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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Large Area Ward
  2. Rain to Shine
  3. Against Psychic Attack
  4. Elemation
  5. Blood Star
  6. Dream Walking
  7. Rain Stop
  8. Banish Evil Spirits and Negative engery
  9. Sunlight Protection
  10. House Protection Spell (Women Only)

#6051 - Large Area Ward

This ward is used to protect your home from those with malicious intent.
You may need:

  • Symbol your relate to gathering energy
  • A large area
  • Any tools with symbolic use to ease the focus needed
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    You may need:

  • Symbol your relate to gathering energy
  • A large area
  • Any tools with symbolic use to ease the focus needed
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    Gather as much energy as you can and walk the perimeter of the area you wish to ward, laying down a line of energy the entire way around until you get back to your starting point. Be sure to keep focus on the energy you laid in the line, as you will need to shape it after you make your way around.

    After you come back to your starting position, smooth the energy into a solid line, going around the entire perimeter. Then, extend the energy into a dome shape over the building you are warding (for exceptionally tall buildings, you would be better off making a cylinder rather than a dome).

    Once the shape is created, focus on the feeling you get from those you want to ward against and focus on making the ward identify such individuals.

    Now that the trigger is set, focus on making the ward do what you want it to do upon being triggered while focusing this only happening once the trigger is activated.

    Finally, to keep the ward from collapsing without your constant attention, trace the symbol you chose that you associate with gathering energy and tie the ward to it. This prevents the ward from dissipating without your attention as well as slowing ward decay.

    Every once in a while, you need to check the ward, as it will eventually start to decay. The time this takes is based on how well you cast it and how much energy it absorbs to keep itself working. Some can last for over a year without upkeep, while others need refreshing every few days.

    To refresh the ward, recharge its energy through the spot you traced the symbol.

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    Last edited on Sep 17, 2016
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    #6052 - Rain to Shine

    A spell to make it go from pouring rain to bright sunshine.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Look out the window while it is raining and say, "Clouds have brought the cold to stay. Make it a warm and sunny day". Repeat at least three more times.

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    Last edited on Sep 17, 2016
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    #6053 - Against Psychic Attack

    Protection against a psychic attack.
    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Red Candle
  • 1 Black Candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Red Candle
  • 1 Black Candle
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    Light the candle on your altar.

    Imagine a blue ball of energy inside the candles. Caress the candles as you chant:

    "Goddess of Three, I call upon thee,
    to protect from those who wish to harm me.
    Keep them from using the gift from thee,
    keep them from using thy gift to harm me."

    When you finish chanting, imagine the blue ball exploding into lines of blue.
    Imagine the lines surrounding you and wrapping you in warm blue energy.
    See the blue light as a shield. Know that it is unbreakable.
    Think about how it is the Goddess' Light protecting you.
    Then put the candles someplace where they can burn undisturbed and let them burn themselves.
    Sending all the energy into your shield. This spell is best performed during the full moon.
    For longer effects you can make it a seven-day spell.

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    #6054 - Elemation

    This isn't a spell it is a type of meditation to increase your energy, chakra and chi.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Elemation is a type of meditation that is used to build up your chakra, chi and energy.

    To do this start by sitting in the meditating position and breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. clear your mind from all off them troubles you have and just relax make sure your mind is blank when you do this. Now you need too listen to the noises around you listen to them all at once weather it is your clock, people walking up and down the stairs, even your breathing, the air, water, earth, basically try your best too hear all the elements at once and the other sounds at once then your ears should become sensitive to sound you should hear sound far far away what you wouldn't normally be able to do.

    You can do this as long as you can you will become extremely tired if the meditation is done correct. You should become very sleepy and weak do not worry this is just because you have refreshed your energy and chakra and chi is been at work.

