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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Wiccan Initiation
  2. To Banish Unwelcome Entities
  3. Good websites!
  4. Receding Energy
  5. Summon a Succubus
  6. Let go or forget person you're attached to
  7. Anti plagiarism spell
  8. The Seers Scrying Bowl
  9. Solar Elemental Energy Charge (Version 2)
  10. Solar Elemental Energy Charge (Version 1)

#151 - Wiccan Initiation

This is an initiation from my own BoS.
You may need:

  • Ritual clothing
  • Friend
  • Chalice/cup
  • Holy/blessed water
  • Body of water
  • Friend’s coven’s BoS
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    You may need:

  • Ritual clothing
  • Friend
  • Chalice/cup
  • Holy/blessed water
  • Body of water
  • Friend’s coven’s BoS
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    1. Fill the chalice or cup with the blessed/holy water, whilst in your ritual clothes
    2. Go into water with friend. They will need this memorised: "Do you reject Loki and his empty promises forever?"
    3. Reply to this with: " I do reject Loki, his evil empty promises, forever, I do wish you place me into your coven, (insert coven name here), I vow to help you protect the BoS. Come before me today, place me in to the family of (coven) please." Ask friend to use the holy/blessed water to draw the coven symbol on your forehead.
    4. You have been initiated into your friend's coven.

    Added to on Jan 21, 2023
    Last edited on Jan 21, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #152 - To Banish Unwelcome Entities

    How to banish negative or unwanted spirits & energy.
    You may need:

  • paper & pen/pencil
  • white candle
  • incense (any will do but best would be dragon's blood, frankincense, or sandalwood)
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    You may need:

  • paper & pen/pencil
  • white candle
  • incense (any will do but best would be dragon's blood, frankincense, or sandalwood)
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    Begin by clearing your mind and taking some deep breaths to center yourself. Gather your ingredients and cleanse them in whatever manner you're most comfortable.

    Draw a pentagram (or any other protective symbol that has meaning to you) on your piece of paper, in black ink if possible, and place it under your candle.

    Light your candle and visualize this flame as a beacon of positivity and safety. As it begins to burn, chant

    "blessed light, purifying flame

    aid this banishing and act as my hearth.

    with this light, all harm is driven far from here never to return.

    unwelcome spirits are forced to flee by word of my will,

    so mote it be."

    Next, use the candle's flame to light your incense and walk around the space you wish to rid of unwanted energy. Move your incense in counter clockwise circles and continue to chant the spell. Make sure to smoke out the thresholds of your house/room - the doorways and windows. Try to reach the corners of each room as well, under beds and desks; anywhere that energy might hide and become stagnant. Be thorough in this step and linger anywhere you feel negative energy is the strongest and give the area an extra circle and chant. Use your intuition. Don't be afraid to get angry and loud as you chant; this is your space and you have a right to banish unwelcome guests!

    Once you are finished with your incense, leave the candle burning until it is finished - try not to blow/snuff it out. Since this might take a couple of hours, I recommend moving both the candle (and paper with it) to your shower/bathtub where you can let it burn without fear that it will catch fire to anything should it fall over.

    Let your candle burn as a way of locking the metaphorical door on whatever was causing you the haunting. The incense cleansing will have kicked the entity/energy out, but it's important to close and lock your doors.

    Lastly, wash your hands and visualize the water cleansing your hands of any energy that remains of the spell. Picture it washing away down the drain. You may not feel a difference right away, but you should definitely feel lighter/less paranoid as the candle burns down.

    Good luck!

    Added to on Jan 05, 2023
    Last edited on Jan 07, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #153 - Good websites!

    Just some stuff.
    You may need:

  • Nothing.
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    You may need:

  • Nothing.
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    Here are some websites I think you should check out, I don't expect you to believe me, but the shifters on here are in luck!

    These are NOT fake, we as shape shifters found out it all this was possible, this may sound mean, but we don't need a human telling us what is and is not real so no offence, no matter what how anyone may try to dissagree in the comments, I cannot comment so I will no be able to answer questions. But I hope this helped, shifters and random folk reading this!! :D

    Added to on Dec 21, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #154 - Receding Energy

    To pull back your energy.
    You may need:

  • -Awareness of energy
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    You may need:

  • -Awareness of energy
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    A few reasons to do this might be: to give someone energetic space (for example, if you live together in a small space and they are channeling and need energetic clarity and space. Or if you are around heavy energy and need to protect your own while in a shared space with others.)

    Imagine an electric orb or cord of energy above and slightly behind your head, right about where your soul star chakra would be (maybe between it and your crown). Whether out loud, or within (especially with emotion) acknowledge your energy and the desire to call it back.

    Imagine this electric orb is like a magnetic Tesla coil, but it magnetizes in all your energy, keeping it constricted to a small space.

