Say: Horus great god of Egypt. Son of Osiris and Isis god of the sky sun kingship protection and healing please aid me in my spell casting. Long live Horace! So mote it be.
Say: "Artemis the goddess of the hunt who runs at night to where the deer is please aid me in my spell casting so mote it be! Long live Artemis goddess of the hunt and moon!"
First light the incense and meditate for as long as you want, then after the meditation pick up your symbolism and sweep it through the smoke of the incense. After this meditate again and soon new inspiration will come to you whether it's music, art or drama.
Some tips about summoning are: Don't summon invite a deity or spirit. Do not summon a demon. They are the most easy to call. Also because of this they are more dangerous. Invite don't summon. Summoning is basically tearing them from their realm. You better have a good reason to summon them.
First put your stones around your candle, then light the candle. For about 1-2 minutes watch the flame flicker then one by one quickly pass the stones through the flame then put them in your bag. Carry this whenever you think you need power!
To lose body fat next time you eat something picture a giant number like I million on the food, then watch the numbers drop down until they reach zero. This symbolises the fat going down.
If you're like me and are strangly skinny use this spell.
Next time you have a lot of food picture yourself getting fatter and fatter picture your nose slowly becoming a snout and your hands shrinking into hooves, your ears grow and a tail shoots out of your pants. Soon... You are a pig.
This helped me gain weight and now I'm a normal weight.
Pm me your results for either spell!
This spell is out of the book: " the witches spell book" and it works great!
You may need:
A Moonstone
You may need:
A Moonstone
When you have a question or a desision you are unsure of, ask our beautiful shining goddess. First look up at the moon and think of your question ask the moon what you should do. Then put the moonstone under your pillow and go to sleep. Your answer will come naturally or in the form of a dream. Be sure to keep a dream journal next to you so you can record your answer.
This spell gives you energy for when you are spiritually and/or physically tired.
You may need:
Alfalfa leaves
Ginkgo biloba leaves
Coffee filter
You may need:
Alfalfa leaves
Ginkgo biloba leaves
Coffee filter
Grind alfalfa leaves and ginkgo biloba leaves in a bowl. When done grinding, place into small pot or cauldron and add water. Boil the leaves for 2 minutes, or until water color changes. When done boiling, put filter over cup and pour contents of the pot into the cup and if you want, you may add sugar or any sweetener for taste.