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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Clean Body of Negative Energy
  2. Become Unnoticeable
  3. Lose Weight Faster
  4. Heart Heal after a Love
  5. Light Body Meditation
  6. Dark One Curse
  7. Bless a Tree
  8. Ki Ball
  9. Ki Ball
  10. Grounding

#6721 - Clean Body of Negative Energy

Just as the name
You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 black candle
  • 1 green candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 black candle
  • 1 green candle
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    Clear ur mind then light the white candle. Say the following:

    "Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, and Spirit. I ask thee to cleanse my body of all negative energies."

    Light the black candle and say the same as above,
    Light green candle and say:

    "Mothe Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Spirit. I ask thee to free and heal my body from all negative forces. Blessed be."

    Sit back. Keep mind clear. in 15 minutes you should feel renewed and fresh.

    *Does not work for all*

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    #6722 - Become Unnoticeable

    I use this spell when playing games like Man Hunt or Hide-and-Seek Tag. It makes yourself unnoticeable to others.
    You may need:

  • Cloak (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Cloak (optional)
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    Huddle up into a ball. It you're wearing a cloak, try to make it match your surroundings (i.e. A black one for nighttime, a green one if you're in a field, etc). Then, say the following once:

    (Light/Dark) and Shadow, hear my plea. Make the seen become unseen. Make me dissapear from view, invisibility I need from you. So mote it be.

    Try to imagine yourself vanishing suddenly, and imagine the area you are in without you being there. This spell works for me most of the time, probably it will work more for you than me though. I did manage to scare my friend with this spell XD

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    #6723 - Lose Weight Faster

    You still need to exercise, but you will just lose weight faster.
    You may need:

  • 1 Orange Candle (for sudden changes and goals)
  • Any Fattening Food (preferably something that you like to eat and not allergic to)
  • A Strong and Confident Voice
  • Daytime
  • 1 Violet Candle (for strength)
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    You may need:

  • 1 Orange Candle (for sudden changes and goals)
  • Any Fattening Food (preferably something that you like to eat and not allergic to)
  • A Strong and Confident Voice
  • Daytime
  • 1 Violet Candle (for strength)
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    Put the fattening food in front of the candle, and you in front of the fattening food. So it's you, fattening food, and then the candle. If you have a violet candle, put it next to the orange candle. Light the candle(s) and concentrate on the food.

    After a minute or so, hold your stomach (this will represent the fat within you, if you have any fat). Hold your stomach lightly and just relax for a second. Slowly tighten your grip until you feel pain where your holding your stomach, then release. Look into the ORANGE candle now.

    Say the following chant:

    "This burden I hold,
    Within my stomach,
    Burn it away within my time.
    Burn it quickly,
    As I move,
    And let me be skinnier
    When I choose."

    **If you have a violet candle, please read ahead. If not, please skip the part within the triple parenthesis.**

    Look at the VIOLET candle now.

    Say the following chant:

    "My mind be strong,
    My body be weak.
    This is not what I choose to be.
    My mind is to be stronger,
    My body is to be stronger,
    Being as strong as I'd like to be.
    Muscles grow,
    Stomach flatten.
    Stronger's better,
    Weaker's worse.
    Let me be as strong as I'd like to be."

    Now look at the food once more. And please, if you have a temptation to eat it, you'll get to eat it, but just wait until the end. Make sure the food is separate from it's bag or can if there is one. For example, if you adore chips, use only ONE chip, and nothing else. Or if you adore marsh mellows, use only ONE marsh mellow, and nothing else.

    Concentrate on the one food. Think of how incredibly fattening it is, and how fat you might get if you keep eating how you do. Please hold any temptations...

    Say the following chant:

    "The disgusting fat
    I engulf in constantly.
    The fat in this food
    Will cause the opposite.
    No longer will it be fat and disgusting,
    But now it will burn and weaken.
    The more I exercise,
    The skinnier I'll get.
    This fat will no longer be such a burden."

    Eat the food (and chew the food, please...). Wait an hour or more before exercising. Remember that exercising longer each day doesn't do much else; only exercise about 30 minutes to an hour each day. Do this for a week or so (exercising, that is; not the spell), and you should get amazing results. If not, wait a week before trying again, just to be on the safe side.

    Remember that you don't just get skinnier overnight. It takes time, so be patient.

    Side effects may include:

    Getting fatter, an urge to eat more, or to eat less, nothing happening, an urge to try different foods, fattening foods tasting disgusting, a lack in strength, laziness, activeness, or anything else related to the following side effects.

    Please be careful when casting such spells!

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    #6724 - Heart Heal after a Love

    This spell helps you get over your ex partner and help you move on.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Red candle
  • White ribbon
  • Pink ribbon
  • Picture of you
  • Picture of your ex
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Red candle
  • White ribbon
  • Pink ribbon
  • Picture of you
  • Picture of your ex
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    1) place your picture under the white candle and picture of them under the pink candle and put them in front of you slightly apart.

    2) Use the ribbons to ‘join’ the pictures together (this represents your love that linked you together)

    3) Light the candles.

    4) Say the following as you are moving the pictures away from each other so that the white ribbon, candle and your picture are moving away to your left and the pink candle, ribbon and picture of your ex are moving to your right (this represents your love for them going in seperate directions)

    "My heart is broken, it needs to heal
    I separate the love that I still feel
    Heal my heart, help me move on
    When the candles go out my love will be gone."

    Blow out the candles.
    Slowly over the next 24 hours your love for your ex will fade.

    Although often you never get over your love of your ex this spell helps soften the blow and helps you move on to love someone else.

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    #6725 - Light Body Meditation

    All the steps to do a light body meditation.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    The first area you must focus on is the thymus gland area by visualizing a purple blue light: like a candle flame on the upper chest below the throat area and above the heart chakra area in the center of your body. The purple blue flame should be visualized right there and that it is the size of a candle flame once you do it for 20 minutes. Then on the last ten minutes you should expand the purple blue flame of your soul seat through your imagination to about 12 feet around you engulfing everything, during this stage you will feel warmth in that area as well as power full. OK. For one you must do this thirty minutes every day .

    The second area of focus is to focus at the point or area between the eye brows where there lies a third eye or sixth chakra. This chakra related to the hyper thymus gland, therefore visualize a little golden light the size of your thumb there for ten minutes

    Then the third area to visualize is in the center of your brain or head. Just visualize a golden sun there and the size of that golden sun is the size of a ping pongee ball and do it for ten minutes. After the ten minutes please visualize the golden sun is growing full size of your head and filling your head and shining outwards for about ten more minutes. Then visualize the golden energy as a golden water spout, springing right out from your head through the crown chakras, like water from the water fountain and go up in the air about two feet or three feet and then with your mind's eye again seeing the golden water coming back down and hit, wetting and soaking your whole body, clothing, aura and organs, skins etc. In this golden energy of water bath and showers will create the light body and bringing back or activate your two helix DNA strand in to a twelve helix DNA (light body type ) and all of your 72,000 psychic channels or chakras, both major and minor will be open and fully developed. The fourth step is that of the wingmaker and the way that we do this is by focusing on the core star at the centre of the body between the second and third chakras on the physical body so in your own time visualize the there is a bright white light at your centre and feel at one with the world around you and the cosmos.

    Now in your own time feel the core star and visualize that the core star is spinning at your center and see that light energy spreading out through the physical body and blending with every atom, cell, and particle of your physical existence and feel that light energy moving out into the auric layers of your existence. Remember to feel at one with all things living.

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    #6726 - Dark One Curse

    To make someone feel worthless.
    You may need:

  • Single Black Candle
  • Salt Crystal
  • Cup of dirt
  • Single Match
  • Piece of hair from Victim
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    You may need:

  • Single Black Candle
  • Salt Crystal
  • Cup of dirt
  • Single Match
  • Piece of hair from Victim
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    Light Candle.

    Then place crystal in center of floor.

    Chant: "Strip thy of all apeall. "

    Throw dirt on crystal

    "Make thy feel what should not feel."

    Light dirt on fire.

    "Now make thy cold as stone."

    "Make thy feel all alone."

    Place hair in fire.