    It would be most strongly felt behind, above, and in the head, ears, neck, and spine. It can also feel like heat, tingling, vibrating/humming, or electricity, for some people. But when you feel it magnetizing everything back, it can be highly intense depending how far out and ungrounded your energy was beforehand.

    If you wish to keep your energy constricted like this, just hold the energy (and visualization if needed) until you are ready to let go and expand again.

    Keep in mind that this can and does cause headaches, and imbalance in your energy. Its good to expand and radiate when you safely can. But it's also important to have discernment for when you need to pull back out of protection/respect for others and yourself.

    Added to on Dec 21, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #155 - Summon a Succubus

    How to summon a succubus.
    You may need:

  • A red candle.
  • A piece of paper.
  • A black pen.
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    You may need:

  • A red candle.
  • A piece of paper.
  • A black pen.
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    First off, start by lighting your red candle.

    Draw the sigil of Lilith on the paper.

    Write in your own words, a letter to Lilith explaining you want a succubus.

    Tread lightly. It's Lilith. Do not say anything offensive to her being.


    Lilith, my queen,

    For how bad it may seem,

    Send me one of your beings,

    And a shoulder to lean.

    So mote it be.

    Afterwards, burn the paper in the candle flame and throw away the ashes after it's burned.

    Now, lie down, rest and wait for the succubus to come to you.

    And remember, it's a succubus. You may feel depressed or even with a low energy level after the deed.

    Added to on Dec 19, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #156 - Let go or forget person you're attached to

    Let go a person you're attached to.
    You may need:

  • Your own mind.
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    You may need:

  • Your own mind.
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    Close your eyes.

    Visualize yourself with the person in question and the soul contract in your hand.

    Visualize yourself ripping the contract into pieces.


    (Name) I let you go,

    (Name) I set you free,

    (Name) I leave you at peace.

    So mote it be.

    Added to on Dec 19, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #157 - Anti plagiarism spell

    Use this to prevent plagiarism of something of yours
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Faith
  • You must believe in the power of these words and this spell. Use this in case to prevent plagiarism
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Faith
  • You must believe in the power of these words and this spell. Use this in case to prevent plagiarism
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    Chant this three times:

    From now on, by law

    For plagiarism, I never passed

    who dare

    plagiarize anything of mine

    By karma and disgrace

    the culprit will pass

    Added to on Dec 18, 2022
    Last edited on May 15, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #158 - The Seers Scrying Bowl

    This is a meditation/ritual about developing a specific astral space that allows you to enter and tap into your higher self for deeper wisdom and knowledge through scrying.
    You may need:

  • -Energetically quiet/still space to meditate
  • -Powerful sense of visualization and imagination
  • -Element of water
  • (All option, however, helpful for connection to certain elements and energies)
  • -Obsidian or black bowl
  • -Water (in bowl)
  • -Labradorite, amethyst, etc. stones that enhance third eye and energetic connection.
  • -A dark room
  • -Candles (black or purple for color ideas)
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    You may need:

  • -Energetically quiet/still space to meditate
  • -Powerful sense of visualization and imagination
  • -Element of water
  • (All option, however, helpful for connection to certain elements and energies)
  • -Obsidian or black bowl
  • -Water (in bowl)
  • -Labradorite, amethyst, etc. stones that enhance third eye and energetic connection.
  • -A dark room
  • -Candles (black or purple for color ideas)
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    Before entering this space, you must first create it. Refer to this article to learn how to create an astral space:


    1. Meditate on stillness and emptiness to allow for the expansion of creation to take place.

    2. Once you get to a good still space where you feel active in your ability to visualize and create this space, imagine a dark, even black space where the light is dim, but a softly glowing pedestal with a black scrying bowl sits atop it. In this black scrying bowl resides the water-element that will allow you to wander into visions. It could be a watery-smokey looking substance that represents energy. It could be water in complete stillness that has unending depths. It's up to you.

    3. Imagine yourself approaching this pedestal. Is there a stepping stool? Stairs leading up it? Stand there and observe this space. What does it look like? Are there any other channels of water in this space? Waterfalls, fountains, ponds?


    Now that you've created the visualization of this space within your psyche, it's important to develop your connection to, and relation with it. If you have physical materials to work with, set them up, and feel free to touch and interact with them as you see fit.

    When you enter this space, imagine yourself stepping up to the pedestal, and connecting to the calm darkness, and spaciousness of the energy in this space. Establishing and reaffirming any astral boundaries and rules you have for the energy and conciousness that is allowed within this space.

    Once you've established and connected to the energy of this space, look into the scrying bowl just as you would in physical. look past the object, and allow the images and wisdom to come to you as you clear your mind through connecting with this astral tool.

    Your conciousness should be more receptive and connected to your intuition and clair-senses, and if you wish to use this as a tool to transition into visions, it will help to make them more vivid, clear, and powerful.

    Added to on Dec 16, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #159 - Solar Elemental Energy Charge (Version 2)

    Charge your energy and radiance with the sun by becoming a golden solar channel.
    You may need:

  • -Sun visible (Not required but very helpful)
  • -Connection to the Sun
  • -Focus
  • -A Decent amount of time to sit in stillness
  • -Open Heart Chakra
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    You may need:

  • -Sun visible (Not required but very helpful)
  • -Connection to the Sun
  • -Focus
  • -A Decent amount of time to sit in stillness
  • -Open Heart Chakra
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    If you have the means, try to get to a space that has the sun radiating into it. If you do not have access to sunlight, you'll need to instead visualize yourself in a space where you are able to tap into and connect with the solar energy.

    Sit comfortably, in a way that allows energy to flow freely through you (upright, healthy posture, loose and relaxed limps/back/jaw/legs/arms/etc.). This is a position you'll want to sit in through the time being, or at least move very minimally in.

    Version 2

    1. Close your eyes, and visualize (even if you don't yet see or sense it) a small golden orb floating above your head. Really shift your awareness to it. As your awareness is attentive to this orb, open up your heart space, and envision the warmth and radiance of the sun as if it was expanding through it. *This energy can feel anxious if you aren't accustomed to sitting with and moving it through your body, and might take time to adjust as you shift your emotional and mental state/reaction to higher vibrational energy.*

    As your heart space expands and intensifies with this radiating/electric/humming (however you experience it) energy, visualize the orb above you growing. It is as if they work together, co-creating a brilliant, golden ray of energy.

    2. Now visualize, and sense your crown opening up, and as it opens, the brilliant golden orb moves down until it is sitting on top of your crown like an upward halo of energy. Radiating through your crown and heart at the same time.

    3. Try to connect these energies together, allowing free-flow between them, energizing and electrifying your senses and state of awareness. Feel it move up and down your arms as well, radiating outwardly, absorbing back in.

    4. Next, visualize this energy moving downward through your pelvic and abdomen area, where your Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakra reside, and allow the energy to build up. This can be intense and trigger deep sexual and/or creative energy by activating those more primal energies. When the energy feels intense enough to release, allow it to form a golden energetic grounding cord that connects to the central, primordial energies of the Earth...channeling this energy down into the collective space.

    Added to on Dec 16, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #160 - Solar Elemental Energy Charge (Version 1)

    Charge your energy and radiance with the sun by becoming a golden solar channel.
    You may need:

  • -Sun visible (Not required but very helpful)
  • -Connection to the Sun
  • -Focus
  • -A Decent amount of time to sit in stillness
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    You may need:

  • -Sun visible (Not required but very helpful)
  • -Connection to the Sun
  • -Focus
  • -A Decent amount of time to sit in stillness
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    If you have the means, try to get to a space that has the sun radiating into it. If you do not have access to sunlight, you'll need to instead visualize yourself in a space where you are able to tap into and connect with the solar energy.

    Sit comfortably, in a way that allows energy to flow freely through you (upright, healthy posture, loose and relaxed limps/back/jaw/legs/arms/etc.). This is a position you'll want to sit in through the time being, or at least move very minimally in.

    Version 1

    1. Close your eyes, visualizing a ray of golden energy and light that spans as an energetic "charging" cord between you and the sun. How you perceive the beam can also play role in how strong the connection is, or what may be needed from it. For example, it could be thicker, thinner...Brighter, duller...dense, could be sparkling, electric, flaming, etc. And it can and does change.

    2. Open your energy to receptivity. You can use affirmations, thoughts, words, symbols, emotions, etc. to do this.

    3. Now imagine this chord of golden light energy beaming through you, into your crown (top of your head and just above it). Allow this energy to fill up and really activate your crown chakra, and when you're feeling it build up, open and ready to trickle into the rest of your energy, imagine it shimmering down from your crown, moving through different energies of your body...down to your arms, hands, fingertips.

    4. Now visualize it moving down through to your heart space, building up and accumulating. When it feels ready for release and expansion, allow the heart space to expand the energy out and around your body like an auric shield bringing you radiance.

    5. Next, visualize this energy moving downward through your pelvic and abdomen area, where your Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakra reside, and allow the energy to build up. This can be intense and trigger deep sexual and/or creative energy by activating those more primal energies. When the energy feels intense enough to release, allow it to form a golden energetic grounding cord that connects to the central, primordial energies of the Earth...channeling this energy down into the collective space.

    This allows you to bring that energy down and ground it into the collective. Not only as a way to help lighten the collective energy, but to allow your own energy the balance of charge it needs to be able to hold this connection. Otherwise you could overcharge yourself and burn out, or become too floaty/ungrounded.

    Added to on Dec 16, 2022
    Last edited on Dec 16, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters