7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Letting Go
- Dragon
- Peaceful Dreams
- Hell Meassage
- Power Awakening
- Samhain Oil
- Fairy
- Sending a Message to the Dead
- Spinning Paper
- Dream of Anything
#1581 - Letting Go
Light the black candle for grounding your emotions or energies.
I then light my sage incense and invoke the Mother or your Deity as desired to aid in the desire or intent of the working. (This is optional)
Light your white candle of purest intent and repeat your incantation as you begin to burn your paper.
"Let it go
set it free.
Push it far
away from me.
Let it go
set it free.
Only new
can ever be."
As the paper burns keep repeating until the paper is completly consumed.
I usually offer a libation to whatever energy i was working with as a thanks for their aid.
I snuff out the white candle and then the black..releasing my own energy.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1582 - Dragon
First, light the candle if you have one. The claw is to show how fierce a dragon is. Hold the claw near the light source. The light shows how good a dragon can be, or how bright and beautiful the dragons flames are, if it's a fire dragon.
Now focus on the dragon you desire, every scale, every inch of its blood cells.
Think about the dragons personality, if the dragon can talk to other humans, if the dragon is feared. Think if it's a luck dragon or if it has 4 limbs or more.
Chant while imagining, and holding the claw near a light source:
"Dragon of scales,
Dragon of power,
This dragon will fight for me until its final hour.
Dragon with grin,
Dragon with frown,
Dragon who brings me that golden crown.
Dragon who loves,
Dragon who hates,
Dragon with thick (color of the dragons scales) armoured plates.
Dragon is free
Dragon is mine,
Dragon who stays with me.
So more it be"
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1583 - Peaceful Dreams
Before bed, fill the glass bowl with water. Then add the herbs and salt. Stir it around gently, and repeat the following:
"Bring me quiet
Bring me peace
Ease my dreams
Nightmares cease"
Drop the moonstones into the bowl and place it near your bed. Go to sleep and let the bowl absorb any negative dreams.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1584 - Hell Meassage
When you write to Lucifer or any demon, write a formal letter. It could be dangerous if you do not. Scratch that this will still be dangerous.
Now as for the instructions. Simply write the letter in your blood on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. Then take the envelope and burn it.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1585 - Power Awakening
Just chant the below six times
"I call upon the magical energy around me.
Hear me and obey!
Reveal yourself and awaken my hidden powers so i may use magic to the fullest
This is my will
This must be"
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1586 - Samhain Oil
Light your Black candles and sage then add rosemary, dried apple, witch hazel and then the grave yard dirt place all ingredients in a jar or bottle then chant:
"Spirits of samhain may you find peace into the night so mote it be so blessed be. "
Then add the oil base into the bottle or jar shake for 3 days .
Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1587 - Fairy
If you choose to get leaves then spread them out in a circle. Say this spell 3x. Look out the window and imagine yourself as a fairy (optional too)
"Fairies flying around in the air
I want to soar
Through the air
Through the breeze
With (color) wings
I shall have powers of (3 powers)
and my element will be (your element)
Fairies, hear my plea
Please make this me
When I (summoning action/word)
my wings will summon
When I (disappearing action/word)
my wings will fold in my back
My wings and powers shall stay
Until I made up my mind to reverse it
Grant me this wish in (your time)
So mote it be"
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1588 - Sending a Message to the Dead
Place the white candle on the left (this represents life, it represents you), in the middle the item(s) representing the person you wish to communicate with (this represents who your message is intended for, more specifically, it guides your message to the correct spirit. It can be a bag of herbs representing them, crystals, a photo, etc.) and on the right the black candle (which literally represents the person who passed, the dead).
Light the white candle and open the means of communication with the spirits by first calling on the deity of your path (th spirit or entity responsible for communication and/or the ability to communicate with the dead) to facilitate communication with the person who has passed.
Tell them you wish to honor this person with a message, ask for the message to be relayed to them or if permissible for them to listen in and thank the spirits/diety. Then crossing above the item(s), light the black candle with the white one and begin to speak to them. When you are done relaying your message, wish them well and say good bye.
Then announce to the deity/spirit facilitating the communication that you are have finished, thank them again. Then turn to blow out the black candle saying "As I blow out this candle, communication from the realm beyond is done. No unwanted spirits or entities may make contact."
Then proceed to blow out the white candle saying, "As I blow out this candle, I end the communication with the deities/gods/goddesses [Incert whoever you called upon] . Thank you for your aid and guidance."
After that, any ritual or spell for cleansing the space you performed this in is highly reccomended (to avoid leaving yourself and that space open to any unwanted spiritual vistors).
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1589 - Spinning Paper
Get the eraser and the pin. Put the pin into the eraser and the fold the paper into a triangle and the unfold it. Now do the same except this time put the other corner to corner and then unfold it.
By now you should be able to place/balance the paper on the pin. When you can put your hands around the side of the paper without touching it though and focus very hard and use heaps of energy into spinning the paper the paper. Then should start spinning and the more you practice this the better you will be at it.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1590 - Dream of Anything
For best results, do this spell in your bedroom before you sleep.
Draw three dream clouds on a piece of paper. On the right cloud, put chamomile or peppermint inside to remember the dream. On the left cloud, draw what you wish to dream of. In the middle cloud, put a white quartz crystal. Make sure to put the crystal in last. Do this in complete concentration with no interruptions.
After your clouds are full, stare at the paper and say this spell. Replace the blank with what you drew.
"I wish for a dream of ____ tonight,
For in my heart it feels so right!
No fear, or sadness, or evil filled dreams,
but one of ____, and ____ it gleams!
While I drift asleep upon a cloud,
Let me dream of ____ and dream so proud!
Connect my heart's wish to my sleepy mind,
and a dream of ____ is what I'll find..
So mote it be."
Chant it once or until you feel it has been charged, and go to bed. In bed, daydream or imagine about what you wish to dream of and when you fall asleep, it will be there.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.