7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- God 2
- Dream Catcher Spell
- Negativity Be Gone Spell
- Protection
- Inhance Wind Spell
- Become a Half God/Goddess
- Dawning of the soul
- Protection
- Trap an Evil Spirit
- Mending of Heckingson
#4201 - God 2
So first, say this spell 5 times:
"O god, O goddesses
Make me a god like you.
That can do anything like you
Who can do what you do.
So mote it be!!!"
Within 1 hour, you will be a god.
Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4202 - Dream Catcher Spell
Set up your basic altar and sacred space.
Step 2:
Place your dream catcher on the altar.
Step 3:
Put the red candle on the left side of
the dream catcher, and your white candle on the right.
Step 4:
Light the candles.
Step 5:
Say these words,
''I am now using the powers within me.
Dream catcher, send a dream to guide me.''
Step 6:
If you have a specific choice or question
regarding your future, visualize this firmly in your
mind. Send the thought into the red candle
by focusing on it while you think
about your question or decision.
Stare at the red candle for about 3 minutes this way.
Step 7:
When you are done with your spell, hang the dream catcher
above your bed. (somewhere above where you sleep)
The dream catcher may bring that life-changing dream into
your head within about 3 days.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4203 - Negativity Be Gone Spell
When you are about to go to bed,
sit quietly holding the quartz and think of any old pains,
anger, depression and difficulties you had
in your life.
Step 2:
Put aside the quartz for the moment
and write down on the paper each thing you
have just thought about. Be detailed if you wish.
Step 3:
Pass the quartz three times over
your bed to absorb any negativity, in the
sign of infinity. (The sideways ''8'' over
your bed.)
Step 4:
Wrap the paper around the quartz and
place it under your pillow with the intent
that it will help you overcome your pain
and hurt.
Step 5:
Go to sleep, and when you wake up,
remove the paper and dispose of it by tearing
it up and burying it in the ground away from
your home.
Step 6:
Clean/cleanse the quartz under running
water and keep it until you need it again.
If you're using smokey quartz, you
can leave it on a windowsill to repel
negative energy coming towards you from
outside. This is a form of protection
Magic that can keep you safe.
#4204 - Protection
Bead the string three times then put the bead and say this: "As I place ths bead protect every thing around me and from the dark"
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4205 - Inhance Wind Spell
Imagine the winds energy (Blueish color). Visualize it getting breezier. Then say;
Wind from far, wind from wide,
I summon the wind from the skies.
To this spot, carry please,
Wind to me,
So mote it be!
#4206 - Become a Half God/Goddess
Chant on a full moon,
"Gods and Goddesses here my plea, I would like to have the same powers as (say God/Goddesses name you chose) and be the son/daughter of him/her. But make my life go on the same it has. After I am done chanting make the god appear where I am. And tell me the powers I have been given. This will happen at 12:00pm the day after I chanted this spell, So mote it be."
The next day at 12:00pm the God/Goddess you have chosen will appear where you are and talk to you about your powers. Don't be asleep at that time or else you won't become a half God/Goddess
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4207 - Dawning of the soul
Then, on each candle, carve the name of a different negative emotion/thought you have towards yourself and light them.
Cast a circle around yourself.
Hold your crystal in your hands and state ''I break the shackles of doubt that bind me, let the days of uncertainty lay behind me. As the sun now unveils it's light, so shall my inner strength rise to day from night.''
Turn to each candle, and say '' You shall restrict me no more'' as you blow them out and focus on that emotion leaving your body.
Now, sit and meditate on all of your good qualities and strengths until the sun has risen, then end the spell by stating '' as I do will, so it shall be set''.
#4208 - Protection
Write down the thing you need protection from. Mix these ingredients together in the small bowl, crushing the peppercorns and sea salt. Take the bowl outside under the full moons light and light the paper on fire, placing it in the bowl. Then say
"I call upon the forces of the elements,
The moon an the sun,
To protect me from the danger facing me,
Lasting through eternity.
This is what I wish,
So mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4209 - Trap an Evil Spirit
This spell traps an evil entity or evil spirit and prevents any harm being done.
Put the rose thorns into the jar one at a time and as you do this and drop one in, chant the following words each time:
"Thou Demon presence. Be no more!"
Crush up the thorns in the jar and then crush up the rose petals and add them to the jar, slowly add the salt water. Keep the jar open overnight. The next morning before the sunrise close the lid. All the evil should now be trapped inside the jar. Cover the jar with a cloth and bury it far away from the house in a place that has no buildings nearby.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4210 - Mending of Heckingson
Get a broken piece of furniture hold it firmly together. Close your eyes and imagine energy in form of white colour flowing through your body into the broken parts of the object do this for at least two minutes
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.