7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Kin Memories Jar
- Dream of Destruction
- The Creation Spell
- New Moon Shifting Spell
- Controlling Air
- Protection Chant
- the spell of pure mind
- superpower spell
- curse
- Hex to Bring Discord
#1401 - Kin Memories Jar
Add the cinnamon, sugar, thyme and glitter to the jar.
Draw or print and cut out the sigil, fold it up (if needed) and insert it.
Add the token and anything else you wish to include.
Light the candle and say:
''I shall remember my life
I shall remember my death
I shall remember every day
Thought, movement, and breath
I shall remember my lives
Of kin and kin alike
I will remember all my friends
My likes and my dislikes
I shall remember my world
And find it easily
It becomes far easier
To find my kin memories
I shall remember my joy
I shall remember my sorrow
As I cast this spell today I call
For memories tomorrow.''
Now drip the wax of the candle over the jar to seal it. If you need to, do this over a piece of paper. Place the jar in a safe place, such as under your bed or on your desk.
Last edited on Jul 15, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1402 - Dream of Destruction
Note: Spell has 50% chance to work, because either it does, or it doesn't.
#1403 - The Creation Spell
Step 2: Place a candle on each side of the bowl. (gold on right, white on left)
Step 3: Write what you want to create on the paper
Step 4: Fold the paper 7 times. (doesn't have to be in half)
Step 5: Light the candles.
Step 6: Light a corner of the paper on fire with the gold candle.
Step 7: Dunk the corner in the water.
Step 8: Do the same with a different corner. (with white candle)
Step 9: Hold the paper above the bowl and say, '' This is my will that is written here, with the two corners of luck, all the things that I desire will be granted in one single swoop.''
Step 10: Drop the paper into the water.
Step 11: Dip your thumb and index finger into the water. (both hands)
Step 12: Snuff out the candles. (white first)
You are all good to go! Whatever you wrote on the paper should be created within 30 min.
#1404 - New Moon Shifting Spell
Salt is for cleansing and purification of the self and the working space.
Water is to bring the wish to life and make it real, signifying the sealing of the wish into the universe.
The quartz represents the purity and clarity of your wish, the protection and healing properties to create the mental and physical shift, and many more magickal properties including a source of spell power.
The paper is to write a clear thought and clear intent for the spell.
The white candles provide a blank slate and represent the coming into being, the purity of the wish, the clarity of the wish, new beginnings, and general magick power.
The black candle represents the banishment of negativity, darkness, the new moon, and magick. It also represents your mythical self.
The small white candle represents your humanity.
The small coloured candle represents your mythical self and the journey to get there.
Warning: Make sure you are sure in your wish and won't change your mind.
Spell instructions:
Purify the space with salt. Sprinkle some over each candle.
Light the white candles, then the black candle. Light the small white tealight and put the unlit coloured one next to it. Write on the first paper:
''I am a human.
I am human in mind.
I am human in body.
I am human in spirit.
I do not want to be human.''
Now hold the token of humanity and say:
''I am human
And on this day
I reject my humanity
And cast it away.''
Light the coloured candle with the small white candle's flame. Say:
''A/n (type) is what I wish to be
I change the spirit deep within me
I need to be a/n (type), so I must change
My life I shall rearrange
My mind I shall shift with intensity
To awaken the (type) inside of me
With diligence of mind, body and soul
I break my chains and become a whole.''
Now hold the mythical token and say:
''A/n (type) is who I am within
I change the soul beneath my skin
I shift my mind to allow me to shift
I shall achieve my dreams, my soul shall lift
The physical shift is my greatest dream
It shall be mine for all to see
The (type) that I have become
By the mystic Moon and shining Sun!''
Now pick up the white candle and say:
''Here on this path I make my pledge
That I shall never stray
I shall never give up my dream
Or stop and lose my way
I shall become a (type)
This is my greatest desire
I employ my force of will
Stronger than hottest fire
I pledge to always stay strong
Even when the path gets rough
I shall achieve my physical shift
And that knowledge is enough
To keep me on the path
Slowly soldiering on
As I shift into a/n (type)
I shall always be strong.''
Now blow out the candle, imagining your human self blowing away, replaced with your desired self. Visualize your new self, form all angles and perspectives, taking in every detail. Imagine yourself physically shifting for the first time, the second time, the tenth time (unless you are shifting permanently). When you are done, write on the second paper (Remove anything that hasn't changed. For example, if you are an usagi with non retractable ears and tail, leave out the retractable part.):
''I am a/n (type).
My eyes are (eye colour).
My hair is (hair colour) and (hair length).
I have (wings/ears/tail/etc.).
I have (mythical parts).
I have (mythical parts).
I can retract my (mythical part) at will.
I can retract my (mythical part) at will.
I can retract my (mythical part) at will.
(Add anything else you may want to add.)''
Now read this paper while burning the human paper with the black candle's flame. Repeat it until the human paper is burned fully. Then fold it up, and place it in the water. Blow out the candles to complete the spell. Dispose of the ashes outside, and pour the water bowl into running water or a garden.
Note: This does not make you a mythical on your own. It is meant to boost the metaphysical shifting process. Check my other spells for more standalone spells (although these also require some sort of shifting or boosting).
#1405 - Controlling Air
Recite as much as wanted.
Last edited on Jan 16, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1406 - Protection Chant
#1407 - the spell of pure mind
message if you have any problem with it ok
#1408 - superpower spell
#1409 - curse
victim (wax sigil, photograph, drawing, anything) in the flame of a
consecrated black candle.
There has been unfairness done to me I summon the elements I invoke them I conjure them to do my bidding The four watchtowers shall lay their eyes and minds there shall be fear and guilt and bad blood there shall be submission and no pity I point the threefold law against thee against thee it shall be pointed threefold, a hundred fold is the cost for my anger and pain Thee shall be blinded by the fear blinded by the pain blinded by me binded by me Cursed by me So mote it be!
#1410 - Hex to Bring Discord
You will tie 3 separate knots, a couple inches apart, as you recite the following before you tie each knot.
"With this knot I seal this hex
you will not sleep, you will not rest
Knots of anger, knots of hate
Discord brings you to your fate
I tie this second knot makes two
Bringing darkness over you
Slander, discord, evil too
Bringing darkness straight to you
With this third knot, I do bind
Weaving chaos in your mind
Hex of anger, hex of hate
Bring him down, I will not wait
So it be now made manifest!"
As you do this spell be thinking of all the chaos that it is going to bring to your enemy and make sure you are worked up into a rage before doing the spell. This will make it all the more effective! When you are done see if you can hide this string (with the knots now tied) around you enemies home! This will make it more potent! If not then save it in a special place until you decide to untie the knots and give your enemy a second chance.
Last edited on May 12, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.