earthen Strength
Repeat 1x while doing physical activity.
"Gaia mother of Earth,
Above all the rest,
Imbue me with your strength,
Make me the best."
Say the very last word louder than the rest. Have a pain relieving spell handy.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2612 - Create a Ring
Place the ring in flowing water. Concentrate on the ring (to purify the ring). Make unwanted energies go( depends the craft).
As the ring is clear put it under clear sun/moon for 2 hours. Now take the ring and 'programme' it as you want. Put it any where alone for sometime wait until it gets warm or cold (depends sun/moon).
Now it's ready. Put on the ring. You will be the only one who could use the power of the ring
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2613 - Pray to the Gods
Make a circle withe 5 candles. Then put inside the circle the status of your god. Light the incence and candles and say the following:
"Oh gods and goddesses, I pray to you so you can help me continue my work as a witch. By the power of earth" (hold a stone or leafs in your hand) "water" (put your finger into the ball of water) "fire" (pass your finger above the flame ) "and air" (bring the smoke of incence to yourself) "help me find my true peace my true luck and true strength. To all things so mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2614 - The witchdoctors curse
You first must make a image of the person who is being targeted out of any medium of choice string is best and easiest . Now you must clam something of theirs it can be their pen, old glove, cup, straw, the most clever if manged their name written by them as to sign for your own curse delivery.
Day 1 -3 during the wanning moon attach the object to the doll leave the doll in my place left away from other people and dark.
Day 4-7 take the doll and store it in a box with the fether and leave it in a tight spot like under the mattress or a rock .
Day 8 hold the image of the person and show its victim the person can be at a distance and can just be for a sec that's why it has to have eyes to see
Day 9 must be the dark of the moon and Pierce the image with the needles or hooks be sure to soak them in the vinegar and to aim carefully the more painful the stad the more of a outcome as you burn incense underrated saying the Lord's Prayer backwardsat midnightand wait till 3 o'clock and go to the graveyard with 9 pennies to bury it in the box not on anyone s grave but off to the side once it in the ground leave the pennies all over by throwing them and leave AND NEVER GO BACK! DONT EVERYONE LOOK EVER! OR IT WILL COME BACK TO PUNISH YOU! I just glanced and i saw a demon jump over a grave stone so i never tried again and use spells to pass it with protection
#2615 - Change from white to black
Think of your white magic, then imagine something you hate, mix the images into a hate for your white magic, then say/think "gods of hatred, gods of dark, hear me and obey for our benefit, my magic ails my progress, and yours, darken my powers"
Last edited on May 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2616 - Take Power from the Moon
Chant 3 times:
"Moon of magic moon of power
Let me have ancient power
Give me power from your power
In this night and in this hour."
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2617 - Sleepy Voodoo
Put the bed,put the pillow on the bed, put the candles, light them. Then put the pins on the voodoo doll, put the voodoo doll on the bed and blow out the candles.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2618 - A Wolf Beast
Chant this spell 5x :
"An underdog I am,
But let them be cursed
For I will shift from a human to a
monstrous wolf man, (or woman)
the night no longer sings alone,
For on the next full moon,
The dark will hear my horrifying roaring groan,
This is my wish, so mote it be!"
Side effects :
- Stomach aches
- Tooth aches
- Rib aches
- Uncontrollable anger
- Increased salivating
- Strong urge to bite, howl, or bark
- Sharper teeth
- Sharper nails
More hair
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2619 - Murder Someone (Accident)
Take the candle and light it. Then pick up the picture of the intended and look into his or her eyes, and imagine them dying. Then take the scissors and cut the photog into tiny pieces. Pick them up and hold them in you hand. Put piece by piece onto the flame while saying
"This one. This (persons name) has hurt me. It is with great pleasure that he/she shall die. Once they are gone, I shall feel no remorse, feel no pain. This is how it was meant to be. Mess with me once, my blame. Mess with me twice, your flame. Kill him/her now, spare him/her no mercy. This is the will of all, so it shall be."
Let the photo pieces shrivial up and smile evily while gazing upon the flames, watching the person's picture burn and crumple. Think bout how much you hate them, and how happy you'd be when they die.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2620 - Protection
Imagine a voice field around you(a color you think is strong works best ). Next chant this 3x: "Gods and goddess give me protection from all harm!"
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.