Do anything you'd like with your hands just make sure you are not holding anything.When your hands are in that position your hands are tingling. Think over and over in your head what you want to happen, try to make it realistic. After you think you have done it enough you can stop thinking about your wish and you can stop holding your hands like that.Wait, sometimes I do it and it takes a couple of seconds, other times it takes a couple of minutes.
This spell will Help you sleep, I have used this on many occasions.
You may need:
You may need:
Relax fully and close your eyes and chant: "Gods of Power, gods of might. Take my pain take my fright I just want to sleep tonight. Let it be let it be." Repeat this three times getting softer and softer while getting more relaxed but the third you should almost be asleep.
1 dragons blood, carnation or hyacinth incense (stick or cone)
Your Voice
You may need:
1 white candle
1 gold candle (optional)
Your cat
1 dragons blood, carnation or hyacinth incense (stick or cone)
Your Voice
Perform during the moon phase Waning Gibbous.
Burn the incense.
Once burnt, light your candle and whilst holding/stroking your cat look into the flame and say:
"Bast of beauty and or grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield cat's namefrom all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm.
Watch over cat's name from day to day
And guide him/her home if s/he should stray.
And grant him/her much happiness
And a good life free of strife and stress."
Put your hand in the water and concentrate your energy on your hands or hand once you finished that it has to stick to your hand then put your hand with water to person who's hurt and it's suppose to glow a little and they'll start healing.
This spell isn't a spell its a potion and can summon your spirit. It can talk to you in your sleep or anywhere.
You may need:
A small jar/bottle
2 pine needles
A fresh berry from a tree
1 yellow leave
You may need:
A small jar/bottle
2 pine needles
A fresh berry from a tree
1 yellow leave
Fill half the jar with water. Add ingredients one by one into the jar, shaking it after adding each ingredient. Fill it so it is 3/4 full with water after adding the ingredients.
I wanted to make a quick and easy protection chant if you needed a small boost to your defenses.
You may need:
White Candle
You may need:
White Candle
While the candle is in front of you, light it and say: "Spiritus Ducentia Protego Me."
(spee-ree-two-s | due-ken-tea-ah | pro-teg-oh | meh) Once the candle is lit, sprinkle your salt and saltpeter mixture over the flame and say three times "Protego Me"
Visualize your guardian spirit surrounding you with energy shielding you from harm then blow out the candle. You can use this same candle anytime you need a boost, just repeat the spell.
With this spell you will be able to summon a demon or ghost.
You may need:
5 Black Candles
Bowl with water
You may need:
5 Black Candles
Bowl with water
Draw a pentagram somewhere on a flat surface. Place each candle on a specific point on the pentagram. Place the bowl with the water inside in the middle of the entire pentagram. Pour the blood in the water.
Sprinkle the sage in the bloody water. Spread pieces of lavender on the circle. Light the candles then chant: "Spiritu transita Sinite, videamus ea virtutis Princeps nexu Sciatis nos tanta communicare".