7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Reflect Instinct
- Fast Book Reading
- Dragon Force for Beginners
- Energy Fist
- Dragon Force *Tested*
- Get Your Considered Dreams
- Be the Smartest!
- Skill Point
- Sky Dragon's Skills
- Dragon Protection
#3331 - Reflect Instinct
Turn off the lamp (optional)
Sit cross-legged and say :
''Dragons, hear to me and come to me! Give me your eyes and instinct, so I can reflect and dodge any movements. See me and Tell me, give your eyes and instinct! Honor for you if you give me! For its my will! Please give me! So mote it be!''
Visualising an aura entering your body
*** Side Effects ***
Headache for 5 minutes after visualising
Fast mind
#3332 - Fast Book Reading
If you use candles, make a circle around you (zig zag)
Say this :
''Goddess of Athena, let me read books faster than now! Fast is what I want! Give me this skill! So please make it be! Mote it be!
Do this every 3 days until 10 times and above for fully effects
*** Side Effects ***
Open mind for reading fast
#3333 - Dragon Force for Beginners
Sit down cross-legged. Say the same sayings like in the normal Dragon Force spells. But the difference is, do it every 1 day and every 3 days when you done this 3 times.
Last edited on May 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3334 - Energy Fist
#3335 - Dragon Force *Tested*
Circling your 6 Candles (zig zag pose)
Concentration and say :
''Oh, (sky/fire/water/earth/etc) dragons! Hear me and come to me! Let me have your force! This is my skill and I give you thanks for giving me if you want! So please let I have it!''
Turn off the candles and hide them!
Do it per 3 days and after 10 times doing this. Do it every 7 days for fully forcing skill!
*** How to do & use ***
Just concentrate, eat, or breathe the element you have! And concentrate your dragon force to your body, so it can fully renew your body to be stronger!
If you says, ''Dragon Force'', It can help to renew your body!
All of this will take fully effect after doing this 3 times!
*** List of Skills Gained ***
Sky Dragon : Higher speed, higher regeneration, higher agility, but lower defences
Fire Dragon : Higher attacks, but lower agility
Water Dragon : Higher agility, higher ability, but lower defences
Earth Dragon : Higher defences, but lower speeds
*** Side effects ***
Feels like be stronger
Contact me for more dragon's elements! Or if you need the infos! (wmarvell007)
#3336 - Get Your Considered Dreams
Sit down cross-legged alone. Put the candles circling you. Light them up and say : "Goddess of Dreams, let me get dreams I want to have! Let me get the (what dreams) dreams! For an honor for you if you let me get and have it! So please mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3337 - Be the Smartest!
Be alone and sit cross-legged. Light the candles (put it in front of you). Look at the flame and say : "Goddess, I need you Athena. Athena, I need your knowledge! I need it for (what). It will be an honor if you give me the knowledge! For it's my will! Thank you, Athena! So mote it be!" Breathe the smoke until the candles stopped
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3338 - Skill Point
Put the used type of candles in front of you while sitting. Light them up. Say : "Goddess of Skill, please hear me. Give me (speed faster than light and wind/defences stronger than rocks/Attacks more deadly than swords/ability mastered more than a master/Agility faster than water)! For this is my will! Improve me and teach my body! Turn me better now! So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3339 - Sky Dragon's Skills
Sit down and put 6 candles with zig zag pose (blue, white, b, w, b, w)
Light the 3 white candles and say:
"Dragons, hear to me dragons! White as honor and 3 as symbol of dragon! I'm calling you and please hear me! I don't mean to harm you and please let me be dragon's friend! So please let me!"
Light the 3 blue candles and say :
"Dragons, come to me dragons! Blue as sky and 3 as symbol of dragon! Let me be your friends, Sky Dragon! Give me your skills, so I will be famous in my world! For honor and thanks for you Sky Dragon! If you let me be your friends! Give me heal skill, and all of your skill! Hear and come to me Sky Dragon! Be my friend! For its my will! So let it be!"
Stay lighten up until it stopped
And then visualise, your deal is accepted by the Sky Dragon and you have your skill!
*** Side Effects ***
Headache for 15 minutes after visualising
Feelings like you're the child of sky dragon
Feels you can do anything
Feels you have many skills
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3340 - Dragon Protection
Say this :
''As I swing this wand, a thing will be! A wonderful as a dragon! A dragon will protect me as long as I want! No one harm me! So mote it be!''
Swing the wand and you're protected!
*** Side Effects ***
Feelings like be protected
Feels like can't be destroyed
Feels like you're strong