7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Trouble Becoming a Werewolf?
- Sachiko Forever After
- Tears of the Bound
- Dream Recall
- How to Make Hoodoo Item
- Novice Demonic Exorcism
- Protection
- Become the "Dream You"
- Banishing Diseases and Disorders
- God spell(must try)!!
#4371 - Trouble Becoming a Werewolf?
Light the candle and chant:
"Wolf spirit, come to me.
Let my body transform into a werewolf.
Werewolves, hear my pleas.
Make me a werewolf,
So mote it be"
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4372 - Sachiko Forever After
Take the paper doll and let each person grab a spot. for each person, chant "sachiko, we beg of you", including once for sachiko. If you mess up a line, keep going. Even a messed up line counts for one: if said too little or too much, sachiko will be angered, so be careful!
Once everyone is done, everyone pull at the piece that they have a hold of untill it has a piece for each person. If done correctly, you and your friends will be connected for life!
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4373 - Tears of the Bound
Take a cord and the friends that wish to be bonded. Say:
"A friend is what they desire
A friend is what they need
Goddess, bind them as friends
Bind them with peace and love
So mote it be"
Tie the cord around the two wrists as you say this and when done tying it, place your hands on the center of the cord and repeat twice. Then say "As it is the will of fate, bonded are you souls." Then say the witches blessing. They are now bonded.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4374 - Dream Recall
Preparing for Bed :
Try to get the body as relaxed as you can. If you have to stretch or even do Yoga all the better. You can even meditate to clear your mind, so that that you are more prepared for the next step. You don't have to eat or refrain from eating before bedtime. You may do as you like. Try experimenting with eating different foods before bedtime and see if you get any different results in the end. Make sure you have a pen and pad handy to write with next to the bed.
Programing :
This is the most important part. When you get to that borderline sleep level (which is right before you are completely asleep) you must tell yourself over and over again that you will remember all your dreams and you will wake up after each dream and write down your experience. If you don't like having to repeat all that then try tape recording yourself saying these things. Make sure that you tape at least 10 - 15 min. worth. That should be sufficient.
Taking Notes :
This is also very important. If you successfully wake up after each dream, then you must write down everything you can remember in detail. Write down whether the dream was in color or black and white. This is why we will keep a pen and pad next the bed. Make sure not to put it in the bed with you. You don't want to end up stabbing yourself in your sleep. Then you must try to go right back to sleep. Keeping the pen and pad handy. Hopefully you will go right into another dream and repeat the process.
Reviewing the Night :
Now it is time to review the night. You will be amazed at how many dreams you actually had that night! I usually find that I have 10 - 15 dreams a night and sometimes more. Everyone dreams and everyone dreams many times a night, they just don't know they do until they try something like this. Make special note of dreams that are in full-blown color, for you will want to reference them once you start studying astral projection.
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4375 - How to Make Hoodoo Item
Mix the salt sulphur and graveyard dirt together to ward off demons from house (also works on any evil spirit or even negative energy) spread on all doors and windows of house.
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4376 - Novice Demonic Exorcism
#4377 - Protection
"Gods and Goddesses from above. Protect me, save me, love me, and help me. I will be strong but you must help in any way. Send me an animal spirit (type). Make him a hunter, like Artemis. Make him beautiful, like Aphrodite. This is my will, so mote it be".
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4378 - Become the "Dream You"
Make me look like the Dream Me,
Make me beautiful/handsome,
So mote it be!
2) Then, meditate and visualize yourself as the Dream You (make sure to picture EVERY DETAIL, the hair and all).
3) Results may vary depending on the person. Sometimes it'll take a few days, a month or two, or even a year...
I will create a reverse spell in case you get tired of looking this way or getting envied by others.
Blessed be!
#4379 - Banishing Diseases and Disorders
Rid this (type of disease or disorder) once and for all,
Give thy peace to (person or animal's name) as recalled.
The disease or disorder should go away within a week from the day or night you cast it.
Blessed be!
#4380 - God spell(must try)!!
''I summon the god of dragons
To fulfill his hobby
That to make me a god
So mote it be!!!''
Be Sure to mail me if it works for you. It worked for me. Please be sure...l