7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- To Call a Witch
- House Protection
- Invisibility
- Wolf Protection
- Grounding Meditation
- Unlock your Dark Aura
- Summon Spirit Weapon
- Summon Other Wiccans
- Bluen's Power Stealing
- Reverse a Spell
#2931 - To Call a Witch
Write the witches' name on the parchment paper and fold it in half. Draw your circle with your blade or wand, and the place the crystals around the circle. Place the folded piece of paper with the witches' name on it in the center. Light the incense and then say these words:
"(Say the witches' name) I call to thee come to me, come to me. Come home to where you belong. As the eagle soar let me hear your knock on my door."
Then burn the piece of paper and focus your energy and concentrate and the witch you have called will come to you or come into.
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2932 - House Protection
Light your house blessing incense and place them in the holders. Place them where they won't be bothered by anybody. Place them in each room of the house, and make sure each incense is lit as you set them in each room of the house. Sprinkle a little salt in each room, and then say these words;
"Lord and Lady, I ask thee to protect this house from evil that may bring harm to this house, and also protect those inside and outside this house so no harm will come to them."
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2933 - Invisibility
"Danger comes near, so hide me here
Or this will be my grave
So keep me hidden, safe away"
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2934 - Wolf Protection
Place the candle in the fire proof canister, then light the candle. Place the picture or whatever you have of a wolf next to the candle. Take the salt and draw a circle around the fire proof canister and the picture. Now pour the water into the bottle, and put the top on tight, and now say these words:
"Spirit of the wolf I call to thee
Bring protection to all those around me
Protect me from any harm that may come my way."
Finally pour the water out of the bottle around you as if to release the spirit of the wolf. Make sure this done outside in an clear open space.
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2935 - Grounding Meditation
First find a place where you free comfortable and just sit down on the ground. Just sit with your backbone straight and be comfortable, put your hand on your lap and just relax and close your eyes.
Then from the base of your spine just imagine a root going all the way in to the center of the earth. Take deep breaths and visualize all the earths energy is going up through the spine, going up to your body and reaches your heart
Through your each breath imagine it going through your veins, your hands, legs and other parts of your body, imagine it is filling your third eye, your crown, your mind..
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2936 - Unlock your Dark Aura
Do this at night. Clear your thoughts. Close your eyes. Envision yourself in a room. The room is empty, but the walls and everything is pure black. There is a door on the opposite side. Open it. Go through it. Inside is a pure gray room with a red pedestal. On the pedestal in an orb of jet-black energy. Pick it up. Imagine the energy rushing into you, leaving the orb to enter you. When everything feels stable, open your eyes.
You are done. You can now use Dark Aura for aura things and Dark Aura stuff.
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2937 - Summon Spirit Weapon
Say three times
"Oh great divine Phoenix
I use your great power to read my soul
And make the weapon of my dreams for now I say it
Mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2938 - Summon Other Wiccans
Make up your circle. Light candles. Put in centre. Focus on flames of candles. Think, "I, (your name here), plead other wiccans to come to my land. I summon Thee!"
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2939 - Bluen's Power Stealing
There must be interaction between yours and of the target's chakra, like interaction of the hand chakra by shaking hands or heart chakra when you hug, visualize that his entire body is filled with white smoke like substance and is getting collected towards the chakra, next just imagine this power getting leaked from his chakra and getting into your body via your chakra. Obviously, you may absorb negative energies and which may affect you and your aura, cleansing must be done
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2940 - Reverse a Spell
All of the spices i listed are really good at protection, exorcisms, luck,love, etc. Take all of these and put them into a bowl. It must be in your circle. A candle must be lit as well. Mix all the spices in a bowl. Either focus really hard on exorcisms, or a spell that you want to be gone. Throw the spices away, as they can get smelly. Extinguish the flame of tje candle you got. Break the circle, and the spell you want to leave will leave, and your demons will leave as well.
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.