7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Psi Attack
- Fortune Cookie
- Speak to those across the veil
- How to Use Magik
- Be a Love Magnet
- Cloud Ball
- Delsin Rowe Smoke Power
- Bring the Worst in Someone
- Vision Through Anothers Eyes
- Fairy Wings
#3261 - Psi Attack
You first need to create a psi ball any size will do but it must be bigger than a golf ball. After you have done that make a picture of your victim in your mind and his energy being transferred to your psi ball. Then think about your psi ball then hitting him in any area you want then you will feel you psi ball shoot at him or her at high speeds.
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3262 - Fortune Cookie
With 1 fortune cookie
Hold the fortune cookie and say; "Show me my future."
With 2 or more fortune cookies
Place the fortune cookies on the table in a straight line, say; "Show me my future". Place your hand 2 inches over the fortune cookies and try to feel which fortune cookies hold the most energy and drag you towards them. Pick the fortune cookie you feel that is the correct one, and open it.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3263 - Speak to those across the veil
Light the three candles before you, (must be in a triangle formation.) Put the black cloth in the center of the candle formation. Put the picture and item on the cloth, then fold it up. Chant:"
You who crossed through the veil, whom i see in this picture, whom owns this item. I wish to speak with you. Come forth to me, obey the summoning." Drop your blood on the cloth. "My blood ssummons thea dear spirit, come forth and head the call. by my blood i mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3264 - How to Use Magik
First, you must search your soul for your magik. I can't explain what it is like because there is no way to explain it. But you will know when you find it. Once you have found it channel it through your arms and hands and out your fingertips. The easiest way to do this is by making like your holding a mini beach ball. If your fingertips start to feel energy flow out of them then that means your channeling magic. Now all you have to do is put that magic energy into your spells
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3265 - Be a Love Magnet
#3266 - Cloud Ball
Take some moisture and separate the essence of the moisture itself and the energy of the moisture. Meaning you would have the moisture and its energy but separate from each other so the energy would still be energy of moisture but not connected to any moisture and the moisture would have no energy but they are still the same basically you have the same thing in 2 places, its the same thing but its also not.
Fuse it by add the half of the energy of the wind (energy of air thats blowing) and half of just the air (the essence of the air not the energy meaning you separate the energy from the air totally separate it from the air meaning you have energy-less air btw don't let go of that essences) and add some of the energy of the moisture and moisture itself (these are separate from each other they're not still trying to join together again don't mix these with the other 2 that still want to be the same).
Imagine that fusion of wind,air,moisture energy, and moisture basically becoming wet and sticky wind (you'll know). Use the wet sticky wind energy and as you start to fuse you'll feel as if the two energy's (the moisture and its energy im calling them both energy's for simplicity) are trying to come back together slow them down and let them do it but stop when they just start to mix and fuse back then move the sticky air between the 2 and make it so that it acts as a wall between the energy of moisture and the actual moisture so that the parts that touched are fused and its the same again but still different as the sticky wind is keeping it slightly seperate while still wanting to be whole
Now use your actual psy and surround that mixture and have it fill in any gaps in energy then shell that psy and gather air(with its energy) and make it gather around the outside of the shell and change it so that it feels attracted to the inside of the first shell while being held out by the shell. Now make another shell around the air with psy and shell it to keep that air inside charge the air once its inside with energy and also make the inside of the second shell so that it push's the air aginst the first shell from all directions
Feel the energy of the sticky wind inside the first shell and the energy of the air inside the second shell now i imagine a small (thimble sized about) filter on both sides of the first shell imagine that the air inside the second shell is flowing into the first and changing into stickywind while at the same time make 2 holes on each side of the second shell that attract and draw in air and moisture from outside the shells into the second shell and becoming moisture while not mixing with the sticky wind or moisture already there. Then basically fire it up into the sky after you have it stable enough that it can function on its own. If there are clouds around already
Aim the psy ball at it and shoot it into the cloud and tell it to stay the air and moisture will collect into the first shell and become sticky wind which holds it together and moisture which will fall to the ground when you finally fire the ball change the shells structure from wall like to elastic and stretchy like rubber but more thick and durable also tell the ball how much moisture to gather (ie if you want a storm to come fast imagine it getting stormy fast and raining really hard or you want it to storm a long time imagine it gathering a lot of energy fast and raining slowly or such and such).
Telling it how much moisture to gather before releasing will dictate the weather but is also affected by other weather conditions that are already there. If there's a natural storm coming and you add this to it that storm will be veeeery big. Its also effected by how dense the energy is packed and it could have cause different weather based on where the holes and filter's are
For your first try make the thing a sphere and place the filters and holes that absorb the air and moisture on diffenernt sides but at the same lvl. This is all dictated by you how much control you have how much you can think ahead for how much power you can handle.
You will need to make the energy of the shells able to expand while still containing it but have a limit to how much it can hold in before breaking. The results may vary tho depending on how much moisture is already around, how hot it is and fast the wind is blowing already.
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3267 - Delsin Rowe Smoke Power
Chant: "Fire and smoke bind together build my power now or never. May my speed increase by 10% and may my mind help in ways that bend. Help me gian this power and together I will live forever. I wish for the smoke dash ability. So mote it be".
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3268 - Bring the Worst in Someone
Say: "(Name) will do something horrible ( she/he) has done me wrong, revenge is mine so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3269 - Vision Through Anothers Eyes
Just sit in a dark space where you won't be distracted by anything or anyone. Think of the person in your head, picture their face, place your index and middle fingers on both hand at your temples and think about the person. Just say their name repeatedly in a soft whisper too yourself and concentrate with your eyes closed. Keep thinking about that person and only him/her and it should work
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3270 - Fairy Wings
Get a glass full of water, stir in the food coloring of your choice. Pour out the water onto the ground while moving your hands in circular movements. Then chant:
"Fairy of the high sky please grow me wings the color -----."
Last edited on Aug 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.