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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7130 Spiritual Spells
7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Forcefield from Dark Magic
  2. How to Reconcile
  3. Book Dream
  4. Sweet Kitty Spell
  5. Walk on Water
  6. Simple Binding
  7. Summon Angel Michael
  8. Candy Store Spell
  9. Dragon Truth Spell
  10. Merman Spell

#6191 - Forcefield from Dark Magic

This spells creates an invisible forcefield around you or others that protects you from witchcraft were ever you go.
You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Stick
  • 3 people (optional but this is far more effective)
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Stick
  • 3 people (optional but this is far more effective)
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    Ask your freinds to join hands .Then draw a circle in the sand. Meditate. In your mind think protective thoughts. Center the energies into your core to block out dark thoughts. Then imagine shooting out these energies to form a force field. Picture a bubble around your friends. Now make up your own prayer and say it to the protective deity or use this one:

    "Spirits of love ,strength and,hope .
    Band toghether.
    Godess of power,Queen of all magic make us a light in the dark.
    Blessed be!Blessed be! Blessed be!"

    If you feel that the spell wanes just picture the shield and say a quick prayer to your god.

    Live well and be happy.

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    Last edited on Aug 01, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #6192 - How to Reconcile

    If you know to people that fights a lot, use this spell! Note: I have not tried this spell. If it works, mail me. It summons the spirit Urok Irok.
    You may need:

  • 1 wand of olive
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    You may need:

  • 1 wand of olive
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    Wave the wand over the two fighting people while chanting:

    "U-R-O-K I-M-O-K. "

    Repeat these words. I dont know how many times you have to do this.

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    Last edited on Aug 01, 2016
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    #6193 - Book Dream

    You say this spell you could instantly fall asleep or have to drift off by yourself. The speed of this spell is varying.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Book
  • Someplace quiet
  • memory
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Book
  • Someplace quiet
  • memory
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    WARNING: If you do thid spell in public you may instantly fall asleep.

    Grab your book and place it infront of you.
    With your hand or a wand tap the book three times and say:

    "With all my power and might,
    I wish to go into this book tonight,
    The book (name of book) I will go,
    and live the life of the main character,
    All i ask is for this plea,
    This is my wish so mote it be!"

    You can repeat the spell and can improvise if needed. For me it has worked all the times I have said it but one time I instantly slept for a short time then woke up as if nothing happened but still had the memory of it. Good Luck!

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    Last edited on Jun 12, 2018
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    #6194 - Sweet Kitty Spell

    Do you love your cat? Does your cat love you? If so then you've come to the right place.
    You may need:

  • Cat that likes you
  • Gift for the cat(treats or a cat collar or some clothes)
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    You may need:

  • Cat that likes you
  • Gift for the cat(treats or a cat collar or some clothes)
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    Stroke your cat. I've her the gift, that's it.
    Might not seem like much. But believe me it is.

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    #6195 - Walk on Water

    Will let you walk on water don't know if it works.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Close your eyes tight and imagine yourself running or walking across water and at the same time chant the following:

    "Posieden, posieden god of the sea
    give me your power's to walk over water please."

    Don't think it is gonna work the first time so I suggest if your testing it in your pool put your swimmers on and just keep practicing.

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    #6196 - Simple Binding

    A extremly simple binding
    You may need:

  • 1 Picture of the victim (or just there name on a peace of paper)
  • 1 White ribbon
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    You may need:

  • 1 Picture of the victim (or just there name on a peace of paper)
  • 1 White ribbon
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    Take the ribbon and wrap it around the picture over and over tighter and tighter until its at its end but while your wrapping say:

    "I bind you ______ from doing harm againts others and harm againts yourself."

    As many times as it takes to to wrap the ribbon around the picture.

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    Last edited on Aug 01, 2016
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    #6197 - Summon Angel Michael

    This spell is a heavenly spell and will harm or destroy all evil spirits that harm you or your hows holed or friends. Warning: this spell will back fire on you if you practise black magick.
    You may need:

  • Must have a pure hart
  • Must have a clean mined
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    You may need:

  • Must have a pure hart
  • Must have a clean mined
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    "Tis I call upon the arc angel Michael, I ask of the to protect me form the evils untold, To Callean's me of all evil with in, to protect me from evil surround, So mote it be, I ask of thee!"

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    #6198 - Candy Store Spell

    To make someone see the goodness in you.
    You may need:

  • Flowers (any sort that you like)
  • Crystals (any sort)
  • Pink Candle
  • Peaceful place with long grass, wind and a tree.
  • Night Time (most advised at summers night when it is cloudless and the full moon is out)
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    You may need:

  • Flowers (any sort that you like)
  • Crystals (any sort)
  • Pink Candle
  • Peaceful place with long grass, wind and a tree.
  • Night Time (most advised at summers night when it is cloudless and the full moon is out)
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    Sit under the tree.
    Light candles let out crystals.
    Meditate deeply.
    Imagine there is a huge candy store and your the shop keeper.
    Now imagine the person comming to you.
    They seem very interested they look at all the things in surprise...
    Then they look at you suprisingly and as if they are really interested.
    Now open your eyes.
    Lay out the flowers, they can represent anything that you want others to see.


    "Find me find me ____ (name)x2
    find the goodness in me
    find it...
    crave it
    your so thursty for it...
    now find it....
    erase your thirst."

    When you are chanting make sure you feel thursty ( it will help ).

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    #6199 - Dragon Truth Spell

    This spell forces some one to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
    You may need:

  • Believe in dragons
  • Photo of the person or visualize the person
  • Will to do so
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    You may need:

  • Believe in dragons
  • Photo of the person or visualize the person
  • Will to do so
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    "Tis I call upon the powers of old, To call upon the dragon of Justis divine, By oks and trees old make(name)tell the truth or he shall die, In the incinerator of fire old."

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    #6200 - Merman Spell

    This is a very powerful spell.
    You may need:

  • Dark color candle EX: black,blue
  • Incense stick smells of the ocean recommended jasmine herbs sea shells dove shells recommended and a marble stone.
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    You may need:

  • Dark color candle EX: black,blue
  • Incense stick smells of the ocean recommended jasmine herbs sea shells dove shells recommended and a marble stone.
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    Only by believing will this happen... instructions!!! READ AND DO CAREFULLY. 1. Light up the candle and put them anywhere in your bathroom. 2. Light up the incense stick and do the same as you did with the candle. 3. Scatter the seashells in your bath when the water is full and warm. 4. Put your stone somewhere you can see it in your bathtub 5. Get a small tray or bowl and put the jasmine herbs in them. Place them infront of you somewhere in your bath.

    6. Sit in the bathtub and make sure youre hair in completley soaked, then chant:

    "Oh great goddess of the sea change my body for my glee. Give me fins instead of feet, so I can swim not walk on the beach I give my all to the god so witches please hear thous plea changes me to what I want to be."

    Then close your eyes you should feel a serge of energy the spell is complete usually it takes about a week to 1 month. Good luck

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters