7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Eternal Binding
- Purification
- Child of the Moon (not in English)
- Lucky Shamrock
- Beauty Be Mine
- Taking Away Pain from Injuries
- Know if a Friend is a Witch
- Wish
- Dark Protection
- A Protection Spell
#3461 - Eternal Binding
Keep in mind, this is a powerul spell. I would not suggest doing it unless you have experience in the craft.
Right, let's get to it.
First, start a fire. You don't need exactly six pieces of wood, but it looks nice in the ingredients. While the fire is burning, pour whiskey all around it. Pour one cup of Epsom salts on it, along with one shake of each herb.
While waiting, make the fire big. Try to make it as big as possible.
Next, do the same thing as the first step. Make sure all of the herbs are burnt along with the Epsom salts. Next, pour the bucket of water on the fire.
The step is the most important and crucial. You need to visualize the smoke from the fire going to the person whom you wish to bind. Make it develop their body and mind. Bind them as tight as you would tie your shoelaces when you go jogging.
Please note, one fire is equal to one binding. If you wish to bind two people at once, you need to start the fire up and do this all over again.
#3462 - Purification
Place the white candle in the middle of the bowl, and sprinkle salt all around the candle. Then say these words,
"Light as air
Cool as water
I say these words
To enchant my spirit
Light is good
Dark is bad
I cleanse myself"
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3463 - Child of the Moon (not in English)
2) arrange the moonstones around the candle and light it.
3) While the candle burns chant this seven times:
Obsecro te, obscuras,
noctis et tenebrarum,
et factus est mihi
a puero Lunae
ut fiat semper
This should change you to have the features of a creature of the night. This is some powerful magic and should not be attempted by a beginner. I do not know any side-effects that may occur. Use this spell with caution, and at your own risk.
#3464 - Lucky Shamrock
Lucky shamrock
Growing wild
You know
I am your child
Green the green
of valley fair
that I may breathe
in your air.
Let all your wealth
here reside
by you I must bide
I am your child.
So mote it be!
#3465 - Beauty Be Mine
"Beauty, Beauty, Come to me!
Let it be everything I see.
Let it be everything I touch, behold!
The beauty that is mine...
So shall it be!"
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3466 - Taking Away Pain from Injuries
Run cold water for a few seconds, then let the water rich through your hands and imagine the energy from the water flow into your hand. Carefully rub where ever you want to take away the pain. And image the color of your injury washing away into your water with the pain following.
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3467 - Know if a Friend is a Witch
Place your 4 white candles around your friend (they have to be standing up). Hold their palm (whichever hand they write with) and see what the candles look like on their palm.If you can't see there veins on there palms, then they are a witch.
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3468 - Wish
Write your wish on the paper and then fold it. Hold the paper in your hand and say, "Gods and Goddesses hear my plea, grant this wish for me. My desire is strong, my will is stronger. With harm to none, this spell is bound. By the power of thee, so mote it be!"
Put the paper in a place where no one will find it and try not to think about it after casting. If there is no result try again in about two days.
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3469 - Dark Protection
On a full moon place your necklace in a bowl full of water. Say the chant "Goddess of the moon shed your light for those who have might will not fight and send your magic through the moons nightlight"
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3470 - A Protection Spell
On the night of the Full Moon, go outside or stand at a window where you have a good view of them moon - open the window if possible.
Pour the water into your Chalice and say, 'Mother Moon, please fill this chalice and this water with your energy of cleansing and protection, So Mote It Be!'
Put your talisman into the Chalice and leave outside or on the windowsill overnight.
In the morning, thank the moon for lending her energies (This is best done in your own words as it will carry your own particular energies - a simple Thank you and Blessed Be will be enough though). Remove the talisman and place it to one side to dry naturally and then, before drinking the water, say, 'I take your energy and blessings into me to strengthen the protection you have given - Blessed Be'
Once the talisman has dried, wear it or carry it for as long as you need to. If this is an object you will carry/wear constantly, this ritual will need to be repeated at every Full Moon to keep the energies at the maximum level.