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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7130 Spiritual Spells
7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Reverse the Evil Magic
  2. Enchant an Item
  3. Basic Door Protection
  4. Vanquishing Spell
  5. Make a Person Float
  6. Summon your Angel
  7. Third Eye Opening
  8. Protection Chant
  9. Voodoo Love Doll
  10. Spell to make your Husband Loyal

#6861 - Reverse the Evil Magic

If someone is trying to perform a dark spell to you such as a bad luck harm or death spell. This spell will send to them what they are trying to send you.
You may need:

  • Mirror
  • White Clothes
  • 5 White Candles
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    You may need:

  • Mirror
  • White Clothes
  • 5 White Candles
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    Wear white clothes light 3 candles and hold 2 in your hands focus on the person who is trying to harm you and then look at yourself in the mirror and chant:

    "Ancient divine spirits
    unleash your force
    to the worm.
    Make him suffer as I would
    show no remorse
    and harm the worm
    ,so mote it be!"

    Blow the candles out .

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    #6862 - Enchant an Item

    This spell will enchant any item you want.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    "Oh dear gods and goddesses I have got this ________ it is very weak, I wish to give it power so it will defeat."

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    #6863 - Basic Door Protection

    This is a spell I'm working on, it works for me. I would appreciate any feed back you could give. Thank you.
    You may need:

  • 1 Wand
  • Door or Window
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    You may need:

  • 1 Wand
  • Door or Window
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    1. Take your wand in your right hand (or left it dosent mattter).
    2. Tap top and bottom of door or window whilst imagining a red film coming from the wand tip and glueing itself to the door whilst saying:

    "Allow no evil to cross this door
    ,allow only freinds and family to pass.
    If it dosen't work mail me and ill see what I can do."

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    #6864 - Vanquishing Spell

    Will destroy all darkness around you; and the shadow lands.
    You may need:

  • 2 Witches or Warlocks
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • 2 Witches or Warlocks
  • Voice
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    The two witches/warlocks must be holding hands and say:

    "Forces of the sun (next witch or warlock)and the forces of the moon (together)in harmor may bolth forces combinied destroy all the darkness!".

    That will kill everything in the shadow lands.

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    #6865 - Make a Person Float

    This spell allows you to pick a person up with only your right pinky and left.
    You may need:

  • Hands
  • 4 people
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Hands
  • 4 people
  • Concentration
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    1 person lay down on floor while other three ake thier riht and left pinky under the person
    and say the following chant:

    "Light as a feather, stiff as a board."

    Say it as many times as you need until the person lifts up as high as want and then drop fingers and person should float it take lots of concentration.

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    #6866 - Summon your Angel

    This spell will summon your angel. Once you summon your angel its your responsibility to take care of it. If you die your angel dies. If your angel dies you die. The angel can do many things but you have to train it.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Half of your Magic
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Half of your Magic
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    First imagine how you would want your angel to look like.
    Next store up half of your power in a ball.
    Then the ball will start taking shape of the angel you imagined.
    You might feel weak or tired after but thats only because you used up a lot of power.

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    #6867 - Third Eye Opening

    This spell will open your third eye.
    You may need:

  • Small Crystal
  • Find your Third Eye Location
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    You may need:

  • Small Crystal
  • Find your Third Eye Location
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    "Alfy layla wa layla
    Alfy layla wa layla...
    By the moon, on Arabian nights,
    By the silence of ancient sites,
    By the secrets of arcane rites,
    By the flicker of candle lights...
    Ifta, ya simsim!
    Open sesame!"

    "Open my third eye, open my mind's eye,
    Release my sixth sense.
    Help me to see the unseen.
    Let me Be as I have never been."

    "Let me See as I have never seen.
    Open my third eye, open my mind's eye,
    Open my Self to understanding.
    afly layla wa layla
    afly layla wa layla...
    By the power of moonlight,
    By the power of clear sight,
    Ifta ya simsim!
    Open sesame!"

    You should begin to feel your third eye's power.

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    #6868 - Protection Chant

    This a chant you do when your feeling scared and threaten.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant the following:

    "Divine Goddess, Goddess Divine,
    Divine God, God Divine,
    If evil dwells within this place,
    Please make it leave my space."

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    #6869 - Voodoo Love Doll

    The best-known way of getting a man to fall in love with you is to bewitch him through a doll that represents him. Ideally, you should make the doll yourself.
    You may need:

  • Wax, Wood or Clay
  • Bake a Doughboy (be sure to use lots of
  • spices), or sew a rag doll.
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    You may need:

  • Wax, Wood or Clay
  • Bake a Doughboy (be sure to use lots of
  • spices), or sew a rag doll.
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    You should make the doll yourself. Carve it from some
    natural material such as wax, wood or clay; bake a doughboy (be sure to use lots of
    spices), or sew a rag doll. A store bought figure can be used, but it won't be nearly as
    powerful as the homemade.
    Some very personal belongings of the man you want to enchant, a lock of his hair, a
    fingernail clipping, something he's worn should be incorporated into, or attached to, the
    doll. Add also one of your nail clippings, a strand of your hair, etc. Use as many of these
    personal things as possible the more links you create between you, your beloved and
    the doll, the stronger your spell.
    Start the ritual on the first day of the new moon. Name the doll, aloud, after the man and
    scratch or write his name on the figure. For writing, your blood is best, but if you use ink
    (red, of course) add a drop of your blood to it.

    Next, using a thorn or pin, gently prick the figure's heart (don't overdo it or you kill him)

    "As this thorn (pin) pierces your heart,
    so let it be pierced with love for me."

    Or wrap the doll in three ribbons of different colors; black, white and red are often used,
    but you may choose any shades. As you wrap say:

    "Threads bind; body entwine;
    Heart find linked to mine."
    If you've baked your doll, eat a piece of it every night, saying,
    "As you become part of me,
    so let me become part of you."

    Do any one of these rituals, but always the same one, for fifteen minutes each evening
    until the moon is full; at the next new moon, start again.
    If be doesn't respond soon enough, light a red candle and lightly singe the doll's feet,

    "For you I yearn.
    For me you burn."

    Before long, his feet should carry him straight to you (unless you've burned them too
    When you're not working with your doll, wrap it in a clean cloth of silk, linen or cotton
    never a synthetic fabric and put it away where no one but yourself can find it.

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    #6870 - Spell to make your Husband Loyal

    Perhaps the most powerful spell that can get you to make your husband loyal to you is in all its terms only a love spell. Love spells can be tricky and should always be carried out with the most care and attention.
    You may need:

  • Lock of Hair of the husband tied with a pink ribbon
  • Lock of your own hair tied with white ribbon
  • Three Pink Candles
  • Apple
  • Cinnamon Oil 3 Drops
  • Rose Petals – 7
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    You may need:

  • Lock of Hair of the husband tied with a pink ribbon
  • Lock of your own hair tied with white ribbon
  • Three Pink Candles
  • Apple
  • Cinnamon Oil 3 Drops
  • Rose Petals – 7
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    First take a lock of your husband’s hair and have it tied with a ribbon that is pink in color. Light three pink candles. Then hollow out the apple and place the lock of hair inside the apple along with 7 rose petals, a lock of your own hair tied with white ribbon and add 3 drops of cinnamon oil. Next pass the apple through the flame of each of the three pink candles visualizing your husband and yourself. Tie the apple in a piece of white cloth and have it buried under your bedroom window. This will help strengthen the bond between you and your husband.

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters