At night,visualize a being formed out of the dark. Make sure you visualize it's invisible. Say: "Nyx great goddess of the night I call to thee send your servant so mote it be".
These are instructions to make the simplest of wands.
You may need:
A stick preferably one the length of your pinkie to your elbow
A carving knife
Sandpaper (optional)
You may need:
A stick preferably one the length of your pinkie to your elbow
A carving knife
Sandpaper (optional)
Find a stick preferably a one that's already fallen off the branch if you need to pick the stick off the branch you'll have to leave the tree a offering of your choice but either way thank the tree
Whittle at the stick till there is no bark left this is where your sandpaper comes in sand the wood down until the wand gets silky smooth
Finally make a psi ball from your body and focus your psi into the wand (don't strain yourself) now this will make the wand spiritually yours after that you can keep filling in your wand with your energy to empower it or you could use the earths energy
It's to summon a wind spirit. Don't do if you don't have a couple years of expierience.
You may need:
You may need:
On a windy day outside. Go to a piece of exposed nature (nothing blocking the wind valley plain etc), then visualize a invisible being made of the wind swirling around you. Say: "Oh wind of north, south, east, and west. Send your minion wind servant to this place on this day, so mote it be."
If you are a Wiccan than this is prayer for you to the god or goddess. "Oh horned god/goddess I pray to thee, to ex. Protect me from evils grasp make it last so let it be."
At sunrise light the candle if you have it. If you don't that's fine. Say this spell 3-5 times: "Oh horned one I pray to thee to protect me till nightfall so mote it be". Put the candle out if you have it. You can use the same one the next day.
"Hail Loki's wolf son mightiest of sorrows who would devour all light and dark. With gleaming razors and hot breath. A never ending feast of spilled blood. Hail child of the witch queen. Wildest son of the iron wood. Blood-tinged, red-eyed, pain-driven beast. Bound fast wryd-wrapped in a rage. As tears roil around you in a great salt sea. There on the underside of the subcontious. Hail to you Fenrir son of Loki and agroboda."
On a thunder storm do this invocation to Thor: "Hail Thor lord of the hammer! Lord of the storm the rumbling chariot, that tears across the sky. Lord who speaks plainly. Who has no time for intrigue, and subtle ploys. Protector of the common man. Warrior beloved by farmers. Help us untwist out tongue and speak the fiery truth. Hurled blazing like a hammer bolt, across the open sky."