7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Beginner Blood
- Get Powers
- Meet a Fictional Character
- Good Luck
- Wonderland Spell
- Death Fog Chant
- Summon the Red Faced Man
- Get a Pet Dragon
- Create Your Own Plane Of Existence
- House Demon
#2691 - Beginner Blood
Begin your spell or ritual, but before you use your energy to complete it prick or slice your finger. Finish the spell or ritual. Warning: you must be completely willing and not hesitant because if you are the spell or ritual will go horribly wrong. Never take blood from an unwilling person.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2692 - Get Powers
Cast a circle around you, but do it by waving your wand around you. Then, waving your wand at your lips, say " everything I breathe is magical." Waving your wand around your eyes, say "everything I see is magical." Wave your wand around you while turning around three times and saying "everything about me is magical.
Then, (you don't have to do this. It just makes you a bit more magic) put the pointy witch hat on. Good luck! Better off putting a good luck spell on yourself that works for non magic people before you do this, cause then it will have a better effect!
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2693 - Meet a Fictional Character
First you place the picture on the floor and place the five candles around it with enough space for your character to stand in the middle.
You then close your eyes and chant six times:
Fire, water, earth and air
They're not here and I'm not there
They're not real but I don't care
Bring them here so we can share
Fire, water, earth and air
If you did it right, when you open your eyes, your character should appear in front of you in place of the picture. Be careful not to let any of the candles blow out or the character will disappear. It usually lasts for about 5 minutes so make the most of it and have a nice chat with them.
#2694 - Good Luck
Concentrate on what you want to have luck on. For example, you might want to ace a test. Then, still concentrating on what you want to have luck on, point your wand at you and make a circle with it each time you spin around. You have to spin around each time you say the spell. The spell is "Luck be a lady, Lady Luck into me!" Say it as many times as needed.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2695 - Wonderland Spell
2). Draw each on a separate sheet of paper( loose leaf or notebook), and color each in.
3). With every sheet include a:
4). Write a story including you, the people, places, and thing you found, how you got to Wonderland, what you did, and how you got home.
5). Roll up the story and character sheets and bound it with string or a rubber band.
6). Keep this scroll under your pillow and chant for one night:
In a world of my own, I can be most anyone...
Instead of being lonely, I talk to _______.
There is/are one_______ every year, but there is/are 354 _______ a year.
I can call this place home... In a world of my own, where I can be most anyone.
When I'm in Wonderland, seconds in the real world are hours in wonderland.
Anything brought out of Wonderland will look like it came from this world, and visa versa.
I CANNOT DIE IN WONDERLAND NOR WILL I OR ANYONE OR ANYTHING BE HURT OR INJURED. NO ONE IN WONDERLAND WILL ATTEMT TO HURT ANYBODY. What I write in my story is not relevant, I may do any activity written in my story in any order and i can stay as long as I want, any time. How I get there and leave is the only thing that happens exactly as I write it. Everyone/thing speaks english. Nothing in Wonderland exists unless I write about it. I may add people places and things at any time. My Wonderland does not collide with anyone else's. Nobody may enter my Wonderland unless I willingly bring them to my domain.
7). Add any other details to the chant that you think are important.
8). This spell works best if you try to dream about your trip, or make your entrance/exit realistic
* This Is The First Spell I've Posted So Thank You So Much For Reading I Wish You Luck And Good Intensions!*
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2696 - Death Fog Chant
On a night when the moon is not in sight say this prayer by candle light
"O mother so great are you
Watching over me as I watch
Over you
O great mother
Hear my cry
Let your unborn children fly
Let their voices fill the sky
No ko ne wa to ka la fa tena heku nato"
Blow out candle and it is done.
Last edited on Apr 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2697 - Summon the Red Faced Man
Make a upside down pentagram with the blood must be out side under the moon put the candles at each point put the heart in the middle cover it with the dirt now light the candles. Put the fur in the cup and burn it.
Breathe in the smoke deep into your body and say "ga tomo heway tec lom temada". Say it 5 times.
When done sit and meditate. Think about him: see his face in your mind. When the candles are out take the heart and bury it deep in the earth. Bury it where your town begins.
Every night for 5 nights say the spell just remember its up to him if he wants to come he will if not then just try again.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2698 - Get a Pet Dragon
First you need to print or draw (in color) your dragon. Next you have to fold it into quarters and put it under your pillow under the stone.
When you go to bed , say "Dragons,dragons,hear my plea, I wish this stone was a dragons egg. It will take the shape of the drawing underneath it .This is my will so mote it be"
When you wake up the stone will look slightly different ( warm to touch, glowing slightly, etc). Tip: small tigers eye stones work best if you want a feirce dragon, amethyst if you want a gentle, docile one
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2699 - Create Your Own Plane Of Existence
Sit in a meditation position and pour the water into the bowl. Best you shall dip your hands into the water while you tell your friend or other person to put on the meditation music.stare at your hands without blinkng and you shall not see your hands anymore. Do not panic, this is the most delicate part of this spell.
Think about a new world a world so rich in resources that nobody would have to go hungry ever again. Carefully imagine a world being created before your very eyes. Next imagine a door way connected to your new world and the world you lived in before. Now you can break your concentration. Only you at that point can enter your plane but if you create another door others will be able to go.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2700 - House Demon
Place the candles at for points up down left right. Make a circle with salt going from one candle to the next like you are conecting them. Now stand in middle, close your eyes and say "edith basul ramadeis ankate". Say it for times face each candle for each time
After just sit and wait with your eyes closed. After the candles are out you may leave.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.