It makes goofer dust which can trap or ward demons kill enemies and cast other spells.
You may need:
Graveyard dirt
Powdered sulphur
Powdered snake skin(optional)
You may need:
Graveyard dirt
Powdered sulphur
Powdered snake skin(optional)
Mix the salt sulphur and graveyard dirt together to ward off demons from house (also works on any evil spirit or even negative energy) spread on all doors and windows of house.
Say ''Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica''
"Gods and Goddesses from above. Protect me, save me, love me, and help me. I will be strong but you must help in any way. Send me an animal spirit (type). Make him a hunter, like Artemis. Make him beautiful, like Aphrodite. This is my will, so mote it be".
This spell can turn any boy or girl into their dream-like form :D
You may need:
TONS of belief
Other than that, you need nothing
You may need:
TONS of belief
Other than that, you need nothing
1) Chant (while looking in the mirror):
Make me look like the Dream Me,
Make me beautiful/handsome,
So mote it be!
2) Then, meditate and visualize yourself as the Dream You (make sure to picture EVERY DETAIL, the hair and all).
3) Results may vary depending on the person. Sometimes it'll take a few days, a month or two, or even a year...
I will create a reverse spell in case you get tired of looking this way or getting envied by others.
Blessed be!
This spell can make you a god. Be SURE to mail me after chanting the spell...
You may need:
You may need:
Chant this 5 times:
''I summon the god of dragons
To fulfill his hobby
That to make me a god
So mote it be!!!''
Be Sure to mail me if it works for you. It worked for me. Please be sure...l
A simple charm to give power to a bottle or jar for use in magic such as potions, oils, salves, water, etc.
You may need:
Container to be empowered (empty)
Magic or personal symbol on the container (optional)
You may need:
Container to be empowered (empty)
Magic or personal symbol on the container (optional)
Take the empty container at night, close your eyes, and focus on it. Clear your mind of all thoughts except the container until you can visualize it perfectly. Raise the container so it come into the moonlight (either outside or near a window) and with your eyes still closed say the following (reword it to conform to your beliefs if needed):
"Lord and Lady bless this flask,
So it may perform it's chosen task,
Be it salve or oil or potion,
Set its powerful purpose in motion"
Fireproof surface(such as metal counter top, plate, piece of foil)
You may need:
Green Candle
Green String(approx. 10 inches)
Fireproof surface(such as metal counter top, plate, piece of foil)
Find a quiet place to perform your spell. Invoke your dieties. Use your knife to carve the word "LUCK" on the side of your candle, then light the candle.
Take your green string and tie as many knots as you can in it. Imagine that all of your bad luck is being woven into each individual knot, each each knot represents a piece of your life.
Once you are done knotting up your string, recite the words below while burning the knots in the candle flame(you can watch it burn on a plate if you wish).
"I release you from my soul,
I release you as a whole.
As the flame burns you out,
I will have no reason to doubt.
That my luck will surely be,
Filled with positivity.
So mote it be."
Let the candle burn down. Bury the remainder of the string off of your property.