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    Last edited on Sep 23, 2016
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    #6055 - Blood Star

    This is a powerful black magick spell. I have done this spell myself so if you have any questions feel free to ask. When you do this spell you can not, I repeat CAN NOT break this promise!
    You may need:

  • Sharp blade
  • The person your doing it with
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    You may need:

  • Sharp blade
  • The person your doing it with
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    In a quiet place sit in front of the person who is also making the promise. When your ready say "Zotz king and god of sacrifice, a promise under your name be made!" Using the blade cut half a star onto the other persons left arm, lick their blood off, then have the other person do the same to you, when that is done say "Great god Zotz we can not lie under your name this promise we abide!"

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    #6056 - Dream Walking

    A spell to create a dream for someone so you can talk to them and take part.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Before sleep, fix in your mind where you want to go, who you want to visit. Fix an image of it and and image of yourself - What do you look like? What are you wearing? Pay attention to details. Change yourself with a mission and practice. Keep a diary of your journey.

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    #6057 - Rain Stop

    This is a very easy rain stopping spell that you can do when you know that there will be rain.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Stare at the dark sky and hear small storms sounding, then start chanting with closed eyes: "God and Goddess of rain, stop the storms. Stop the wind. Stop the rain. I don't need any rain today! I don't need rain to distract me today. Rain stop and go away!". Repeat three or four times.

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    #6058 - Banish Evil Spirits and Negative engery

    This spell banishes all negative energy and evil spirits from areas in your home.
    You may need:

  • 1 Candle - in a jar, not a stick candle, you don't wanna burn yourself with hot wax
  • A lighter
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    You may need:

  • 1 Candle - in a jar, not a stick candle, you don't wanna burn yourself with hot wax
  • A lighter
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    Have you ever walked into a room in your home and just gotten very creeped out? Or were doing something in a room and felt bad feelings and like you were being watched? This spell will help with that.

    The spell is very simple, yet extremely powerful. I used it to get rid of the negative energy in my home.

    Begin by lighting the candle, it can be any color but black would work the best. Take the candle into the room, keep the lights off and only let the candle light the room.
    Begin walking throughout the room. I don't believe in memorizing and chant for banishing. Its best if you use your own words so you have more power.
    Tell the energy in the room that is not positive that it must leave the room, the house, and the area. Be sure to tell the bad energy that the candle's flame will suck it into the fire, and remove it.

    Say as many things as you like, but keep your cool. The evil spirits may try to frighten you. But they cannot touch you as long as you stay strong and keep the candle lit.

    As soon as you covered the room, tell the spirits and energy that it isn't welcome, and as soon as you blow out the candle, it will be removed and never can return.

    Leave the room and blow out the candle. Don't enter the room until at least 15 minutes. Then all that bad feelings and such will be gone.

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    #6059 - Sunlight Protection

    If you used my mortal vampire spell and it worked and you burn in the sun this spell will hopefully stop you.
    You may need:

  • Item of jewlery
  • Sunlight
  • Concentration
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Item of jewlery
  • Sunlight
  • Concentration
  • Voice
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    This spell is too protect from sun when mortal vampire.
    You'll be protected from burning in the sun.
    What will you need- item of jewellery sunlight concentration.

    Let the light shine on the ring and say:

    "God of death god of sun in my sate where I burn in the sun let this item protect me shield me from your rays as long as I wear this ......(say your type off jewlery here) No more shall I burn in the sun so mote it be."

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    #6060 - House Protection Spell (Women Only)

    This spell is to help protect your home
    You may need:

  • A Glass Jar
  • Anything That Is Broken (Broken Glass etc.)
  • A Full Moon
  • A Place To Bury The Glass Jar
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    You may need:

  • A Glass Jar
  • Anything That Is Broken (Broken Glass etc.)
  • A Full Moon
  • A Place To Bury The Glass Jar
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    I have never done this spell before but it should be pretty strong.

    First you must fill your Glass Jar with old and broken stuff then on the night of the Full Moon you need to pee in the jar and then bury it in your back garden in some Earth.

    As long as the Jar is buried your House will be protected

    Good Luck!

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters