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7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7153 Spiritual Spells
7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7153 Spiritual Spells
  1. Spell To Summon A Wolf Spirit
  2. Call Upon The Horse Spirit Animal
  3. Absorb Energy
  4. Accepting a Difficult Situation
  5. world peace
  6. new times of peace
  7. america africa
  8. light is longer in time
  9. Crystal Power Spell ~My Spell~
  10. To Break a Couple Up

#1081 - Spell To Summon A Wolf Spirit

This is a spell to summon a wolf spirit to act as a teacher, protector and friend. Not a thing to be messed with.
You may need:

  • Five white candles/tealights
  • Chalk
  • Salt
  • Incense
  • Athame/Knife
  • Wolf figurine
  • Full Moon
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    You may need:

  • Five white candles/tealights
  • Chalk
  • Salt
  • Incense
  • Athame/Knife
  • Wolf figurine
  • Full Moon
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    With the chalk, draw a sizable circle around you. Pour the salt around the circle. Set aside the salt. In the center of the circle, draw a pentacle. Place the wolf figurine in the center. Pour the salt in a circle around the wolf statue. Place the candles at every point in the pentacle.
    Light the candles and incense. Say:

    "Spirit of the Wolf,
    You who wanders the wild lands
    You who stalks in the silent shadows
    You who runs and leaps between the moss covered trees,
    Lend me your primal strength,
    And the wisdom of your glowing eyes.
    Teach me to relentlessly track my desire,
    And to stand in defense of those I love.
    Show me the hidden paths and the moonlit fields.
    Fierce Spirit, walk with me in my solitude
    Howl with me in my joy
    And guard me as I move through this world."

    Take the athame/knife and use it to prick your finger. Wipe the blood on the forehead of the figurine. Say the following:

    "Spirit of the Wolf, I summon you.
    Bound together by blood,
    I summon you.
    Wolf Spirit, inhabit these walls and roam with me.
    We are bound
    Yet we are free.
    Walk with me through my life.
    We are a pack.
    I summon you."

    Let the incense and the candles burn down. Take the statue and put it in a place of reverence in your home or room. Your chosen spirit will always be with you. However, they are bound to the figurine, so take them with you wherever you may go. They would like to come too! If and when the time comes when you should release them (they have grown old, and need to recharge and return), bury the statue under a willow on the full moon. Wait until the next full moon, and perform the spell again, using fresh blood and keeping the statue. End the ritual with a smile and a 'welcome back, old friend'.

    Added to on Sep 18, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1082 - Call Upon The Horse Spirit Animal

    Spirit animals are the epitome of their own species. Like a totem, they represent their species and are not specific animals who have lived before. The horse can help you to be more independent and confident in yourself, to love yourself, and to stay true to yourself.
    You may need:

  • - 1 Candle (Optional) Can be any color, preferably white or red.
  • - Your voice (Or you can just think)
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    You may need:

  • - 1 Candle (Optional) Can be any color, preferably white or red.
  • - Your voice (Or you can just think)
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    1. Light your candle if you decided to use one. Set it next to you or in front of you. If you don't have a candle, that's fine. It doesn't matter where you are, it's best to do this in a quiet area, like your room.

    2. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Keep doing this until you are fully relaxed. After you are calm, you can open your eyes or keep them closed. In your mind, imagine what the horse spirit animal might look like. Imagine it approaching you slowly, a light fog and shining stars surrounding it with a soft white or yellow glow around the spirit.

    3. Say this out loud or in your thoughts, it doesn't matter which.
    ''Spirit animal of the Horse, please guide, protect, and teach me your ways, help me to be more confident in myself, and to not be afraid to be independent. Watch over me as I face my problems and decisions.
    Thank you''

    Added to on Sep 16, 2017
    Last edited on Dec 25, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1083 - Absorb Energy

    A spell to absorb energy from the universe into you.
    You may need:

  • Imagination
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Imagination
  • Voice
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    Speak the following:

    Father, father, time and chakras, absorb the energies from this universe, give me the life and power. x3

    Added to on Sep 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1084 - Accepting a Difficult Situation

    To be able to accept and actions of the past, and to have the ability to move on.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Writing utensil
  • Fireproof area
  • Match or lighter
  • Traumatic experience or something you'd wish to forget
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Writing utensil
  • Fireproof area
  • Match or lighter
  • Traumatic experience or something you'd wish to forget
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    Cast a circle around you and your items. Clear your mind and relive the exact situation you wish to be able to move on from. Think of your emotions during that time, anything you felt physically or emotionally, and keep these feelings at the front of you mind when saying the spell.

    Take your piece of paper and writing utensil, and scribble on it to express those built up feelings. If you don't want to scribble, then crumble up the paper. Feel the negative energy from your situation transfer into the paper. Say this spell:

    Let the powers of the universe open my mind, let them travel to my memories of a harsher time. This event will no longer be the anchor attached to my life, nor the pain similar to which is caused by a knife. Acceptance is in my soul and let forgiveness take its toll. by the power of three times three, so mote it be.

    Then light the paper on fire and watch the smoke disappear into air, watch those negative feelings attached to that memory disappear into the universe.

    Added to on Sep 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1085 - world peace

    world peace needs to happen and this spells bring on world peace
    You may need:

  • just say it
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    You may need:

  • just say it
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    Now is the time to rebuild and have peace
    World peace I call you take form and shield the world let violence cease
    All around the world let the love shine
    Its time to take a breath and enjoy some wine
    Peace from the north, east, west , south I call you forth now
    Stand strong to gather the world to work together and let’s take a heavenly vow
    To let peace be forever
    And let the dreamers stay clever
    Now calling peace to cover the earth
    Its time for this to birth
    world peace i call you to act and respond
    now to let this world peace be a forever bond
    Bless it be 3x3 p.s no consequences , no personal gain

    Added to on Sep 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1086 - new times of peace

    helps bring world peace
    You may need:

  • jut say it
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    You may need:

  • jut say it
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    Iraq and India now you have your peace
    Let all world hunger cease
    You will have your sunny days
    Let light help build your people as I say
    Let the love of heaven shine bright
    Kick out the dark and not embrace the night
    Shall you live the dream of peace?
    Now you can see violence has to cease
    Bless it be 3x3 p.s no consequences , no personal gain

    Added to on Sep 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1087 - america africa

    to help Africa have the American dream
    You may need:

  • just say
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    You may need:

  • just say
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    now People of Africa now is the time
    Where wealth and health is in your prime
    Sickness with be healed
    And new beginnings are revealed
    Life as the Americans live
    The rest of the world will give
    Now you shall build your economy
    Let the blessing fall like astronomy
    Riches and health and the American way
    Just as I say
    Now is the time to live the American dream
    Brighter than the American you shall gleam
    Bless it be 3x3 p.s no consequences , no personal gain

    Added to on Sep 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1088 - light is longer in time

    if your scared then say it to have the darkness flee. i would say it 0ne to 3 times
    You may need:

  • just voice ,
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    You may need:

  • just voice ,
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    Light light light!!!!!!!!!
    Forever evolve higher than the darkness give it a fright
    Learn all you can to destroy the dark
    Leave the light mark
    Ever growing light
    Kills the dark that hides in the night
    All the darkness that is swift
    Light Kills their powers so they can be stiff
    As you drain the darkness the light gets stronger
    Now there is only light which in time is longer
    Now light you will learn how to drain the dark
    Now ever stronger the light will bring on the ark
    Light will completely drain the dark, the darkness
    Let that bitch continue to be heartless
    Light will now drain everything wicked
    Now they are weak and afflicted
    Now the light is addicted to destroy the dark
    Light learns from dark to destroy is deadly mark
    Bless it be 3x3 p.s no consequences, no personal gain

    Added to on Sep 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1089 - Crystal Power Spell ~My Spell~

    This spell was requested.
    You may need:

  • Salt or anything that
  • has crystal (don't worry you will not eat it)
  • Voice
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Salt or anything that
  • has crystal (don't worry you will not eat it)
  • Voice
  • Belief
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    What 2 Do:
    Stare into the salt for 10 seconds
    Say this spell 3x

    I call on the crystals
    All clear and bright
    To give me the power
    to control you
    With my might
    I shall control all types of crystals
    From bright to dull
    From big to small
    I shall (hand movement)
    to control the crystals
    Please grant me this power
    in 3 days
    It shall last (forever/your time)
    So mote it be

    In ''your time'' it means you
    put the time you want it to last
    like 4 months, 23 years, 2 decades, etc

    For hand movements, you put how you want
    to control the power like sticking your hand out,
    putting it into a fist, etc

    Added to on Sep 10, 2017
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1090 - To Break a Couple Up

    Must use a lot of emotion and visualization.
    You may need:

  • -Paper (ideally parchment)
  • -Ink (ideally rosewater or dragons blood
  • -Candle(white, black, red or purple)
  • -Something to carve the candle with
  • -Visualization
  • -Your voice
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    You may need:

  • -Paper (ideally parchment)
  • -Ink (ideally rosewater or dragons blood
  • -Candle(white, black, red or purple)
  • -Something to carve the candle with
  • -Visualization
  • -Your voice
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    1.) Write both of their names on the parchment with a heart around it
    2.) Make a sigil out of the letters of a word you want to inflict on them, but do not use any vowels.
    3.)Rip the heart in half and place under the candle after anointing the candle
    4.)Light the candle and visualize the couple, then them separating.
    ''On this day in this hour
    this relationship will turn sour
    there is no more love between these two
    they will be forced to find a love new''
    6.) Extingish the flame and throw it away.

    Added to on Sep 10, 2017
    Last edited on Mar 22, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters