7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- see spirits spell
- Banish a ghost
- A Belladonna Bottle
- nightmare spell
- garlic bane
- the ravens wings
- shadow speak
- Embrace the Shadows
- Simple Good Luck Spell
- To Banish A Awful Memory
#1261 - see spirits spell
A Spell to See Spirits
An incantation to encourage the spirit’s presence is:
“Guardians of the Spirit realm,
hear and guide my plea.
When the witching hour rings true,
bring my relationship, name of person to me.
Other souls who hear my call,
are not welcome in this place.
Only the one known as name of person may enter sacred space.”
Repeat the request three times, twenty minutes apart, then wait quietly for
indications of a presence.
Signs include the scent of flowers, or favored cologne, a cool wind, movement of
curtains, and candles going out or twitching erratically.
Once you feel sure the spirit is with you, do not make it tarry overly long.
Take care of your business, say farewell, and thank the guardians for their
assistance before closing the circle.
A Word of Caution:
Spiritual entities should not be banished or called for amusement.
It is best to contact a knowledgeable, experienced psychic for advice or
assistance before undertaking any spells of this type.
It is used for communication, and understanding the purpose of spirits.
The best times are in-between times, such as noon, midnight, dusk and dawn.
Halloween. Seasons of late fall and winter.
When the Moon is in Libra. Eclipses. Wednesday
#1262 - Banish a ghost
#1263 - A Belladonna Bottle
Put some bits of rust or metal in the bottom of the bottle along with the belladonna, and then drop in the sewing needle.
When the wax has started melting pick up the candle and drip some into the bottle. Try to fill it at least a third full (use a small bottle to keep it simple). It should cover over all the contents to keep it in place, though the sewing needle can still stick out of the wax. Say the words, ''Poison you'' five times and put the lid on the bottle.
Bury the charm in your yard and it should start to work in a few days.
#1264 - nightmare spell
Watch the smoke rising from the dish and visualize it floating through space to your intended target. It brings nightmares and fear into their sleep, and picture that scene for several minutes and focus on the person.
After a few minutes, put out the charcoal and switch the dish and candle so the candle is on the x. Leave it until it fully burns down. Your victim will have bad dreams starting the next night and it will last for 3 days.
#1265 - garlic bane
Use a heavy black marker (no pencil or ball point), to draw a pentacle on a piece of paper, then cut it out to fit inside the bottom of the big jar. Place the garlic cloves inside the smaller jar, and tighten the lid. Repeat the first words of the spell:
Moon will wax, moon will wane,
Now I cast the garlic bane.
Set the little jar inside the big one, on the piece of paper. Now mix ash and dirt in water, and pour into the big jar enough to cover the smaller jar. Doesn't have to be completely full, just enough to cover the jar with the garlic. Say:
My power and my might,
I bring it out this night.
I trap you in this jar
Now your luck is far
Suffer in an empty space
Living at a slow snail's pace
Nothing works, nothing gains
I cast on you, lots of pain
As the ink washes off the paper into the water, the spell will gain energy and start to work in a few days. Leave the entire thing on your altar for it to keep working. Repeat the words again over the jars to recharge the spell after a month, if necessary.
#1266 - the ravens wings
Use something sharp to carve the name of your target into the side of the candle. Fill the dish with dirt, and stand the candle upright in the center.
Light the candle and repeat the words of the spell:
The black power of the raven
Flies above my head
The black power of the feather
And the smoke and the dead
Light the feather from the candle flame (warning, this will smell unpleasant) and hold on to it as long as you can without getting your fingers burnt.
Call out the person's name, and say ''I send this curse to you''. Sharply blow out the candle at this point. Leave the candle in place until the next midnight, when you snap it in half (a taper candle will make this step easier). Stick both halves in the dirt and leave it to work its magick.
#1267 - shadow speak
Touch each of the 4 corners and then immediately rip away the cloth. In that instant, you'll get a strong impression or even see a message in the mirror from the shadow. It's a message you need right now but it may not be clear
#1268 - Embrace the Shadows
Fill the bowl with water, then add 9 drops of black ink. Wait for a few moments for the darkness to spread through the water. Sprinkle pepper on the surface of the water. Just a pinch is enough.
Now repeat the words of the shadow spell:
Shadows of darkness, spirits within
Harness the energy, let it begin
Draw down the moon
Bring me the shadows
I am ready to see
My other side
At this point, prick your finger with the pin and let a drop of blood fall into the water. Repeat the words a second time. Take the bowl outside and dump it all out into the Earth. You'll soon start to feel new connection to your darker shadow spirit.
#1269 - Simple Good Luck Spell
Last edited on Apr 08, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1270 - To Banish A Awful Memory
Hear these words,
hear this plea,
spirits I ask you to help with thee.
Remove a memory from my mind,
the awful memorie that haunts me until the end of time.