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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. The Gift Of Diana: Letting Go of Past Sorrow
  2. Bless A Pet
  3. Saturn Talisman of Protection
  4. Home Cleansing
  5. A Fairy for Your Garden
  6. Book Protection
  7. Potion of Protection
  8. Aura of Clarent
  9. Emotional Influence
  10. Get Animal Chat

#4411 - The Gift Of Diana: Letting Go of Past Sorrow

When you still feel sorrow due to past experiences with others and have done all you can in the way of communication and action then come to Diana.
You may need:

  • White flowers in a vase
  • Seven white candles in holders
  • A knife
  • Metal or ceramic heavy bowl
  • Tongs
  • A spade
  • A handful of Epsom salts
  • Pen and paper
  • Censor and censor coal
  • Incense:2 parts myrrh
  • Half-part cinnamon
  • 1 part dried mint
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    You may need:

  • White flowers in a vase
  • Seven white candles in holders
  • A knife
  • Metal or ceramic heavy bowl
  • Tongs
  • A spade
  • A handful of Epsom salts
  • Pen and paper
  • Censor and censor coal
  • Incense:2 parts myrrh
  • Half-part cinnamon
  • 1 part dried mint
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    Altar: Arrange the flowers, candles and censer with the seven candles in a "half diamond" pattern, the point of the half diamond toward the back of the altar. Everything else goes to the side of the altar.

    On a night when the moon is waning, to be followed up the next morning.
    In the candle-lighting section you need to participate in and respond to the Goddess's commands, participating in the inner work that is required. This is an in-depth process that is between the Goddess and you. Be patient with your part of the process.

    Body of Ritual: Place a little incense on a lit censer coal. Wait for the smoke to rise, then say:

    "Lady, many have been my sorrows;
    Innocent gifts of love,
    And gardens of paradise,
    Battered and crushed at other's hands.

    A hand held out in trust,
    The shattered illusion of perfect human love,
    These are the dark pools of memory
    About which I pray".

    Sprinkle more incense on the coal, then say:

    "I have done what I can,
    To write, to talk, to speak the truth.
    I have done what I can,
    To banish the pain from my mind.
    But still I am injured
    And the pain still rises in my memory.
    I am in need of one more powerful than I,
    And so I pray, Diana, come and heal my soul"

    Sprinkle more incense on the coal, then say:

    "O Queen of Earth and Heaven,
    Mistress of hope and courage,
    Lady of magic that heals and mends,
    Hear my prayer.
    Help me to release these past sorrows.
    It is my desire to give up my burden.
    And so I pray, Diana, come and heal my soul".

    Sprinkle more incense on the coal, then say:

    "Lady; even in the shadow does hope ascend.
    For you now stand before me.
    Your prism-colored light seeps into my soul
    As you urge me to step out from my aging armor.
    Speak to me, O Lady who is Goddess of all things".

    Hear Her words, allow them to enter your heart as She speaks:

    "I, Diana, carry within My Divinity,
    The scales of justice
    And the sword of change.
    Listen to My words and
    I will bring you healing and peace.

    Let My commands travel deeply into your soul,
    And light will enter into darkness.
    For I am the dawn, the Mother of Morning Light,
    And I will renew your soul.
    In love and power I say
    Be brave, and prepare for change,
    Knowing that the shadow's time is at an end."

    Say: "Hail Diana" and bow your head. In the next part of this rite, respond to Her commands. Take as much time as you need to answer each one. See the goddess before you. You will be lighting seven candles, one for each command. Light the first candle on the left. Hear Diana speak:

    "Embrace the memory of your experience.
    Do not be afraid."

    Explore the memories that have continued to disturb you. Remember them, feel them. Write down key words from each situation. Light the candle to the right of the first. Hear her speak:

    "Let every hurt rise up from the pool of darkness,
    And I will take them from you."

    Review each situation again. For each hurt, allow the pain to rise up like a cloud. See it drift up and away from you. Let Diana take it, transform it into light, and then disperse it. This is important work, so do not rush. See, feel, release. Add more incense as needed.

    Light the 3rd candle. Take up the metal or ceramic bowl and the paper that you have written on. Holding one edge of the paper, light the corner. Let it burn, holding it as long as you can; then drop it into the bowl. If a small corner remains unburned, use the tongs to pick it up and relight it, or if very small, place it on the censer coal.