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    #6727 - Bless a Tree

    This spell will help the said tree grow better, and create a special bond between you and afore mentioned tree.
    You may need:

  • 1 Tree, any size
  • 12 Small stones
  • 10 Medium stones
  • 6 Large stones
  • Soil of the tree is very small
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    You may need:

  • 1 Tree, any size
  • 12 Small stones
  • 10 Medium stones
  • 6 Large stones
  • Soil of the tree is very small
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    First, gather the ingredients, and go to the tree. Second, place the stones in a circle around the tree, starting with small, then medium, then large stones Third, chant:

    "Gods bless this tree, Gods bless this tree. It is a very sacred tree. It will be used, for so much good, it will not be, just useless wood. Gods bless this tree, SO MOTE IT BE! "

    Repeat seven times. Then, take the soil and pile it up, over the rocks, but leave the tree uncovered. Make sort of an ant hill shape. Fourth, go wherever you were before you blessed the tree. Fifth, you're done!

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    #6728 - Ki Ball

    Creates a shell for your ki ball.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    Ki Ball Shell: (NOTE: This technique can also be used for mana balls.) This technique may be important to imply to many later techniques, such as throwing a ki ball, and many others.

    Once you can create a ki ball easily, you can start to create shells around them, so that they will more easily stay in a sphere form and won't dissipate into the air (Keep in mind that this is a technique to help you focus on keeping them in the shape of a ball. If you can do that by merely concentrating, you won't need to do this technique at all). Once you create a ki ball, simply send more ki to it and use your mind to make it create a hard shell around it, and program it to stay in a sphere shape. Then, try placing it on a table, and concentrate on it staying there when you move your hands away. Then, slowly wave your hands through the ball and you should be able to feel it pulsating around your fingers. This is a great exercise to help with concentration.

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    #6729 - Ki Ball

    Creates a Ki ball
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    Making a ki ball: Alright, before you start to make a ki ball, you should be comfortable with your visualization and be able to control movement of your ki well.

    Now, to start out, ground yourself, (or do ki breathing) like you should before every time you train your ki, then get into any stance. It can be a riding horse stance, a fighting stance, sitting, whatever suits you best. Now, your first few times making a ki ball you will want to do a ki flame first, until you get the hang of it - the ki flame will make your energy flow more easily to form the ball. Next, place your hands about 3 inches apart, in a position as if you were holding on to a softball. Your fingers on each hand can be spread apart or they can be right next to each other, whichever way is more comfortable for you.

    Now, visualize you ki flowing through your body (and from your Dan Tien), up through your chest, down your arms, and into your hands; or, if it is easier, flowing from your dan tien, out of your stomach, through the air, and into your hands; when it reaches your hands, visualize it flowing out of your palms in kind of a stream, and when it meets in between your hands, compiling and forming into a ball. Or, if that doesn't work, you can just picture your hands starting to glow and a ki ball fading into view between your hands, or picture ki swirling in between your hand and forming a ball, or even make up your own way to do it. If your palms start getting warm/tingly/electric/magnetic, you are making a ki ball. Remember, some feel tingling, some feel heat, some both, so if you don't feel one or the other, don't worry. NOTE: Do not worry if you cannot see your ki ball the first times making it. There are a couple ways to see your ki, which are discussed on the Seeing Your Ki page.

    After you can see the ball in your mind and feel it between your hands, concentrate on keeping it in the shape of a ball. If you don't focus on that, the ball might just dissipate into the air. Now if you want, you can add more energy to it by simply moving more ki into your hands and flowing into the ball. Do this as many times a day as you like, but if you feel any discomfort or uneasyness stop immediately.

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    #6730 - Grounding

    Just like the Ki Breathing but different.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    Grounding: Grounding is a technique just like Ki breathing, only it's done differently and Ki breathing is a little bit better to do. To start out, get in a comfortable standing position. Now, visulaize roots shooting out of your feet and burrowing into the ground, where they tap into the earth's energy supply and start absorbing energy. Picture the roots sucking in energy given by the earth, and taking the energy up, through your legs, and into your body and being stored in your dan tien. Breathe deeply, in through your nose, out through your mouth. When your breathe in, visualize fresh energy intering your body through the roots, and when you breathe out, visualize the used up energy leaving through your mouth. When you feel your energy is full and replenished, you are done.

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters