7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Controlling Aura Balls
- Wolf Blood
- Unlock your Aura
- Release Tension Spell
- Tiger Transformation
- Animal Follower Spell
- Strength with Fire Control
- Erruption
- New Life With Friend
- Subtle Feeling
#3391 - Controlling Aura Balls
Now that you've unlocked your aura, lets put it to use! This one is short and simple but be careful please! So remember your aura. Close your eyes and think of how you reached out and grabbed the ball of energy representing your aura. Think of that ball and don't get your mind off of it.
Now sense all of the energy flowing through your body. Feel it. Try to control that energy and let it all flow into your feet. Once you feel it all drain from your upper body, control that energy to stay where it is. After you feel ready, take that energy, and try to move it up to your hands. If your hands and fingers feel heavy or tingly, then you know you're doing it right. This step is usually the hardest because the energy naturally refuses all to fit into your two hands. Once you have successfully completed this task (you most likely wont get it on the first try) then lift your hands and shape them as if your holding a ball. Let the energy escape through your finger tips to the space between your hands.
Once you feel there is enough energy in the space (and don't use all of it especially on your first try because it won't work probably and you'll have to wait for enough energy to return to do it again) you may attempt to throw or shoot the aura ball. There are many variations of throwing the aura ball, but for amateurs, throw the ball as if you're shooting a basketball straight forward. Any other way will most likely fail.
Once you've accomplished to high our target such as a person or object (the person will tell you if they feel anything and the object may make some change in position or such) then you may advance to one-handed throwing of the aura ball. This requires a lot of focus and energy and a prepared target. Just focus on throwing or shooting the aura from your hand and be prepared for anything.
It will probably fail the first try but keep practicing! Once you have mastered throwing aura balls and techniques suggested, try finding others! And please be careful and don't hurt anyone! The model fact is the stronger your aura! Good luck!
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3392 - Wolf Blood
Light the white candle then put it on your left and the black candle on your right.Chant 10x: "Gods and Goddesses listen to my plea,I wish to be a wolfblood,I shall be in control of my transformations and myself in my wolf form.I can transform whoever I want just by a bite or scratch.The transformation will take up to 2 hours."
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3393 - Unlock your Aura
First, close your eyes. Relax and remove all thoughts from your mind. Pretend you're in a room. The room is completely white. There is nothing in the room; no furniture, no decorations, just plain blank white.
On the other side of the room, you notice, is a door. The door is also plain white. Now make yourself head over towards the door. Now, reach out your hand and firmly grasp the doorknob. Feel the cold dry metal under your palm. Even though its in your mind, still pretend that you are actually feeling all of this. Feel like you're experiencing this all yourself in reality.
You should now open the door. There is another room. This one is completely black. You cannot see the walls or the floor or anything. It looks like just an empty space. In the center of the room is a stand. It's bright white contrasting from the rest of the room.
On top of the stand is an orb. That orb is the first color that comes to mind. Keep that color and do not change it unless that color is naturally changing from the beginning, which is highly unlikely. Reach towards that orb. No matter how hard it is to grasp it in your mind, take hold of the orb and hold tight. And remember to stay relaxed during this whole thing. As soon as you can reach the orb and you grab it, open your eyes.
Congratulations. You have successfully taken hold of your aura. You can now control it in more ways than you can fathom. Good luck!
Last edited on Jan 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3394 - Release Tension Spell
Ripples and strife,
Problems in life,
Smooth out the peace,
May our troubles cease.
Then put the glass in a place where it won't be disturbed.
#3395 - Tiger Transformation
To turn into a tiger you must follow these steps:
Take the picture of the tiger and place it beside you. Hold the item that relates to a tiger in your hand while you recite the spell. On verse one, in the blank you must say your name. On verse three in the blanks you must describe your animal (example: Loving,Furry, Purring). On verse four in the blank you must say what animal you want to be
"My name is _____ and I will be,
The animal I was always meant to be.
The ____, ___, and ___ creature,
Known as a tiger."
To turn back into a human again remove the photo from from your side. Don't hold the item in your hand anymore. Place item related to human by your side. Think this in your head:
"My name is _____ and I will be,
The wonderful woman/man I used to be,
With only two hands and only two feet."
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3396 - Animal Follower Spell
Take a piece of fur/feather/scale of the animal, or related to, and put it in a bowl of moss and ground up oak leaves.
Then draw your animal as best as possible (color it in), or find a picture and print it.
Write on the back:
Take the paper and tear it apart, then mix it in with the fur/feather/scale and the moss and leaves.
Find a seed or nut, and dig a hole somewhere near the forest. Burry the mixture and the seed/nut. When burried, say
O' Holy witches, O' Holy warlocks
O' Holy spirits, O' Holy gods
Take my wish, make it true
Take my follower, have it made from you
In time that passes, let this plant grow
Once a seedling sprouts, I will know
Basicaly it's saying to have the witches, warlocks, spirits, and gods work together and make your animal follower, and when a seedling sprouts, your animal will be here.
Now, you do have to water the plant and stuff, make sure it gets sunlight. Also take a stone with you(explaination below) Everytime you water it, repeat the spell above.
When the plant sprouts, say
O' Holy witches, O' Holy warlocks
O' Holy spirits, O' Holy gods
My friend is here, thank you all
Take this stone And decorate your halls
As you say it, take the stone and burry it with the plant.
To keep your animal, continue to water your plant. Once the plant dies, your animal will get sick. You must feed it the plant to save it and continue it's life.
Remember: Only you can see your animal. Don't tell any humans about it, or they'll likely burn you at the stakes: literaly.
#3397 - Strength with Fire Control
If this didn't work then message me.
#3398 - Erruption
Either sit comfortably cross legged on the ground or in a fighting postion. Draw upon the earth from your root chart till you draw energy from the core of the earth. Release in a volcanic blast of energies
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3399 - New Life With Friend
On the piece of paper write a description of what both of you want to look like. Make sure it is VERY detailed. Both of you sit in front of each other criss cross apple sauce with your hands connected. Place the paper in the middle then both say at the same time:
"God and goddesses we ask you grant our wish of creating a new life with each other."
Then one person at a time recite the description of yourself. After your done together say" so mote it be"
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3400 - Subtle Feeling
This is designed to allow you to feel subtle things, also teaches you to place your concentration on a specific area, which is handy for future 'spells' i will write. I will try not to use specific symbolism as much as possible, I will also try not tell you WHAT to feel as much as i can, so that you can not convince yourself to feel specific things, and instead feel what comes.
Sit down in a comfortable position, but one that will allow your stomach room to expand, do not stand, and do not sit on rough places. You do not want the pressure of the hard ground to make your concentration waver.
Begin to concentrate on the lowest part of your stomach, the area bellow the navel but not too far down. Take deep breaths, and try to bring the air into that area, allow the area to expand naturally. (The air wont go there, it will stay in your lungs, but make the effort. Most likely the area will expand naturally as an effect of you breathing into the diaphragm area). Soon you should get a rhythm going with your breathing.
Try your hardest to feel everything that goes on in that area, don't worry about the accuracy, just focus. Feel the expansion, but not just the skin on the outside, include the hollowness expanding it creates. If you get any other feelings, not them and move on. Do not carry through with them unless you feel like you must.
When you can feel the hollowed out area clearly, or whatever else seems to be there (try not to impose feelings), then you can slowly stop and bring your concentration back to whatever. If you feel a need to end this ritualistically you can, i just do not think it is necessary as you haven't done anything.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.