    Sprinkle the incense on the coal, light the 4th candle and hear Diana say:

    "Bathe in my pool of rest and renewal".

    Visualize a beautiful woodland setting with a small lake or pool of water. Feel yourself glide into comfortable waters of rest and renewal. Float in these waters, allowing your mind to remain blank. Light the 5th candle. Hear Her speak again:

    "Believe in your goodness and strength.
    Forgive your imperfections".

    See yourself rise up from her waters of renewal. Forgive your imperfections. Feel your own goodness and strength begin to radiate from you. Light the 6th candle.

    "Understand the weakness of others.
    Forgive them their imperfections".

    Call to mind those who caused you pain. Forgive them their imperfections. Place them in the hands of the Goddess. Light the 7th candle. Hear Her voice:

    "Soon to bed, and to restful sleep.
    I will watch over you tonight,
    O brave soul who is full of courage.
    To sleep, and blessed dreams attend you,
    O much-honored votary".

    Immediately following the rite, take a bath in which you have placed a handful of Epsom salts. Let the candle burn down, and then go to bed. The next morning, take a spade and dig a hold outside. Bury the ash from the burned paper and anything that is left of the censer coal. Cover this with soil, and then stamp the soil firmly with your feet, saying:

    "Fire turned to ashes,
    Ashes buried in Earth,
    Diana, the morning light,
    I, the dawn of rebirth!"

    Added to on Jun 19, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4412 - Bless A Pet

    After my first work, A Fairy Spell for Your Garden, I decided to write and post more spells! This is my second one. Still appropriate for kids!
    You may need:

  • A red crayon, pencil or ink
  • A piece of paper
  • Outside
  • 3 bay leaves (protection herb)
  • Your pet
  • A special treat for your pet
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    You may need:

  • A red crayon, pencil or ink
  • A piece of paper
  • Outside
  • 3 bay leaves (protection herb)
  • Your pet
  • A special treat for your pet
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    Using a red crayon, pencil or ink, draw a picture of your pet and write their name below it. Draw 3 red circles around the picture and the name. Go outside with your pet and bury the drawing in the earth along with 3 bay leaves. Then, wrap your arms around your pet, or hold it if its small enough, and say these words:

    God and Goddess, wise and old,
    Bless this creature that I hold.

    Afterward, be sure to give your pet a special treat.

    Added to on Jun 19, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4413 - Saturn Talisman of Protection

    This my method on how to make a protection talisman using the planetary influences of Planet Saturn.
    You may need:

  • White A4 Paper
  • element representations
  • Chosen circle casting equipment
  • Black pen
  • Ref. table/symbols of saturn
  • Sandwitch bag or clingfilm
  • Stapler or Sellotape
  • Basil
  • 1 Cinnamon stick or ground
  • 1 Star Anise
  • Mint
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    You may need:

  • White A4 Paper
  • element representations
  • Chosen circle casting equipment
  • Black pen
  • Ref. table/symbols of saturn
  • Sandwitch bag or clingfilm
  • Stapler or Sellotape
  • Basil
  • 1 Cinnamon stick or ground
  • 1 Star Anise
  • Mint
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    For this Talisman, were are going to include the planetary influences, so that when you are making this talisman, it should be during the hour of Saturn. It doesn't necessarily have to be made on the day of Saturn (Saturday) though it would be better, but it must made during the hour of Saturn.

    It is also a good idea to make this either on the Waning or New moon.

    1: The first thing you should do, is make a small herb parcel to go inside the Talisman.

    for this break up cinnamon stick and the star anise into the sandwich bag, and maybe add a teaspoon each of Basil and Mint it's up to you. When you are handling the herbs, your mind should be full of the intention of protection.

    Wrap up the herbs in the clingfilm or sandwich bag and secure with staples or sellotape and spend a few moments focussing on Planet Saturn and the intention of protection.

    2: Next take the A4 sheet of paper and fold it in half length-ways before folding it into thirds. Now insert one flap into the other and make a small fold at the opening and you have now made the envelope that your packet will go in.

    3: Now it is time to draw the table and symbols.

    On the side opposite the flaps, you should draw the Table of Saturn (You should be able to Google search it easily enough).

    Right above the table you should write a 3, to right of the table you should write a 9, to the left of the table you should writ a 15 and right below the table, you should write a 45.

    Also write your name (Or whoever the talisman is for) and the astrological symbol of Saturn.

    Now flip the talisman over to the other side. Here you should draw the Astrological sign of Saturn, the Seal of Saturn and the Intelligence Sigil of Saturn.

    And your Talisman is now drawn.

    4: Now your ready to charge the talisman. First clear a space and cast a circle, during which you will set your element representation at each corresponding direction; for me I use corresponding crystals.

    The first task is ti charge the Table of Saturn. To do this, visualize yourself drawing up the energy from the Earth Energy, through your body and out your fingers. Draw your right index over each line, horizontal and vertical, and imagine that you are packing energy into each line. Next point your finger at each number on the table and let your energy flow into each one.

    Next flip over your talisman and do this same with all of the signs by drawing over the lines and packing energy into them

    Remember to focus on Saturn and the intent of Protection as well.

    5: Now the final step is to consecrate your Talisman. i do this by holding my talisman over each representation and asking that element to bless and charge my talisman of protection. I always start with North (Earth) and work my way around clockwise.

    When you are finished hold your Talisman up to the sky and imagine Saturn's energy beaming down and filling your talisman, while focussing on the intent of protection.

    Added to on Jun 19, 2013
    Last edited on Oct 10, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4414 - Home Cleansing

    This is a spell that worked well for me, that I made for the purpose of cleansing the House of Negative energy.
    You may need:

  • White Paper
  • 1 light blue pen
  • Moonstone
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    You may need:

  • White Paper
  • 1 light blue pen
  • Moonstone
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    This is best done on a Monday, on the hour of the Moon, while the New Moon is in Cancer, but this is optional and you do not have to incorporate the start sign or planetary influences but please do this spell in either the new moon or waning moon.

    First take your pen and the piece of paper and draw a symbols of what you think represents a cleansing/purification symbols. For me I combined the Symbol of Cancer, the moon, the Wiccan symbols of water and the Japanese Kanji Symbol of water.

    Clear a space, set your altar and cast your circle. Hold your Moonstone in your left hand with the Symbol resting on top and point your right index at the paper. Visualise yourself drawing up the energy from the Earth, up your body, down your arm/finger and onto the paper. draw over the symbol line with your finger whilst imagining you are filling the lines with Energy.

    Now hold the stone and paper in both hands and imagine the energy filling and cleansing the whole house. At the same time state this incantation:

    'Oh! Dear God and Goddess, "Come to thee" I tell.
    To summon both thou presences, to aid me in thy spell.
    In the dark of the moon of new, I speak out this rune.
    In the hope of blessing, and cleansing thy home soon.
    In this cleansing spell, let thy home be pure and fair.
    Dispel all negativity, Earth, Water, Fire and Air.
    Element of Water, fluid, calm and refreshing.
    Let your energy flow, into thy home cleansing.
    Why thy home cleansed, of all negativity.
    And as thy will, So mote it be!'

    You can even say this incantation twice for clarity. The most important part is intent; it may be helpful to imagine water flowing through your house, washing away all of the negative energy

    Added to on Jun 19, 2013
    Last edited on Oct 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4415 - A Fairy for Your Garden

    If you have a garden, you can call fairies of the garden for help and give blessings to your garden. I got this spell from
    You may need:

  • A smooth piece of rock
  • Your garden
  • Crumbs of cookie or cake
  • One doll size cup of root beer (fairy ale)
  • Candle (type used on birthday cakes)
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    You may need:

  • A smooth piece of rock
  • Your garden
  • Crumbs of cookie or cake
  • One doll size cup of root beer (fairy ale)
  • Candle (type used on birthday cakes)
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    Write these words on a smooth rock:

    "Fairies flitting to and fro
    Bless this garden
    Help it grow".

    Place the rock in your garden. Put a few crumbs of cookies or cake in your garden. And put the doll size cup of root beer (fairy ale) beside the rock as an offering. Light the candle as it type used on birthday cakes. Drip a bit of melted wax on the rock to stick the candle on with.

    Repeat the words on your mouth and toss a bit of gold glitter in the air. (a bit embarrassing but you are doing it in your garden alone so don't worry.) Sit with the candle until it goes out. If you are very still and very quiet, you may glimpse a fairy peeking at you between some leaves or behind a flower!

    Added to on Jun 19, 2013
    Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4416 - Book Protection

    This is a spell that worked well for me that was made to protect my Book of Shadows from other people and from being damaged.
    You may need:

  • Purple paper
  • Black Pen
  • Clear Quartz Crystal
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    You may need:

  • Purple paper
  • Black Pen
  • Clear Quartz Crystal
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    This spell is best done on a Friday on the hour of Venus, while the Waning Moon or New Moon in Taurus but this is optional and you don't have to incorporate Astrological influences if you don't want to.

    The first step in casting the spell is to prepare a meaningful symbol and draw it on your purple paper with your black pen. For me I combined the Symbols of the Pentacle, Taurus, Venus, the Wiccan symbol of Earth and the Japanese Kanji symbol of Earth.

    The main thing is to create a symbol that has a meaning of protection for you, for me I use the Symbols of element of Earth and the Astrological signs associated with the spell.

    Once you have done this, open you Book of Shadows at the page where your spell is kept (Mine is near the front) and place your paper in the centre with your right hand resting on top, with the Clear Quartz under your hand.

    Visualise yourself drawing energy up from the Earth, up your body, through your arms, crystal and into the book. Imagine the energy spreading and seeping through the pages throughout the whole book.

    Whilst you are doing this state the incantation below:

    'Oh! Dear God and Goddess,
    Please answer to thee.
    I a-summon you to me,
    To let this spell be.
    *In the light of the Waning Moon*,
    Let this spell dispel this noon,
    All forms of ill-intent
    And negativity soon.
    Let this book be protected,
    From all those who stare.
    Let no damage upon these pages,
    Earth, Water, Fire and Air
    Element of Earth,
    Ever-lasting and stable be.
    Let your energy flow,
    Into thy book through me.
    Everlasting Earthy Taurus,
    Stable and protective.
    Let this spell never wane,
    Unlike the moon respective.
    With thy book protected,
    For all eternity.
    And as thy will,
    So mote it be!'

    *Replace with 'In the dark of the moon of new' when it is done during the New Moon* You can also take out the Taurus and Moon lines if you are not bothered about the astrological influences. You can say the incantation twice for Clarity

    Spend a moment focusing on your energy flow until you are satisfied. Now you can keep the piece of paper by attaching it to the spell page (Or slipping it inside the pocket with the spell page if using a folder) and it will also act like a protective Talisman

    Added to on Jun 18, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4417 - Potion of Protection

    This is a Mint and Basil infusion made with the intention of protection.
    You may need:

  • Amethyst or Clear Quartz (Optional)
  • 1 pint of water
  • 1 1/2 tsp Basil
  • 1 1/2 tsp Mint
  • Tea strainer
  • Teapot or ceramic pot with a lid
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    You may need:

  • Amethyst or Clear Quartz (Optional)
  • 1 pint of water
  • 1 1/2 tsp Basil
  • 1 1/2 tsp Mint
  • Tea strainer
  • Teapot or ceramic pot with a lid
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    Preparing the Crystal Elixer
    The first step is to make your crystal elixer. You do this by first attuning, cleansing, charging and programming the crystal with the intention of protection. To attune the crystal to yourself, place the crystal in your least dominant hand until you feel at though you start to connect and become one with your crystal. To cleanse you can either; rinse it under running water, smudging with a smudge stick, use incense or even use sound energy etc/

    To charge the crystal you can leave it in sunlight for a couple of hours, sit it in the moonlight over-night, charge it with energy or even use sound (Though I prefer this as a cleansing method) etc. Once you are finished, you then place the crystal inside a jug with a pint of water and let it sit in the sun for 1-2 hours.

    The infusion
    This is actually really easy make as all an infusion is, is a tea thats steeped for longer but the most important part of this potion is intent. When you are making the infusion, imagine that you are forcing your thoughts with the intention of protection into the herbs, boiling tea; even speak out loud the intention if you want. You could even visualise positive, white energy pouring into your ingredients as you prepare.

    Anyway, as for the infusion:

    • First put 1 1/2 tsp of mint and 1 1/2 tsp of Basil together into your tea pot.
    • Put your 1 pint of water/crystal elixir into a kettle and boil it.
    • Once the water has boiled, immediately pour it into the tea pot and close the lid.
    • Once the herbs have steeped for 10-15 minutes, strain the liquid into a cup and put the remainder in a bottle for later.

    Infusions dont keep for very long and are best consumed on the day but they can last up to 2 days in the fridge. Also try not to consume too much at once, you could span it out by having a cup in the morning, noon and evening and boil it in a an if you prefer your tea hot.

    You could also add a teaspoon of honey if you find it's too bitter for you.

    Added to on Jun 18, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4418 - Aura of Clarent

    This Alchemic Transmutation is designed after the sword Clarent, twin brother to Excalibur, which gives great power and knowledge to its wielder when in need.
    You may need:

  • Fire-type Aura (optional)
  • Auric Knowledge
  • Aura power charged (do not use if tired!)
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    You may need:

  • Fire-type Aura (optional)
  • Auric Knowledge
  • Aura power charged (do not use if tired!)
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    -Breath deeply and fully. Imagine the Sword of Clarent. Imagine it however you want, but be sure that the blade has a flame-like aura on it. Imagine this aura shrouding you and cloaking you in fire.


    -Take in the energy and pool it all together into your heart Chakra. Let it rest there for a moment then carry the energy down to your Solar Plexus. Once there, let the energy radiate and glow in a vibrant flash of light similar to the sun. Feel the heat of the light run along your limps and course throughout your body. Smell the fragrance of burnt leaves and orange zest with some cinnamon spice. (The scent is important. It is Clarent's signature scent)

    -Now pool it all together and bind every bit of the energy into your Solar Plexus ad refuse to let it go. Imagine storing a star within your Solar Plexus. Feel the great heat try to escape, but with no avail. Hold this as long as possible. Premature release results in fatigue. Your body should be cold.

    (TEST-Feel your skin. all areas except your Solar Plexus should be cold while your Solar Plexus should be extremely hot. This tells you that the energy is ready.)


    -Release the bonds on the energy and let it explode into a brilliant flame of orange and red. Let Clarent's smell fill the air again. Let the newly-born flames rage along your body. (You should feel really hot) Let the energy continue to surge, even past your body. Commonly, people in the vicinity feel warm and sometimes blinded. (really helpful in combat) When ever you use your aura, imagine using Clarent's aura instead.

    To Release the Aura - Summon Excalibur. Let your body instantly cool, dousing Clarent. (Has to be with Excalibur. Excalibur is the only power that stands against Clarent.)

    With enough skill, you can actually store Clarent's aura within your Solar Plexus and call upon it when needed without going through the Transmutation, but that energy still needs to be replenished.

    I've used this many times. It should work with enough practice.

    For more Aura Transmutations or Spells, feel freee to message me with special requests.

    Good Luck, Blessed Be.

    Added to on Jun 17, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4419 - Emotional Influence

    This spell is one to influence the emotions of those around you. It is not to be used for vicious, or malevolent intent. It will most likely have negative effects on the caster if you use it for such purposes.
    You may need:

  • Your mind
  • Your voice
  • 1 black pen
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    You may need:

  • Your mind
  • Your voice
  • 1 black pen
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    First draw a pentagram on the inside of your wrist right below the palm

    Think about representations of your desired emotion, do this until you are in a deep meditation with only that thought. Think of the persons emotion you wish to altar, visualize their emotion changing, and the pentagram ensnaring their mind and bending their emotions.

    Know that their emotion is changing, dont just think it, and enforce your will on them.

    Added to on Jun 17, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4420 - Get Animal Chat

    Get animal chat and speak with the animals.
    You may need:

  • Pencil/Pen
  • Paper
  • Your Voice
  • You
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    You may need:

  • Pencil/Pen
  • Paper
  • Your Voice
  • You
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    Draw a pictue of a animal, any animal. Then say:

    ''Fluff'n'Scruff! Striped hair of cat! Abracadabra! Give me animal chat!

    Then see if you can chat with animals!

    Added to on Jun 17, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters