7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- The Star Brand
- Summoning Anyone
- Easy Prophetic Dream
- Summon a Goblin
- Ghost
- Summon a Cat Spell
- Forgiveness
- Guilt Elimination
- Send good energy
- Dampen power
#2661 - The Star Brand
First, you must be relaxed. A good way to achieve this is through meditation. Once you are in your relaxed state, imagine your magical core. This can be anything, from a volcano, to a cavern full of gemstones. I imagine mine as a pool of water. Now you need to take most of your core away from where it was originally - but not all of it, else it won't regenerate - and send it into the sky.
You will begin to feel tired at this point, after losing most of your magic. As your magick floats into the sky, you need to see it meet a star, merging with it, turning it the colour of your aura (it doesn't matter if you don't know the colour of your aura, this is where you can find out; it's the first colour the star becomes in your mind). You then need to see the star moving towards the back of your hand. When it hits your hand, the star brand should appear on it. You can now do anything imaginable, but be careful, if you get angry, things might explode.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2662 - Summoning Anyone
Light candles Chant "Earth, Water, Air, Fire" While lighting - imagine a protection around you until you feel it heavily.
Know who you are summoning. Take a deep breath and exhale. Slowly to get heart rate down. Meditate. Focus on what you are asking and/or planning to do once summoned. Take your TIME, do not rush answers. Do not second guess what you are hearing. Write down anything you hear.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2663 - Easy Prophetic Dream
Sit on your bed in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and visualize the colour blue and chant once " oh please goddess of the night, fill my dreams not with fright but instead with meaningful insight, thank you and blessed be"
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2664 - Summon a Goblin
You'll need to first write a letter to your deity explaining why you deserve this fear goblin. It should be placed in a bag full of dirt and barried. You need to wait a month and say this spell calling demons of fear:
"Demons I call you from above
It's time to push and shove
This angry person of hate
I really cannot wait
To destroy this person's light
With fear and evil might
For as long as they cause me trouble
I'm no longer trapped in their bubble"
This should begin to work instantly. You will feel protected by your "goblin" and this person will begin to leave you alone and stop bringing fear into your life as they have fear of you. Great for people who are being bullied
Last edited on Apr 22, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2665 - Ghost
First you will need to meditate in a quiet area at night. Think of a past relative or friend who may have passed away. Think of what it will be like to spend time with them. Say this spell when you feel ready:
"Amongst heaven and hell I will travel
Seeking the dead and deceased
Discovering past history
Secrets uncover in front of me
As I transform into the spirit inside of me
My souls gives in and makes me
What I wish to be
I wish to see the dead amongst me
Evil and good
Just like I should
Every night I become a ghost
Commence me this wish as you are my host!"
This spell should work the next night. You will experience some side effects the day of your transformation. You may have: Dizziness, blue color, fatigue, worry, trouble breathing, if you have extreme effects you could pass out. At night you'll know you've transformed when you experience the spirits and sights around you.
Last edited on Aug 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2666 - Summon a Cat Spell
Tail span
Fur color
Eye color
Put your cat picture on top of the info paper and fold them both hamburger style twice. Draw a pentagram, and then fold hot dog style once. Hold these papers to your chest and say:
Oh, (gods/goddesses of your choice) I call upon thee
Bless me with this familiar cat bound to me. Now for the night that you say the spell, and the next two nights, say the above and kiss the paper, placing it under your pillow before bed. After 3 days you will need to begin looking for your cat. The longest it might take is a month, but it should take about a week
#2667 - Forgiveness
You will need to light your candle in a dark room and say this spell 5 times:
"Peaceful remedies
Gone and destroyed
How I wonder
If I could reverse the clock
Back to the start
Where thunders will knock
I ask for forgiveness
From a friend or a foe
I have proved myself worthy
So let them know!"
After you've recited it 5 times, blow out the candle and exit the room. Within a week's time, your person/people of choice should forgive you. They may not befriend you again, but they will respect you and wish you the best. If they have caused previous trouble to you or held a grudge to you, it will stop.
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2668 - Guilt Elimination
First, you will need to gather the equipment necessary to perform this spell. Place the large candle on the floor in the middle of a dark room. Place the small stones surrounding the candle. Light the candle and place your symbol (which must be an object) somewhere inside the circle of stones or marbles. Recite this spell 3x:
"I call upon the gods of guilt and sin
To make me free from far within
Remove my worry and cleanse my soul
Happy thoughts and remedies replace this hole
Depressed no longer, I will not give a care
Because my wrong doings vanish,
Right amongst the air!"
After saying this spell 3 times, blow out the candle and sit in silence for 10-20 mins thinking about new ways to move on from your mistakes. After about 24-48 hours, you will be introduced to feelings of happiness and strength. You will no longer worry or feel guilt for your previous wrong doings. This spell will work best if you keep your symbol(s) under your pillow every night.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2669 - Send good energy
Visualize the person in your mind (or stare at them.) Envision a white light surrounding them and think good thoughts towards them.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2670 - Dampen power
Pour the salt in your hand. Find your unwanted power and grasp it with your mind. Pull it or push it out of your hands and imagine the salt absorbing it. Dig a small hole in the ground and pour the salt in, remember to put all the salt in the hole. Leave it there and your power shall be dampened.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.