7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Forget a Dream
- House blessing the Satanist/Luciferian Way
- Storing Energy for Beginners
- Silence a Room
- Elemental Shield
- Super Saiyan God
- Basic Meditation
- Method to Gain Full Power
- Invocation to Jormungandr
- Invocation to Fenrir
#2961 - Forget a Dream
Remember what the dream made you feel, and choose the one word that you think describes that feeling the most. (ex. terror, anger, sadness, fear) Write this word on the strip of paper in pen. Turn on the shower so it is warm. If you are in other water sources, make sure it is actively warm.
Either strip or wear a bathing suit. Step into the water so the current is against you, or the shower is hitting your face. Take the piece of paper in as well. Hold the paper out in front of you so the water hits it. Do not let go of the paper. Close your eyes and recite the following incantation once.
"Banish the plague from within my sleep,
guard my thoughts and vanquish evil,
take my memory and dispose of it,
just as once I remembered,
I now forget."
Open your eyes. The paper should now be unreadable. Turn of the shower and step out. Throw the paper away, the spell is complete.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2962 - House blessing the Satanist/Luciferian Way
Just be in your home, and say this out loud:
"In the name of Satan/Lucifer/Satan and Lucifer, I bless this home". And then you'll see that it's now blessed. If the home had bad spirits, you will notice them leaving when you bless the home in the name of Satan and/or Lucifer.
#2963 - Storing Energy for Beginners
#2964 - Silence a Room
First, you have to trace the door frame with your fingers and eyes at the same time. Then, you say 'This room is to loud so shut it out. Make this room and anyone in it not heard."
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2965 - Elemental Shield
You have to think of what element your closest to. Next you put your hands into the psy ball position and when you do this stare into the middle of it. Close your eyes but keep you eyes in the middle of your hands. If its working you should see a glowing white orb infront of you.
Now start to slowly stretch the ball. Pull it and stretch as if it were taffy. The. You say "For my shield of protection I choose (your element) " when you do this you dont have to say it aloud you can say it in your head.
For the last part when you think the ball is big enough lift both of your hands above your head still holding the ball and stretch it over your head down to your feet. When you reach your feet you clap your hands together to close off the little shield you put on your self.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2966 - Super Saiyan God
Must hold hands and focus y'all energy to one person and say: "Saiyans, gods of super saiyan, please help (the person who getting the energy) transform into a super saiyan god".
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2967 - Basic Meditation
This is really simple. Sit in a quiet place where you can be comfortable and close your eyes. (if you want you can turn off the lights, this will help)
Now imagine you're sitting on a log in the middle of a forest. while keeping your eyes closed, imagine what you would see. Is there a lake nearby? Maybe some deer or birds? Imagine how the log you're sitting on feels, what sound you would hear. Now slowly let the world you just created fade into white (or black, green, whatever color you want) don't try to make anything else happen, otherwise you wouldn't be meditating.
Do this as long as you feel comfortable. With some practice you should be able to do it longer each time.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2968 - Method to Gain Full Power
chi users would know bout chi controling so i wont explain it just imagine chi and move it across your body to your mind
mortals has a hard time getting chi to there mind since iv allso feard it till a couple days ago, lay out every detail of your mind infront of u in the darknes (eyes closed) with every tingle of chi across the brain lay out imagine more and tel it what to do what to acomplish for example not to foget or healing or speed, power, id recomend you read science sinc the brain needs to undustand to control just like a baby learning to walk or write you got to make it undustand to perfect it the mortal soul and body are two different things but you got to be the soul not the body you got to command the mind and brain, just imagine every nervouse system laid out infront of you and what do you want is up to you
#2969 - Invocation to Jormungandr
"Hail Iormundgand
Child of the Trickster
And the Hag of the Iron Wood,
Brother and sister of Death,
Neither male nor female
But complete within yourself,
Neither forward nor backward
But eternally circling,
Neither of the earth
Nor apart from it
But forever surrounding us
In our Middle Land.
Teach us, O Serpent,
Of what it is to see the end
And the beginning as one,
To see all things
In their place on the wheel,
To live with the turning
And not mistake it for a straight line
Even when the horizon
Is too far away
For our weak eyes to find."
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2970 - Invocation to Fenrir
"Hail Loki's wolfson, mightiest of sorrows, who would devour all, light and dark, with gleaming razors and hot breath, a neverending feast of spilled blood, shining guts, torn and rent flesh there at the threshold of madness.
Hail, child of the Witch Queen, wildest son of the Iron Wood, bloodtinged, redeyed, paindriven beast bound fast and wyrdwrapped in rage, as tears roil around you in a great salt sea there on the underside of the subconscious.
Hail to you who are chaos uncontrollable, without compromise, without shame, fear's ending and love's devourer, biding your time until time's end, silent in shadows, merciless in patience, there at the borders of the underworld.
Hail to Fenrir, he who exists at the terminus of the senses, waiting, waiting for the worlds to crumble, for the rejoicing in destruction and the shattered spear and sword, there at the ending of all things."
source: http://www.northernpaganism.org/shrines/fenrir/writing/hymn-to-fenrir.html
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.