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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7161 Spiritual Spells
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. Lilith
  2. Call your Deity
  3. Evil Ward
  4. How to Make Your Own Wand
  5. How to Make a Protective Amulet
  6. Toy Alive
  7. Earth Storm
  8. Open the Third Eye
  9. Zeus Son
  10. Poseidon Son

#3211 - Lilith

About Lilith
You may need:

  • None just ability to read.
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    You may need:

  • None just ability to read.
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    Lilith is a demonic goddess. She was the first wife of Adam. When she refused to submit to him he tried to force her she spoke the unspeakable name and fled from Eden she later became lucifers consort(wife) but she proved to be too much for the prince of darkness. She had children the Succubi and Inccubi. Me I'm a Hellenistic pagan I posted this for people who wanted to know about the goddess Lilith Lilith can't be summoned.

    By werepyre13

    Added to on Sep 01, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3212 - Call your Deity

    A simple invocation.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Visualize your deity coming to you and say: "(Deity) hear my call I invite you"

    Added to on Sep 01, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3213 - Evil Ward

    Wards evil
    You may need:

  • None just voice and deities
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    You may need:

  • None just voice and deities
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    Visualize your deity ask your deity to ward of evil. Then snap back and say in the name of (deities name ) begone evil!

    Added to on Sep 01, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3214 - How to Make Your Own Wand

    Title says all dear friends.
    You may need:

  • A stick the length of your wrist to your elbow
  • whittling knife
  • Hands
  • Will
  • Voice
  • Crystal
  • Tea/Other drink
  • Windowsill
  • Salt
  • Candles (Optional)
  • Mirror
  • Mint
  • Jar of rose petals
  • Yarn
  • Blood (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • A stick the length of your wrist to your elbow
  • whittling knife
  • Hands
  • Will
  • Voice
  • Crystal
  • Tea/Other drink
  • Windowsill
  • Salt
  • Candles (Optional)
  • Mirror
  • Mint
  • Jar of rose petals
  • Yarn
  • Blood (Optional)
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    Find a stick about the length from your wrist to elbow. Peel the bark, and make a little notch where you want your handle to be. Strip the bark from that spot up, and begin to whittle the top half. You can make it end in a point, or you can sand it down flat, it will work either way.
    Place the wand in a bottle filled with your favorite tea or other drink. This will help bond the wand to you. Leave it in the tea for 9-12 hours (preferably overnight, in view of a waning moon) and then set it in a salt circle on or near a windowsill. It will take a few hours to dry.
    Take the wand to a place where you will be left alone, and cast a circle. You can choose to call the elements to bear witness of this ceremony by lighting candles, or you can just ask them to be with you.
    Place the wand on top of a mirror, and rub it with mint. Bring a jar of roses to the circle, and kneel down. Say this phrase,

    ''With this,
    I do bind,
    Spirit, soul,
    Heart and mind.''

    Pour your will, and imagine pieces of your heart, spirit, soul and mind leaving your body and entering the wand. Decide which hand you will use when casting, and pick up a small crystal/quartz and say,

    ''Give this life, let it learn.
    When I die, it shall burn.''

    Saying this activates the crystal, and ensures that when you die, the soul inside the wand will return to you.
    Place the crystal on the wand and imagine a seal being crafted by the three of you.
    Take a rose out of the cup, and lay it lengthwise across the wand. Say,

    ''I transfer its life,
    I hand you no strife.''

    Keep the crystal in place by wrapping a piece of yarn around it.
    This is the end of the wand binding, but I recommend casting a few protection spells over it as well.
    To further strengthen the relationship between you and your wand, put a little drop of your blood on the tip of the wand.

    ''Moonlight armor,
    Stardust sword,

    I plea for thee's assistance,
    Protect me evermore.

    Take this writing,
    Turn it into tiers,

    I request help,
    Listen with your ears.

    I need a sanctum,
    Somewhere I can hide.

    Give me a haven,
    You know I've tried.

    I summon and conjure thee,
    To protect this place.

    Please make it sacred,
    a special Magic space.''

    Added to on Sep 01, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3215 - How to Make a Protective Amulet

    Something I came up with after meditation...
    You may need:

  • Smooth stone
  • Bundle of small twigs
  • glue
  • Feathers
  • Seashell
  • hemp
  • Wand
  • Sage/Sandalwood incense
  • Voice
  • 5 white candles
  • Blessed/Holy water
  • Cotton filled bowl
  • Mint Leaves
  • matches, lighter, etc..
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    You may need:

  • Smooth stone
  • Bundle of small twigs
  • glue
  • Feathers
  • Seashell
  • hemp
  • Wand
  • Sage/Sandalwood incense
  • Voice
  • 5 white candles
  • Blessed/Holy water
  • Cotton filled bowl
  • Mint Leaves
  • matches, lighter, etc..
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    Find a smooth stone and a bundle of thin twigs. Pierce a hole through the stone, and glue the sticks onto it in the shape of a pentacle. Then, find a sea shell and three feathers. Like the stone, create a small hole at the top of the seashell. String these onto a hemp cord, or something natural. You can attach the feathers to the back of the seashell to ensure that they do not disappear. Then cast a protective circle around you and the amulet and burn sage or sage incense to clear the air. Sandalwood incense works as well.
    Point your wand at the amulet. Repeat these words three times,

    ''Oh mighty earth,
    Protect me as your child.
    Oh soaring wind,
    I summon thee to my trials.

