7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Lightness from the Gods Above
- Happiness Potion
- Average Demonic Blessing
- Light Demonic Blessing
- Astral Travel
- Potion of Happiness
- My Lord Will Protect Me
- Nobody But Me! (Crush Protection)
- Colors of Power II
- Psi Ball Control
#1611 - Lightness from the Gods Above
First get comfy in the space your are in
chant these words while focused on having what sort of enlightenment you want.
"Gods and goddess of light I call upon thee give the light you have and give the power to enlighten others so mote it be."
(This is my first spell so I don't know what will happen good look.)
Last edited on Dec 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1612 - Happiness Potion
#1613 - Average Demonic Blessing
If you are human say "The lord of death, the lord of evil. Please come and bestow appon me what is yours and is rightfully mine. I need a speck of your power please gift me what I need." Then place the blood in the middle of the pentagram and fold it 2 times in the middle. Throw it in the woods and enjoy.
If your a demon you should say "ya haeng aem gaoy, ya haeng aem awih. k'aoza yaeza oth bestow appon za s'oq iz esaeunz oth iz rightfully zira. I raph o speck aem esaeun daelabbi k'aoza kimq za s'oq I raph." Then do as it says above
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1614 - Light Demonic Blessing
You must say "Lord come down apon thee, please bless (either object or name) with minor powers of (whatever power)." If you are a human.
If your a demon you must say "haeng k'aoza bless yiz aexbayq ir mnaeai aem za liy esaeun grace oth daelabbi. I raph iq qae xa worthy aem o pesent raeyirdh zaena aen chzz." if you are demon you will know what these words of power mean. If you are human however it will just look like gibberish.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1615 - Astral Travel
Go to your peaceful area, and lay in the bed. Keep your eyes open and try your best not to blink. Dont move a single muscle. After 5-30 min you should see white. Dont be alarmed. Your entering the astral realm. In this realm you can do anything imaginable. Oh and you will only have it over 10 min if you blink multiple times.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1616 - Potion of Happiness
Simply put all the ingredients into a bottle (I suggest a pill bottle) and carry it around with you. Not only will it brighten your aura, but smelling the substance can also brighten your mood.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1617 - My Lord Will Protect Me
Sit in front of a mirror and light a candle around you (can work in or outside). Look into your reflection and repeat:
"My lord will protect me
From all spirits around
For the speaking of their name,
Is the most powerful sound.
My lord will protect me
You can not cause me any pain
For they will always help me
Over time and time, again and again
My lord will protect me
Standing together, we're unite
This is a war you can not win
A fight you can not even fight"
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1618 - Nobody But Me! (Crush Protection)
First of all, meditate for five minutes (or however long you need to imagine your crush's face) beforehand. An optional step is to imagine them with anyone else in another five minutes of meditation. This will make you either angry or upset, and the angrier/more upset you are, the stronger the spell.
Next, imagine an invisible link to you and him/her. This is so that they will refuse to love anybody except you. After this, chant seven times exactly,"(Crush's first name) is mine! Nobody else may have him/her. Anybody who tries to get close to him/her shall be rejected!"
At the end of the seventh chant, say,"So mote it be." I do this every night to renew the protection upon my crush, since I don't know how long it lasts.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1619 - Colors of Power II
If you've read the first Colors of Power this should not be to hard. The colors are veiwed using a gland of which I connot recall its name at this time, it is what people call the third eye it is a part of your brain that allows certain magic.
These colors not only effect your mood but are the keys to your Chakra. Each color will heal your Chakra, here's how. Meditate on each color, by bringing as much of it to the center of your vision. Each time it heals your Chakra and mskes it stronger.
If you get all of the colors in a circle in the center of your vision andif done correctly can send yoy out of yoy body and to what some desribe as the gray mist. It will feel like going out the back of your head. Exploring the gray mist is not encouraged for it is the land of no protection and where some demons lurk. Its useful to see if a house is haunted nearby or the one your in.
This power should be used wisely.
Last edited on May 10, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1620 - Psi Ball Control
How about for scrying or perhaps shielding?
You can give it a command or visualize it changing shape.
You can also put in more power so you can expand the size or compress it to increase it's power.
let's say a sword:
1. You visualize the sword shape
2. Than you adjust your energy levels to solidify your sword
3. Morph it as you see fit
Or a Shield:
1. Again visualize the shield shape
2. Adjust power level and shape based on attack type and power
3. Prevent harm to you or those close to you
Please note these are just very basic examples. As you gain experience you can make your psi balls more advanced, it is all up to you.