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7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7153 Spiritual Spells
  1. Easy Protection Charm for Beginners
  2. Therianthropy Spell
  3. Happiness bath incantation
  4. Banishing Anxiety
  5. Goofer Dust Jack Ball Hex
  6. Summon a Genie
  7. Revenge on someone that had hurt u or someone u care about
  8. how to make your own iadian 1
  9. Void Stare
  10. Send Back Bad Prayers

#1011 - Easy Protection Charm for Beginners

Simple protection charm to defend against negative energies and harmful spells.
You may need:

  • 1 crystal of your choosing
  • 1 bag or cloth
  • 1 marker
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    You may need:

  • 1 crystal of your choosing
  • 1 bag or cloth
  • 1 marker
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    I have found this spell quite useful as it can protect you from negative energies and harmful spells however it draws energy from the crystal so proper charging is important.

    The first step is to get a crystal or gem stone I use amethysts or quarts as they are good for protection spells.

    the second step involves charging your crystal/gemstone I find it easier to use an outside source of energy to charge especially for those who have trouble manipulating energy I personally charge mine by burying it beneath a tree wrapped in a cloth marked with my personal sigil for drawing in energy.

    However other methods can be used I prefer earth as it is the element I am drawn most to a simple way would be using moonlight to charge your crystal/gemstone.

    Thirdly one charged wrap your crystal in a cloth or put in a bag and mark the outside with a sigil of protection this sigil works best if it is a personal one but you can use another sigil as long as it is designed to protect you.

    tie the cloth/bag closed and keep it with you as a protective charm or store it in a room you wish to protect.

    charge your crystal once it is drained of energy.

    Added to on Nov 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1012 - Therianthropy Spell

    This spell will show you how to find your therian animal.
    You may need:

  • 1 you
  • Insence (optional)
  • Meditation music
  • Quiet space
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    You may need:

  • 1 you
  • Insence (optional)
  • Meditation music
  • Quiet space
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    Find somewhere you won't be interrupted and get into meditation position and a calm state of mind. With the music on concentrate on your vision that you see. You may see an animal in its habitat. If the animal comes close, don't open your eyes, just wait... it may start talking to you and asking you questions. Answer them in your mind, the animal can hear you. After, open your eyes and you will feel a strong energy pulse over you. If you have a dream about that same animal that might, that is your therian animal. If you didn't then you aren't a therian.

    Added to on Nov 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1013 - Happiness bath incantation

    Put music on if you wish being careful not to get anything electric near water, light your candles but not your ritual candle just yet and pour your floral herb mixture into the bath. Get in the bath, breathe deep, and relax. When you are ready hold your ritual candle and light it. As you hold it, say this spell: Water
    You may need:

  • 1 cup epsom salt 1/4 cup jasmine flowers 1/4 cup rose petals optional- a few drops of essential oil such as rose, jasmine, neroli or lavender. Jasmine
  • Bath Wine Candles- several for light, and your coloured candle for the ritual Music- Try whale song, rainforest, rain sound effects, pagan music or chanting. Floral herb mixture
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    You may need:

  • 1 cup epsom salt 1/4 cup jasmine flowers 1/4 cup rose petals optional- a few drops of essential oil such as rose, jasmine, neroli or lavender. Jasmine
  • Bath Wine Candles- several for light, and your coloured candle for the ritual Music- Try whale song, rainforest, rain sound effects, pagan music or chanting. Floral herb mixture
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    Get in the bath, breathe deep, and relax. When you are ready hold your ritual candle and light it. As you hold it, say this spell: Water run and river flow Goddess I call you here Bad thoughts, I let you go I am calm and have no fear Put the candle down, close your eyes and relax in the bath. When you feel ready get out of the bath and drain it. You can leave the candle to burn if you wish (if it is safe to).

    Added to on Nov 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1014 - Banishing Anxiety

    Banish worry and anxiety.
    You may need:

  • 1 Black Candle
  • 1 Paper
  • 1 Pen Something
  • 1 Lighter or match Light The Candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black Candle
  • 1 Paper
  • 1 Pen Something
  • 1 Lighter or match Light The Candle
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    Cleanse your space and cast your circle of protection.

    2. Draw a pentacle on the paper.

    3. Place the paper in the centre of your altar or space where you are working.

    4. Light the candle.

    5. As the candle is burning, chant the following;

    "I call on powers far and near To banish all that’s not welcome here. Use this candle, use this charm, To banish all that would cause harm. This I ask, that you may Send unwanted harm away."

    6. As you are chanting, imagine all of the anxiety, fear and negativity dissolving. 3. Create a Magickal

    Added to on Nov 02, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1015 - Goofer Dust Jack Ball Hex

    For your enemies.
    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • enemy's finger clippings, hair, clothing, etc.
  • Your own urine
  • Goofer dust
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    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • enemy's finger clippings, hair, clothing, etc.
  • Your own urine
  • Goofer dust
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    1. Carve and dress a black candle to suit the purposes of your hex. Proceed to melt the candle.

    2. Roll the soft wax into a ball, roll pieces of your target into it.

    3. Put a couple of drops of your own urine and a few spoonfuls of goofer dust on it.

    4. Roll it all into a ball and bury it in the target's yard.

    Added to on Nov 02, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1016 - Summon a Genie

    So as you've read in the title it's a spell to summon a genie in a mirror. I hope this works for you children.
    You may need:

  • Mirror
  • Strong belief
  • Quiet room
  • Candles
  • Dry rose petals (as many as you want 1,2,3,4, it's up to you.)
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    You may need:

  • Mirror
  • Strong belief
  • Quiet room
  • Candles
  • Dry rose petals (as many as you want 1,2,3,4, it's up to you.)
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    Go into a room (of your choice). Make sure the door is closed behind you and also make sure that nobody can come into you're room and bother you. Now you have a mirror right? Yeah of course you do. It doesn't matter what size or where you have it, it just has to be a mirror of any kind. Get the candles and light them. Put on on either side of you kinda like in a circle i guess. Get your rose petals next, and spread them in between the space of the candles. sit on the floor while doing this. And say this spell :

    "Genie,Genie come to me, appear in this mirror and become more than a fantasy! So mote it be!"

    4 times.

    Added to on Nov 01, 2017
    Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1017 - Revenge on someone that had hurt u or someone u care about

    Hopefully this will make the person who hurt someone suffer.
    (Only use if needed)
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Have the right to get revenge
  • 1 black candle
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Have the right to get revenge
  • 1 black candle
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    Set up your altar and light a black candle and remember the Reaseon for revenge .Then chant:Oh Nemesis Greek goddess of revenge help me get revenge because (name of person) has hurt someone dear to me let them suffer and pay the consequences. I beg you plz so mote it be.

    (Say as many times as you want)
    (First spell plz don't hate)

    Added to on Oct 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1018 - how to make your own iadian 1

    this is an original I conceived based on an angel creation spell we iadians know of. I am 100% positive that this method works.
    You may need:

  • experience in energy manipulation.
  • patience.
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    You may need:

  • experience in energy manipulation.
  • patience.
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    You are about to create an iadian. The spirit form variety. This is going to be the same type of creature as god, but you won't be getting a god. I must warn you. the creature you are creating is not a plaything, and is never harmless. It is an individual with freewill, and unlike angels can simply decide to make your life very interesting, or even take it, if it feels it's in the best interest of its well being. an Iadian is never harmless, and I assure you we're an extremely deadly race of supernatural beings. I should know as I am the physical variety myself, and have command over tens of thousands of this Iadian type. They're what I use to attack enemies on the strike missions Iada sends me on. Now on to the instructions on how to make your own Iadian.

    Step 1. raise your energy.

    Step 2. use half your energy, and form into a diamond shaped object about an inch in length.

    Step 3. say the words: Caw Knee Faw Aut.

    Step 4. use you energy again, and move the seed you just made to your heart, and leave it there. It should then implant when you release it.

    Step 5. wait for about one month. And after this period, your Iadian should be born

    Added to on Oct 28, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 22, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1019 - Void Stare

    If you wish to increase you're understanding of magic and the world then learn this. The spell i am going to teach you is one that i have done for years. It will allow you to see directly into the void itself.
    You may need:

    You may need:

    Don't do this spell without experience in fact il just give you a list.

    1.(uninitiated) if you have not opened you're third eye you will see nothing or a scrambled mess.

    2.(unprepared) if you are not prepared for this then i strongly advise against this. You should be experienced in astral projection and know the dangers of the astral plane. since staring into the void itself is much worse than that. Without adequate experience as far as i know one of 3 things will happen.

    1: sleep paralysis and increased fatigue for the next week along with headaches and nightmares

    2: temporary blindness

    3: attracting the attention of an astral being.

    IF however you are experienced and know the dangers of astral projection then you should be ready. Start by simply astral projecting as you normally would. While astral projecting find a shrine or place of power and summon a blade. Thrust the blade at the location not at the shrine but the fabric of reality. Widen the area and pull it open.
    you should see a dark-purple-blue sea behind the cut for a second.

    You will then wake up the moment later with either increased power or knowledge. If you get good at this spell you may be able to look through the void for something or gain exponential power.

    good luck.

    Added to on Oct 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1020 - Send Back Bad Prayers

    This spell is to return a prayer that has been prayed against you.

    This is Gray Magic
    You may need:

  • Full - Dark of the moon- optional
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    You may need:

  • Full - Dark of the moon- optional
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    Prayer black as night. I send you back with all my might. Take them out with all your might. And turn their marriage into black as night. So mote it be.

    Added to on Oct 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters