7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Force of Protection
- How to Contact your Spirit Animal
- How to Tell if They're Lying
- Summon and be in Contact with your Spirit Animal
- Writers Block
- Find Out If You Have Earth Magic
- Peaceful Dreams
- New Moon Psychic Bath
- Be a Fresh or Saltwater Mermaid
- Joyful Candle
#2681 - Force of Protection
Imagine a force field bubble that surrounds the desired area. Focus on your energy being added into it.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2682 - How to Contact your Spirit Animal
Find out what your spirit animal is. You can take a quiz, but usually what you feel in your gut is the right one. Know your animal. Research it. Find out a little about it's way of life.
Place the plate in front of you. Sprinkle salt until there is a thin layer of it in the plate. Place the mirrors on the right and left the plate. They should be facing each other. Light the candles and place them on either side of the plate, but outside of the mirrors. Each mirror should have a candle behind it.
Make a hole in the center of the plate of salt with your finger. It should be about 3 cm. in all directions. Make 8 rays coming out from the circle, making a kind of sun pattern. Pour the water in the circle in the center. Watch it go through the rays like a stream. Do not overflow or underfill. Place silver charm/jewelry in the center of the circle. It should be in water.
"Myself is at war with me,
My spirit is not clean
Help me by my side, great (say the animal name)
Make me at peace once again."
Blow out candles. Blow out the left one first. To communicate with it, Speak into the mirror on the left. It will respond (if it wishes) through the right mirror. Don't be pushy or mean.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2683 - How to Tell if They're Lying
When you are in the situation of not knowing whether to believe someone or not, look at their auras by focusing on this person. Focus on them. Imagine crackling energy building up around them.
Pay attention to this energy. What color do you see in it? If their aura is blue, white, purple, or light red, they are most likely telling the truth or just very happy. If it is black, dark red, or dark green, they are half and half. They may be uncertain themselves if you see these colors. If it is light green, yellow, brown, or orange, they're probably lying to you.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2684 - Summon and be in Contact with your Spirit Animal
Step 2: Know about it. Research the animal for a little bit, maybe 5 minutes.
Step 3: Light the two candles.
Step 4: Take the plate or bowl and fill it with a thin layer of salt. Place the two candles on each side of the bowl or plate, on it's left and right.
Step 5: Make a hole in the middle of the salt about 3 cm. wide and tall. Make 7 even rays in the salt coming out from the circle.
Step 6: Pour the water in the circle, and watch it flow into the rays. Pour until they are full, but don't overflow.
Step 7: Take the charm or jewelry and place it in the center of the circle, which should be filled with water.
Step 8: Place the mirrors next to the candles, so they are closer to the bowl/plate than the candles. They should reflect the image of the charm or jewelry.
Step 9: Say:
Myself is yet failing me
Make it not so, ________ (say your spirit animal)
Show me the right path
Light the way to a better self
Step 10: After saying that, blow out the candles one by one from right to left. The mirror on the right is yourself, and the one on the left is your animal.
Step 11: Ask the question or just talk into the mirror on the left to communicate with the animal. If it responds, it will show you from the right mirror. Don't be pushy. Or else.
#2685 - Writers Block
#2686 - Find Out If You Have Earth Magic
Go to the quiet place to sit and put the soil in front of you. Sprinke the grass over the soil. Poke 5 small holes in the soil that go all the way down with the twig. Pour water in the holes. Do not overflow.
Cover holes with leaves and press the leaves into the soil. Water may flow out or get soil wet. Take 1 leaf and rip the stem. If there is sap, (sticky white liquidy stuff) You have earth powers.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2687 - Peaceful Dreams
#2688 - New Moon Psychic Bath
#2689 - Be a Fresh or Saltwater Mermaid
Light the candle. Take the glass bowl of water and dip the silver necklace or bracelet in. Make sure it is really wet. Take the bracelet or necklace and hold above fire. While above fire, chant:
"Ocean sisters come to me
Bring the powers of the sea
Make us one with oceans and the water
Fish nor human shall I be"
Drop necklace/bracelet in fire and wait for 6 seconds. Pour the bowl of water over candle and wear the necklace.
The necklace/bracelet is a spell cancelling amulet. If you want to swim without being a mermaid, wear the necklace/bracelet in the water. Wear it at all times out of the water, or it will wear off.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2690 - Joyful Candle
Anoint the candles with cedar oil, and light them. Sprinkle some of the herbs around the bases of the candles and focus on the flames. Feel the heat of the fire fill up your soul. Repeat the following:
"Happiness and joy come into my life
Away with anger, stress and strife
I am happy, I am free
No more negativity"
Pass your hands through the warmth of the flames (preferably without burning yourself). Leave the candles to burn down on their own.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.