    Through the two,
    I'll become
    Safe within their arms.
    None shall cross
    the circles I've wrought
    To do me harm.

    Oh crashing water,
    Save me from the slaughter!
    Oh flaming fire,
    I am the Sun's sweet daughter.

    Through the two,
    I'll become
    safe within their arms.
    None shall cross
    The circles I've wrought
    To do me harm.

    By three above
    And none below,
    I protect this,
    Demons woe.''

    This should keep evil spirits and evil mortals away from you or the object you place this around. To banish evil away before you bind this to you, of even before you protect the Amulet, do this:
    Cast a circle, and burn five white candles in the shape of a pentacle. In the center of the circle, burn either Sage, of Sandalwood incense. Sprinkle holy water in the corners of the room, as well as down, the drains of the room. Put a bowl of cotton in the center of the room. Point towards this while you chant.
    Place Mint leaves around yourself, and say,

    ''I banish thee Evil ones,
    Hearts so corrupt and rotten.

    Never come here again,
    I send thee to the cotton.

    Dispose of your horrid ways,
    And then perhaps you can stay.

    But until Your true conversion,
    This spell shall only slay.

    Demons be wary
    in this sacred space,

    I have many friends here,
    With Love and grace.''

    Now, take the bowl of cotton outside, and burn it safely. This will banish the evil caught inside.

    Now to bind the Amulet to you,
    Place the Amulet with something you sleep with, something you eat, and a picture of yourself. Point your wand at the Amulet and say,

    ''Like me, you're an (Ares, leo, cancer..etc...)
    (Something about your sign: leo: Bright as the sun)
    You hold my spirit,
    Magic as one.
    Without me you'll end,
    together we'll rise.
    The bubbles will brood,
    Unclouding our eyes.
    With love and trust,
    I bind thee to me,
    And as I will,
    So mote it be!''

    Added to on Sep 01, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3216 - Toy Alive

    Makes any toy alive.
    You may need:

  • Toy you want alive.
  • Flower petals
  • outside
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    You may need:

  • Toy you want alive.
  • Flower petals
  • outside
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    Sprinkle flower petals on while
    saying Earth water fire air ice
    make my toy alive just like me.
    Say 5 times hope works!

    Added to on Sep 01, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3217 - Earth Storm

    Makes pieces of earth fall like rain.
    You may need:

  • Piece of earth
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    You may need:

  • Piece of earth
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    While holding piece of earth say "Earth, Earth I control you. Make a storm like water. So mote it be"! Say ten times.

    Added to on Sep 01, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3218 - Open the Third Eye

    Opens your third eye.
    You may need:

  • Pice of moonstone or aquamarine
  • A purple marker or paint
  • A cup of clean water
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    You may need:

  • Pice of moonstone or aquamarine
  • A purple marker or paint
  • A cup of clean water
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    This is one you want to do on a Monday to harness the power of the moon.
    The day before you want to perform this spell, drop the stone into the water and leave it on your alter until you are ready. Monday night,findable quite and peaceful place. Take the crystal and hold it to your forehead, and visualize your third eye opening when you do. Picture the crystal as a magnet, pulling in energy for you. Set the stone back down and draw an eye on your forehead in the same place with the purple ink. Let the ink dry and continue your visualizing to open up your third eye. Hold the moonstone/aquamarine to the eye you drew and repeat several times:
    ''Open the sight,
    With moonlight''

    Drink the cup of water that held the crystal, and repeat the chant again. Sleep with the eye still on your forehead, and don't wash it off until you have to (ex: before school or work). The longer you keep it on the more power that is added to it. You should soon start to feel new psychic abilities start to waken.

    Added to on Aug 31, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3219 - Zeus Son

    To become zeuses son.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say. "Lord and king Zeus. Hear my call I would like to be your son. I accept your blood. Accept my cry for your blood. Make me your son Zeus. Posiden and hades will be my uncles. Hear my cry. So mote it be".

    Added to on Aug 31, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3220 - Poseidon Son

    To be posiden's son.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Picture of symbol of Poseidon
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Picture of symbol of Poseidon
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    Take hand over water salt or fresh. Say: "Lord Poseidon, hear my call I would like to be your son. I accept your blood. Accept my cry for your blood. Make me your son. Zeus and hades will be my uncles. Hear my plea so mote it be".

    Added to on Aug 31, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters