7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Sense increasing spell
- Sahia Spirit Manifestations
- Sahia Fire Manifestations
- Sahia Air Manifestations
- Sahia Water Manifestations
- Sahia Earth Manifestations
- Sahia Sacrifice
- Chant of a Demonic Slasher
- Cure Depression
- Raging Hordes
#4121 - Sense increasing spell
Sit down with your legs crossed, then close your eyes and chant: my eyes are small but I see them all, I can see for miles away, like an eagle I stare, I can see all the trees and animals a mile away, but for only an hour will my eyes stay this way. So more it be. Look around you, you should be able to see better. (Note: the spell may take a minute before reaching its full effect.)
Hear increasing instructions:
Sit down with your legs spread out, then close your eyes and chant: my ears are small but I hear them all, the people a mile away, the mice scurrying under the house, the birds wings flapping in the wind, but only for an hour will my ears stay this way. So mote it be. Keep your eyes closed and listen you should be able to hear better, you can open them after about a minute. (Note: the spell may take a couple minutes before reaching it's full effect.)
Smell increasing intructions:
Lay down on your back, then close your eyes and chant: my nose is small but I smell them all, the dogs, the cats, and all the animals, the food in the kitchen, the people in the house, but only for an hour will my ears stay this way. So mote it be. Keep your eyes closed and smell around, you should be able to smell better. You can open your eyes after about a minute. (Note: the spell may take a minute before reaching its full effect.)
Feel increasing instructions:
Stand up in grass outside then close your eyes and chant: My body is small but I feel it all, the grass beneath my feet, the wind blowing on my hands, the clothes on my arms and legs, the hair in my head, but only for an hour will my body stay this way. So mote it be. Keep you eyes closed and feel around, you should be able to feel things better. (Note: the spell may take a couple minutes before it reaches its full effect.)
Taste increasing spell:
Lay down on your stomach then close your eyes and chant: my tounge is small but I taste it all, the spices in food, the flavors in meat, the juices in fruit, the dough in bread, but only for an hour will my tounge stay this way. So more it be. Keep your eyes closed and taste the air, your taste should be increased. (Note: the spell may take a couple of minutes before reaching its full effect.)
You must be very powerful to add on more than an hour, can only be used once a day.
Mail me for more questions at darth_mavy :)
#4122 - Sahia Spirit Manifestations
(1) The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the athame on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle. Have a stool handy. Now it is time to step into the circle.
(2) Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself.
(3) Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
(4) Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
(5) Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west.
(6) Write Sahia on the last offering and seal it with the wax of the right candle on your altar.
(7) Open your heart and soul to this demon and be bound to her until you complete or fail this ritual. You are allowed to command this demon to your hearts content, but beware, once shes either resurrected or you release her in failure, she will quickly kill you.
(8) Now you shall open your heart to receive her into your soul and now it is time to work with her to destroy as much as possible through the fifth element.
(9) Allow the energy left over return to their sources.
(10) In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
(11) Burn the Azahrans Awakening. Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools. Do not burn the last offering, until you resurrect Sahia and set her free upon the world.
(2) Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here.
(3) Earth! I ask for your strength! Wind! I ask for your wisdom! Fire! I ask for your vitality! Water! I ask for your tenacity!
(4) I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground, because evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
(5) Earth, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Wind, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Fire, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Water, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Spirit the binding force of the Elements, watch the seals placed here.
(6) It is midnight, but day beyond the sky, the Celestial Gates shall be opened and power shall be released upon the land! I invoke the Immortal Stars by the power of my name, (your name). The Five Stars; open wide the Celestial Gates and release the horde; as flesh clings to bone you to my soul.
(7) I command you to become terror in its worst form, death, unexplained death. Manifest as death unknown, because you are true evil and death is your play thing. Become the hand of doom to all mortals.
(8) Throw their pitiful lives away and I shall become the omen of a Death Incarnate. The foulness of your evil shall be the smell of their rotting corpses. Become the foulness in the air and aura of doom to all that must die in our names.
(9) By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command.
(10) Water! I release your power from my circle! Fire! I release your power from my circle! Wind! I release your power from my circle! Earth! I release your power from my circle!
(11) Hail unto Sahia, my Curse shall be done.
#4123 - Sahia Fire Manifestations
(1) The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the athame on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle. Have a stool handy. Now it is time to step into the circle.
(2) Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself.
(3) Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
(4) Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
(5) Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west.
(6) Write Sahia on the last offering and seal it with the wax of the right candle on your altar.
(7) Open your heart and soul to this demon and be bound to her until you complete or fail this ritual. You are allowed to command this demon to your hearts content, but beware, once shes either resurrected or you release her in failure, she will quickly kill you.
(8) Now you shall open your heart to receive her into your soul and now it is time to work with her to destroy as much as possible through the forth element.
(9) Allow the energy left over return to their sources.
(10) In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
(11) Burn the Azahrans Awakening. Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools. Do not burn the last offering, until you resurrect Sahia and set her free upon the world.
(2) Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here.
(3) Earth! I ask for your strength! Wind! I ask for your wisdom! Fire! I ask for your vitality! Water! I ask for your tenacity!
(4) I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground, because evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
(5) Earth, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Wind, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Fire, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Water, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Spirit the binding force of the Elements, watch the seals placed here.
(6) It is midnight, but day beyond the sky, the Celestial Gates shall be opened and power shall be released upon the land! I invoke the Immortal Stars by the power of my name, (your name). The Five Stars; open wide the Celestial Gates and release the horde; as flesh clings to bone you to my soul.
(7) I command you to become as red hot fire. Death through manifestation is great, but fire is your greatest desire. Burn them to white ash so they blow in the blistering winds of your rage. The flames shall grow higher until all is consumed.
(8) The world of man shall burn and your great desires are realized, we shall take greatest pleasure in our workings. Let us make the fires hot until all is gone and wasted. The land shall be black when we are done, so take pleasure when we can.
(9) By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command.
(10) Water! I release your power from my circle! Fire! I release your power from my circle! Wind! I release your power from my circle! Earth! I release your power from my circle!
(11) Hail unto Sahia, my Curse shall be done.
#4124 - Sahia Air Manifestations
The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the athame on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle.
Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself. Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west. Write Sahia on the last offering and seal it with the wax of the right candle on your altar.
Open your heart and soul to this demon and be bound to her until you complete or fail this ritual. You are allowed to command this demon to your hearts content, but beware, once shes either resurrected or you release her in failure, she will quickly kill you.
Now you shall open your heart to receive her into your soul and now it is time to work with her to destroy as much as possible through the third element. Allow the energy left over return to their sources. In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
Burn the Azahrans Awakening. Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools. Do not burn the last offering, until you resurrect Sahia and set her free upon the world.
"Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here. Earth! I ask for your strength! Wind! I ask for your wisdom! Fire! I ask for your vitality! Water! I ask for your tenacity!
I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground, because evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
Earth, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Wind, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Fire, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Water, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Spirit the binding force of the Elements, watch the seals placed here. It is midnight, but day beyond the sky, the Celestial Gates shall be opened and power shall be released upon the land! I invoke the Immortal Stars by the power of my name, (your name). The Five Stars; open wide the Celestial Gates and release the horde; as flesh clings to bone you to my soul.
I command through Sahia, the winds to twirl and swirl. Manifest as whirlwinds of death so that many will die. Be furious in your thunder and the roar of demon gods shall be a foul voice on the wind. The howls shall be your singing the songs of death while houses and cities vanish. Death by wind, death by air, you shall manifest your wrath through raging storms and strike with your awesome fury.
By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command. Water! I release your power from my circle! Fire! I release your power from my circle! Wind! I release your power from my circle! Earth! I release your power from my circle! Hail unto Sahia, my Curse shall be done."
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4125 - Sahia Water Manifestations
The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the athame on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle. Have a stool handy. Now it is time to step into the circle.
Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself.
Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west.
Write Sahia on the last offering and seal it with the wax of the right candle on your altar. Open your heart and soul to this demon and be bound to her until you complete or fail this ritual. You are allowed to command this demon to your hearts content, but beware, once shes either resurrected or you release her in failure, she will quickly kill you.
Now you shall open your heart to receive her into your soul and now it is time to work with her to destroy as much as possible through the second element. Allow the energy left over return to their sources. In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
Burn the Azahrans Awakening. Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools. Do not burn the last offering, until you resurrect Sahia and set her free upon the world.
"Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here. Earth! I ask for your strength! Wind! I ask for your wisdom! Fire! I ask for your vitality! Water! I ask for your tenacity!
I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground, because evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
Earth, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Wind, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Fire, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Water, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Spirit the binding force of the Elements, watch the seals placed here.
It is midnight, but day beyond the sky, the Celestial Gates shall be opened and power shall be released upon the land! I invoke the Immortal Stars by the power of my name, (your name). The Five Stars; open wide the Celestial Gates and release the horde; as flesh clings to bone you to my soul.
I command you Sahia to flood the land and take lives. Sink ships and take more until none are left. Rage the oceans into a frenzy of froth and send the waves to wash the land clean of life. Be murderous and be greedy for the souls of the slain, because all are yours. Death shall come and it shall manifest through you as the raging ocean.
By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command. Water! I release your power from my circle! Fire! I release your power from my circle! Wind! I release your power from my circle! Earth! I release your power from my circle! Hail unto Sahia, my Curse shall be done."
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4126 - Sahia Earth Manifestations
(1) The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the athame on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle. Have a stool handy. Now it is time to step into the circle.
(2) Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself.
(3) Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
(4) Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
(5) Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west.
(6) Write Sahia on the last offering and seal it with the wax of the right candle on your altar.
(7) Open your heart and soul to this demon and be bound to her until you complete or fail this ritual. You are allowed to command this demon to your hearts content, but beware, once shes either resurrected or you release her in failure, she will quickly kill you.
(8) Now you shall open your heart to receive her into your soul and now it is time to work with her to destroy as much as possible through the first element.
(9) Allow the energy left over return to their sources.
(10) In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
(11) Burn the Azahrans Awakening. Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools. Do not burn the last offering, until you resurrect Sahia and set her free upon the world.
(2) Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here.
(3) Earth! I ask for your strength! Wind! I ask for your wisdom! Fire! I ask for your vitality! Water! I ask for your tenacity!
(4) I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground, because evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
(5) Earth, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Wind, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Fire, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Water, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Spirit the binding force of the Elements, watch the seals placed here.
(6) It is midnight, but day beyond the sky, the Celestial Gates shall be opened and power shall be released upon the land! I invoke the Immortal Stars by the power of my name, (your name). The Five Stars; open wide the Celestial Gates and release the horde; as flesh clings to bone you to my soul.
(7) I summon you and by the pact made with Shakina I shall command you Sahia Blood Queen. We are now bound in flesh and soul, till you finally resurrect or I release you in failure from which I shall be at your mercy.
(8) I command the great evil of your soul and it shall manifest destruction through the earth beneath the feet of your offerings. Bring death through the rocks, shatter the earth and smash their cities and all that was built upon the land. Crush with vengeance; all who believe in lies.
(9) By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command.
(10) Water! I release your power from my circle! Fire! I release your power from my circle! Wind! I release your power from my circle! Earth! I release your power from my circle!
(11) Hail unto Sahia, my Curse shall be done.
#4127 - Sahia Sacrifice
(1) The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the other items on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle. Have a stool handy. Now it is time to step into the circle.
(2) Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself.
(3) Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
(4) Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
(5) Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west.
(6) Write Sahia on the last offering and seal it with the wax of the red candle on your altar. Place the Lemurian Seed Crystal inside the altar bowl and burn 7 Azahrans Awakenings.
(7) To give the Sahia the orders to destroy your target, use this next incantation.
(8) This part of the ritual requires waiting for the crystal to cool. Invoking Sahia to feed is done by chanting this openly in public, while your hand is touching or holding the crystal. Yell this in out three times. If this incantation is used with a heart as black as night, no force can release the demon until she chooses to leave.
(9) Use this invocation to cause wide spread destruction and thus sealing your targets fate to the wrath of Sahia. This demon takes life and cares only of delighting, so this death is likely to be violent and bloody.
(10) When the target dies, you free Sahia after and only after she has taken the life you seek to destroy. Shatter the crystal after you use this. If the target is not dead after 30 days repeat the spell.
(11) Allow the energy left over return to their sources.
(12) In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
(13) Burn the Azahrans Awakening. Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools. Do not burn the last offering until you are ready to give up the power.
(2) Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here.
(3) Earth! I ask for your strength! Wind! I ask for your wisdom! Fire! I ask for your vitality! Water! I ask for your tenacity!
(4) I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground, because evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
(5) Earth, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Wind, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Fire, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Water, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Spirit the binding force of the Elements, watch the seals placed here.
(6) It is midnight, but day beyond the sky, the Celestial Gates shall be opened and power shall be released upon the land! I invoke the Immortal Stars by the power of my name, (your name). The Five Stars; open wide the Celestial Gates and release the horde; as flesh clings to bone you to stone.
(7) In Darkness and in Light, I call upon you Sahia Blood Queen of the crystal to destroy (name)s family by whatever means necessary and perform this at my request. Rip their flesh, shatter their bones and leave only ruins. Bathe in blood and eat them alive, because it is my will be done.
(8) I call upon Darkness, darkness so dark, so deep that it is bottomless, be freed to curse death upon (name)s family. Be this day cursed by death and the stealing of lives, Sahia shall eat (name) alive and well.
(9) I give (name) to the Pinnacles of Evil. Sacrifice (him/her) before your awe and your glory, Sahia Blood Queen, that which is you, three above Evil. Show (name) that I am there in your wrath and tear deep into (his/her) succulent warm flesh and know that (his/her) blood is warm for you to bathe in. Slash, tear, rip and gnaw at this flesh I freely give to you. Feast and enjoy this delightful feast so freely given without mercy. Let my wrath be answered in blood bath.
(11) By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command.
(12) Water! I release your power from my circle! Fire! I release your power from my circle! Wind! I release your power from my circle! Earth! I release your power from my circle!
(13) Hail unto Sahia, my curse shall be done.
#4128 - Chant of a Demonic Slasher
(1) This ritual should be done sitting at a table. Place the black candle in front of you about 1 ½ feet to 2 feet away and light the candle.
(2) Meditate heavily on the words of this chant and chant it as many times as you can before you black out from exertion. Yell this as loud as you can. Let your head fade into dizziness and let the evil take over you. Make sure to pronounce the "be ke kopot" parts properly. All vowel sounds are used like it "bet" "pot".
(3) Yell this line out as if you are very angry.
"Bé ké Kópot!
Die! Die! Die! I want a demon to rip you up (name)! Be gone! Be dead! I hope a demon rips you to pieces!
Bé ké Kópot!"
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4129 - Cure Depression
Say out loud once
"I banish depression. I banish it with joy love and music of the soul. I banish it with a clear mind and all the courage I need until the depression is gone and happiness reigns in it's stead"
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4130 - Raging Hordes
(1) The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the athame and Heraldic Wand on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle. Have a stool handy. Now it is time to step into the circle.
(2) Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself.
(3) Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
(4) Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
(5) Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west.
(6) Draw or place the seal on the wall where you want the gate to open. Hold and point the Heraldic Wand at the star inside the spiral on the Seal. Project your hatred through the Gates of Kurane and allow them to taste it and desire more.
(7) Let out all your wrath and hatred for the foes you seek to destroy. This is your chance to inflict mortal agony and suffering of the likes of which few will ever suffer.
(8) This is your chance to inflict immortal agony of the likes of which even Hell cannot compare. Let your hatred drive you mad and fill this ritual with your deepest rages.
(9) Allow the energy left over return to their sources. Burn the Azahrans Awakening.
(10) In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
(11) Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools. Once this spell is done it is best to abandon the ritual site forever.
(2) Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here.
(3) Greed! I ask for your hunger! Vengeance! I ask for your reprisal! Hatred! I ask for your revulsion! Malice! I ask for your spite!
(4) I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground, because evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
(5) Greed, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Vengeance, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Hatred, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Malice, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Malevolence the binding force of evil, watch the seals placed here.
(6) In the Names, I call upon Seuwrhan to open the Gates of Kurane that holds tight the mighty horde. I release the vile horde and the evils that are contained within upon this unholy city and all that dwell within it. I shall by the power of my hatred unleash all that is Greed, Vengeance, Hatred and Malice upon (Location).
(7) I curse death upon all who make thoughts against me! I curse death upon all who make actions against me! I curse death upon all who make lies against me!
I curse them all dead! I curse that demons shall rip the flesh from their bones! Kill them! Rip my enemies to pieces, I curse it so!
Slice them up, rip them up, be done with all who think and make actions against me! I want them dead! Almighty demonic hordes destroy them all and leave only their bleached bones behind. Curse them, kill them, destroy them, burn them up and eat them alive. Bind them down, kill them, chop them up, I curse it so!
(8) Murder them all and snap their souls in Kurane! Take their souls and burn them up! Consume their miserable lives until all they can do is beg for a faster death! I curse them all and all that they are! Take them and eat them alive! Rip them up and snap their souls into the deepest fires of Kurane!
I bind my enemies to the deepest and hottest place in damnation! There shall be no mercy! There shall be no hope! I shall give them agony and curses! I curse it so!
(9) By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command.
(10) Malice! I release your power from my circle! Hatred! I release your power from my circle! Vengeance! I release your power from my circle! Greed! I release your power from my circle!
(11) Hail unto Seuwrhan the God of Corruption this curse shall be sent. Be off mighty demons and go feasting until all is gone; so it shall be!