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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7130 Spiritual Spells
7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Undo Unknown Spell
  2. Unraveling
  3. Away, Annoying People
  4. Make a Wand
  5. Banish Ill Health
  6. Banishing Spell to stop Harm
  7. Rid yourself of a Bothersome Spirit
  8. Dream Protection
  9. Gain Energy
  10. Fire Blast

#6041 - Undo Unknown Spell

To remove a cure put on you by someone unknown to you.
You may need:

  • None just the power of your mind.
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    You may need:

  • None just the power of your mind.
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    Spell and magick be gone (say this three times)

    "That has been placed on me by person(s) known or unknown to me.
    Go back from whence you came.
    Remain with whom you came from,
    be with who you were sent by."

    Then visualize a pyramid going over you.

    "I am under universal light and universal protection
    Nothing less then universal perfection can touch me were I am
    The forces of this spell do leave So mote it be."

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    #6042 - Unraveling

    A spell to unravel a problem.
    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • Scissors
  • Small knitted clothing article
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    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • Scissors
  • Small knitted clothing article
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    Inscribe the candle with your problem, then draw a question mark beneath the inscription.

    Light the candle and say:
    "Problem, problem, melt away.
    Solutions come to me today."

    Snip a thread at the edge of the knitted piece and pull the yarn to unravel it. Say:
    "Knitted thread, as you unwind,
    Problems can no longer bind."
    Wind the yarn into a ball saying:
    "As I smooth you to a ball,
    Solutions rise come one and all."

    Alternate unraveling and winding with the appropriate chants. The solution will come by the time all the yarn is wound.

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    #6043 - Away, Annoying People

    To make an annoying person talking to you suddenly stop and walk away.
    You may need:

  • Wand (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Wand (optional)
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    Say in your head or in a small whisper: "Make this person go away, he/she is interrupting my whole day". If you have a wand, point it towards the intended person.

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    #6044 - Make a Wand

    This will instruct you on how to make a wand from an ordinary stick. Very easy.
    You may need:

  • 1 stick
  • 1 candle (any color)
  • 1 crystal (any kind)
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    You may need:

  • 1 stick
  • 1 candle (any color)
  • 1 crystal (any kind)
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    First, lightly drag your crystal across your wand from the left then to the right. Then, light your candle and hold you soon to be wand in the palms of your hands over the flames, but high enough so it doesn't burn it. Then either chant aloud or think these words.

    "Spirit of fire I call to thee
    Bless this wand for me.
    Magic is what I need this for,
    Give it to me.
    I ask no more.
    So mote it be."

    Then take the crystal again and drag it across the wand again, but this time from the right to the left.

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    #6045 - Banish Ill Health

    This is a very short, quick and simple spell to do in order to remove ill health from another person.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    This is a very short, quick and simple spell to do.It can be done anywhere at any time (though during the waning period of the moon is best as that is the time for banishing magic).

    All you need is yourself, an intent, a person in mind (it helps to have a picture of them if it is difficult for you to visualize them) and your finger ( I'll explain).

    Draw a banishing pentagram in the air with your index finger. This is done by drawing a five pointed star backwards (the opposite direction you would normally draw it, not upside-down) Draw it while saying: "Let this pentagram banish all ill health and negativity from (the persons name)".There is no specific number of times you repeat this process, it becomes as many as you feel is enough.

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    #6046 - Banishing Spell to stop Harm

    This will protect without causing the person bound any harm.
    It is not a dark spell but a very potent protective one.
    You may need:

  • 1 black taper or image candle (gender depends on who you are trying to bind)
  • nail
  • a large piece of black cloth
  • red ribbon cotton
  • needle and thread
  • Banishing oil
  • loose tobacco
  • a small mirror that can stand by itself
  • If you can obtain hair or nail clippings from the person or a picture, you can use it in this spell.
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    You may need:

  • 1 black taper or image candle (gender depends on who you are trying to bind)
  • nail
  • a large piece of black cloth
  • red ribbon cotton
  • needle and thread
  • Banishing oil
  • loose tobacco
  • a small mirror that can stand by itself
  • If you can obtain hair or nail clippings from the person or a picture, you can use it in this spell.
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    Fold the felt in half and cut out a rough shape of the person you want to bind.
    Make the figure large enough so that you will be able to stuff it after you have sewn it together.
    Sew the pieces of the poppet together, leaving a hole through which you can stuff the poppet.
    Fill it with cotton and tobacco, and if you have the hair or nail clippings of the person, add those to it.
    Once it is filled, sew the opening closed. If you have a picture of the person,
    staple or sew it to the front of the poppet.
    Next, care the name of the person onto the black candle with the nail and add these runes:
    Thuraz, Isa, Eihwas, a dark filled in circle to represent the dark moon,
    bars like you will see in a jail, and a widdershins (anticlockwise) spiral.
    Anoint the candle and the poppet with the oil.
    Cast a circle, invoke the elements, God or Goddess you are working with.
    Light the altar candles.
    Light the black candle and adjust the mirror so that flame is reflected in the glass.
    Hold the poppet out in front of you and say:
    ''Creature of cloth thou art,
    Creature of flesh and blood you be.
    I name you (name of the person you are binding).
    No more shall you do me harm.
    No more shall you repeat false tales.
    No more shall you interfere in my life, nor in the lives of my loved ones.
    By the power of the Gods and by my will, So mote it be!''
    Draw an invoking pentagram over the poppet.
    Now take the ribbon and begin to wrap the poppet like a mummy,
    leaving no space unwrapped. Say:
    ''I bind your feet from bringing harm to me.
    I bind your hands from reaching out to harm me.
    I bind your mouth from spreading false tales to harm me.
    I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me.
    If you do so continue, let all negative energy be cast and reflected directly at you!''
    Tie off the ribbon and hold the poppet in front of the mirror while you visualize all negative
    energy this person has sent to you being reflected back at them.
    Wrap the poppet in the black cloth and tie with another length of ribbon. Say:
    ''Great Mother, I have bound this person
    from harming me and my loved ones.
    By the powers of three times three
    By Earth and Fire, Air and Sea
    I fix this spell, then set it free
    Twill give no harm to return to me
    As I will, So mote it be!''
    Let the candle burn out while the poppet sits at its base, then take the poppet
    and the remains of the candle far from your home and bury it deep in the ground
    or toss it in the ocean and walk away without looking back.

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    #6047 - Rid yourself of a Bothersome Spirit

    To help remove a bothersome spirit.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Before starting place your hand before you, and start the flow of power out of your hand and then say the words, letting the envisioned blue-white light from your power hand fill the room or house or any other place that you might be.

    Say "What is dark be filled with light, remove this spirit from my sight."

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    #6048 - Dream Protection

    To protect you from your biggest fears when you are dreaming.
    You may need:

  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (or another fruit juice)
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil
  • 1 light weight cauldron (a glass bowl works too)
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 2 black or red candles (1 of each works best)
  • 1 pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (or another fruit juice)
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil
  • 1 light weight cauldron (a glass bowl works too)
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 2 black or red candles (1 of each works best)
  • 1 pen
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    Mix the lemon juice, sea salt, and oil into your cauldron. Place the cauldron in front of you on the floor. Sit comfortably and place the candles beside the cauldron (red on left, black on right.) Rip the piece of paper in half then set it aside.

    Light both candles, left one first. Now close your eyes and visualize a sphere.In the middle of the sphere, visualize yourself stuck inside, trying to get out. See the black and red candles burning around you. Watch as the candles spin around you,getting faster each time they pass. Then see yourself magickally being released.

    On one piece of paper, draw a picture of what you saw. On the other, write down your biggest fear. Light both pieces of paper on fire, using the black for the written half, red for the drawing.Then throw them into your cauldron. Take the cauldron outside and pour it (paper and all) into a hole in the ground. Cover the hole with dirt. The spell is done.

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    #6049 - Gain Energy

    This spell is to help you gain energy
    You may need:

  • 1 bright red or orange candle
  • A spicy incense
  • A glass of clear pure cold water
  • A bowl of sea salt
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    You may need:

  • 1 bright red or orange candle
  • A spicy incense
  • A glass of clear pure cold water
  • A bowl of sea salt
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    If is sunny out you may want to start the spell by going outside for a few minutes and breathing in some fresh air. Sit in front of the candle and say:
    "Give me energy to happily complete the task I have been given to do.
    I will feel better for having done it. The completion of the task will be my reward."

    Sprinkle the sea salt around the candle.
    "Give me strength, O sacred Earth."
    Pass your hand near the candle and say
    "Give me strength O sacred Fire."

    Pass your hand through the smoke.
    "Give me strength, O sacred Air."
    Drink the water down and say
    "Give me strength O sacred water."
    Now immediately get up and go do your task.

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    #6050 - Fire Blast

    Uses molded energy to burn the energy system of the target.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Tools to aid concentration (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Tools to aid concentration (optional)
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    This spell has to be done with the target within sight.

    Gather as much energy as you can given the circumstances. Take the energy gathered and change it so that it behaves like fire. A useful visualization for this is to imagine the energy burning without hurting you.

    Now that the energy is shaped to be a spiritual fire, you need to infuse it with the desire to harm. This is easiest to do by focusing on your hatred or dislike of anything, as the energy tends to react quickly to such intent.

    The energy is now prepped to be used as an attack. You can either just ''throw'' the energy at the target in a blast, or you can shape it further into a shape to allow you to control it as it attacks the target. Ex, a snake to coil around them and burn as it squeezes their energy system.

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters