7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- power drink potion
- Simple Mermaid Spell ~My Spell~
- Make a Nature Wand
- Voodoo Doll for Advanced Witches
- Voodoo Break Up Spell; Minimalist style
- Goofer Dust
- Witches Black Salt
- Summon or Stop a Storm
- Remove spiritual seal
- Powerful spell booster spell
#1171 - power drink potion
1. Take the container of your choice, and fill it with a either water or a fluid you like to drink.
2. Charge your body with the type of energy that you usually use. In my case, I draw Energy from the deity Jehovah.
3. Once your body is fully charged with energy, clasp both hands onto the surface of the container of fluid.
4. In the same way as you would form an energy ball, channel your energy into the container's fluid inside and imagine the energy infusing with the fluid until the liquid inside is thoroughly impregnated with the energy you just channeled into it.
5. Enjoy.
Last edited on Apr 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1172 - Simple Mermaid Spell ~My Spell~
Look into the water and imagine
it as a shiny ocean wave and picture
you as mermaid swimming in the water
Say this spell 3x
Oh dear mermaids
With your strong, beautiful tails
With your bright eyes
With your long, flowing hair
I call upon you
to change me
To be with you
I wish for a (color) tail with 3 powers of
(your 3 powers that you choose)
I wish for my eyes to be bright (color)
and for my hair to be long, strong, and healthy
Please make this me
A strong, beautiful mermaid
My tail shall appear when water touches me for
more than 10 seconds and become human when dry
This mermaid wish shall last (forever/your time)
I can tell my secret to (only people I trust/everyone/no one)
Oh dear mermaids
Please listen to me
Make me a mermaid
In 5 days
So mote it be
For the longevity, you can either put forever
or a time that you want it
to last like 5 years, 1 decade, etc
For your 3 powers, just pick whatever power you want
Can be any power, your choice
Yes I put 5 days, spells like these needs time to work
Side effects:
Itchy/aching/scaly/tingling legs
legs changing to the color you choose
mermaid visions
eyes aching
wanting to drink or be around water
temptations to sing
legs crossing together or sticking together
hair becoming for healthy and hair growth
If you experience some side effects other than these then comment
#1173 - Make a Nature Wand
Find a stick on the ground or put your hand on a tree and say:
"Mother Nature, allow me to use your branch for magic purposes."
If the wind blows leaves towards you, you can take a branch. If it blows away from you, try a different tree. Then remove the bark if you want, and carve it if you would like. Then, stick the end in the dirt and say:
"Oh Mother Nature, enchant this wand so the tendrils of your magic wrap around and embrace it. Give it power similar to yours!"
Remove the wand and bow. Then leave slowly.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1174 - Voodoo Doll for Advanced Witches
NOTE; If you are making a HEALING DOLL use crystals and other healing herbs inside the doll. If you are making a HEX DOLL with intent of PHYSICAL HARM or DEATH, add items such as animal bones(or human if you can get your hands on them), dead bird's feathers, dead animals blood(put it in a WELL SEALED container in the doll for disease and health safety). For Ill intent dolls, the more personal items you put in, the better. NOTE END.
Finish filling the doll after all items have been added. When finished, sew the opening and begin to mediate on the dolls purpose. Be specific and if it helps, say your intentions out loud.
NOTE; If the doll is being preformed on another witch and/or they are capable of being aware of being manipulated through magickal purposes, make a binding knot magick string to mask and cloak the doll. Make sure it is powerful, your doll is going to be strong, the cloak needs to be stronger. NOTE END.
Then, add pins as nesseccary, stating/meditating on the intent of each pin.
If you have an ill intent doll, keep it well hidden, and protect yourself as much as possible in case of magick back lash.
Stay safe lovelies!
#1175 - Voodoo Break Up Spell; Minimalist style
Stay safe lovelies!
#1176 - Goofer Dust
Tip: Before harvesting graveyard dirt, ask permission first from the spirit, if consent is given then harvest with properly blessed tools and a properly cleaned container. If at any point in harvesting you feel a negative or malicious presence, leave immediately and proceed to cleanse yourself with a sage smudge.
Mix Salt and sage ash with sprinkles of black pepper, cayenne, and chili powder into the salt. Add in graveyard dirt. Place in satchel and carry, or, sprinkle around perimeters or desired area.
Stay safe Lovelies!
Last edited on Nov 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1177 - Witches Black Salt
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1178 - Summon or Stop a Storm
Mother Nature, storm or stop,
I will put a cork on top.
Lest the rain through the spell seep through,
The storm will rain on me and you.
So leave a storm within my wake,
Or leave the sun outside to bake,
With the power invested in me,
Mote it be.
#1179 - Remove spiritual seal
(I have only tested this on seals i have created and have only tried on seals no older than 5 minutes)
once you do that, focus on the seals energy.
After you lock onto the seal, focus your energy while saying(thinking works as well but saying is much stronger):
''seal be released seal be untold, seal unfold!''
after it is said, release all your gathered energy into the seal, when i did this i saw my energy as a key opening a lock.
the lock should look like the intent behind the seal.
for example: if it was sealed with loving intent, it could be red in some areas, if the caster did it for malicious intent, perhaps black.
if its lined with metal (depends on the metal) the seal could be much stronger in certain ways) etc. .
if you have any questions please ask.
#1180 - Powerful spell booster spell
2. Draw a large pentagram on the paper and place the candle in the center of it.
3. After the water evaporates take away the flower petals and sprinkle the glitter (which is now enchanted) on the lighter/match and chant this once:
''Gods and goddesses of magick and witchcraft, spirits and powerful elements I call upon you urgently to assist me with my spell casting. I cast a (__) spell and I really want it to work. Please use your magical powers to make it work 100% sure. I would like you to turn this lighter/match into a wand, and I plea for this candle to represent my spell. As I light the candle I boost my spell. Make all of the above happen, please. Blessed be. SO MOTE IT BE!''
Now light the candle.