7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Cats
- Clear Negative Energy from a Room
- Wishing
- Creating a Guardian Golem
- Happiness Enchantment
- To Send Away Unwanted Spirits
- How to get Ice Powers
- Changing Traffic Light Spell
- Create a Coven
- Casting a Circle
#2841 - Cats
moon look down on us, hear our cries and answer, allow us into each other's mind, let them flow into one, offer us your protection, as we speak freely under you.
Repeat 3-10 times. it should happen by the time the full moon comes around.
Last edited on May 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2842 - Clear Negative Energy from a Room
Sit down in the middle of the room and light the candle. For a few minutes, just breathe deeply and clear your mind. Then imagine that the candle's flame is giving off a bright glow that floods the entire room. Imagine that this candle is giving off lots of positive energy. It is filling the room with its warm, positive glow. Open your eyes and say the following chant 3 times:
"Let the candle's glow fill the room with a positive glow, let this very room be filled with warm, positive energy, by the time this candle burns out, there will be no negativity left, so mote it be."
Sprinkle a VERY tiny amount of salt in each corner of the room. When the candle burns out on its own, you can vacuum up the salt. Make sure you let the candle burn out by it self so the room has time to absorb all of the candle's energy.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2843 - Wishing
Write your wish on the parchment paper, make sure you're specific in what you're wishing for. Roll up the parchment paper. Light the incense, and then close your eyes and then say these words:
"Goddess of the night guide my wish in flight, guide it with love for this wish I wish tonight". Say this 3x's
Finally light the candle and burn the parchment paper and then gather the ashes. Take them outside and toss them into the wind and it will carry your wish wherever you want it to go.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2844 - Creating a Guardian Golem
Warning: This is not a spell to bind the elemenal force but to invite them into a vessel you built for them. Never bind elementals because they are forces of nature and in doing so you can and will tip the balance!
Assemble your ingredients first and foremost.
Shape the wood, stone, steel or mud into the shape of the golem and place the gem where its heart would be with a narrow channel leading into the gem holding area.
Using the chalk and salt to ward away demons from taking possession draw a dual circle one of invitation on the inside and one of protection on the outside following the deity you follow guidelines.
Using the candles light each one and place them in the true directions of north south east and west.
Place the offering of food or wine at the feet of the golem husk and call out to your deity:
"Oh (deities name) I ask as your humble servant to beseech the elemental forces on my behalf and invite them to use the creation I have made as a vessel here in the mortal world in exchange for the protection of myself and mine kith and kin, by your power so let it be."
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2845 - Happiness Enchantment
Ut Fortuna hoc Transfluit
(Ut Forchuna k transflewit)
Meaning: May luck flow through this
3.Wash it in Moon Water
4.Leave it under the moon or sun for a night or day
#2846 - To Send Away Unwanted Spirits
First you block out your surroundings and noise so you are completely focused on this spell.After you have done this you say the following words:
"Ashes to ashes
Spirit to spirit
take this soul
and banish this evil"
Say these words for as long as you feel needed. Try adding the words 'so mote it be' to the end of the spell if you want the spell to be more powerful. After this, your demons and spirits should slowly go away.
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2847 - How to get Ice Powers
First you take the ice cube and squeeze the icemcube while you holding the cube
"Ice Ice Prayer."
Than you squeeze the ice cube untill its melted.
Than wait untill the next day.
Side Effects :
When it's cold its warm to you
and when its hot its cold to you.
But dont try to use you powers till the next day.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2848 - Changing Traffic Light Spell
This spell can be used anytime of day.
1. Focus on traffic light really hard.
2. With your wand or finger wave it around and chant:
"Green, Green turn red green, green turn red." x3
If you are in the car just change the chant to:
"Red, red turn green red, red turn green." x3
Hope this works for you sorry if it doesn't because it's my first spell as stated in summary good luck.
By Charelle
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2849 - Create a Coven
One person goes up to the other person with anathame and point it a few inches in front of that person's Chest and say:
"It is better that you should rush upon this blade than enter the circle with fear in your heart how do you enter."
Then the other person says:
"With perfect love and perfect trust."
Then the last person says as above so below.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2850 - Casting a Circle
- Place the candles around you at each cardinal directions (south, west, east and north). This will serve to physically mark your circle. The circle should be as wide as you are tall.
- Make a psiball using a planetary source. If you don't know how to do this, simply cup your hands (without letting them touch eachother) and choose the planet you will take the energy from. I reccommend starting with the planet that rules your zodiac sign. (if you're a Scorpio, use Pluto, if you're an Aries, use Mars, etc.) Visualize the planet lowering itself above you and raining energy all over and into you. Guide this energy to your hands and imagine it swirl into a ball in the space between them.
- Add more energy to your psiball. Visualize the planet spilling more energy into you. Guide it to your hands and into the psiball so as to make it more dense.
- Move your hands to guide the energy across the circle. Walk around the circle three times while guiding the energy into it. Visualize it forming into an orb around your space.
- As you walk the circle, chant its purpose: "Walk the circle thrice about to ____." (An example would be: "Walk the circle thrice about to keep unwanted influence out.")
- Once done, seal the circle. I do this by saying "As above, so below this circle is sealed. So mote it be," and then stomping my foot on the ground.
- If you're going to invoke any other entities or energies, do it now.
- Once you no longer need the circle, thank the planet and any other entity you invoked, and simply draw the energy back and seal the circle. I do this by saying "The circle is open, but never broken. Merry meet and merry part until we merry meet again," then stomping my foot again.