7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Together Forever
- Liberate Yourself
- Angel Summoning
- Summon a Guardian Angel
- Attraction Spell
- Dragon Charm
- Invoke Hades
- Air Enchantment
- Water Enchantment
- Earth Amulet
#3711 - Together Forever
On a full moon cast your circle. Light the three candles. Take the needle and thread and the two pictures. Place one picture next to the other. Whilst sewing the picctures together chant:
"Together forever
Till death do us part
One in the same
In that one heart
Love eternal
Love sublime
Love like no other
Till the end of time
This is my will so mote it be."
Then drip the wax of the three candles onto the join between the two pictures. This will seal the two people together. If you want to end the love tear the pictures apart from another and chant:
"Goodbye forever
That stray heart
Leave now apart"
Last edited on May 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3712 - Liberate Yourself
Find a nice relaxing place to clear your mind where no one can disturb you, and make sure you have time to do this, at least 30 minutes. If you going to be in a hurry you won't be able to put your full intent into it and it won't be as effective.
Now, arrange yourself into a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Breath in and out slowly as you clear your mind of all earthly troubles, do not let your mind wander off carelessly. This can be difficult at times, but its not impossible. Count backwards from 10, as you do so, breathe in as far as you can and breathe out slowly.
Now see yourself in a white room, you are surrounded by light. Slowly off in the distance you can see what looks like water coming toward you. You feel something soft at your toes, it appears to be sand! You are now at a beautiful beach surrounded by complete peace. The ocean you look out is the key.
Now it appears that you have astral pen and paper in your hand. Write down what you want to rid yourself of, whats holding you back. If its more more than one thing than do them separately. Take the paper and crumble it up. Throw it far into the ocean, and reflect on your past one last time. Feel the ocean cleanse you of your trouble, until the paper comes floating back to you. Pick up the paper and open it up. The paper is empty, free for you to decide what goes on it, you can now move on and be free of whatever is holding you back!
Last edited on May 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3713 - Angel Summoning
Method 1:
Angelite crystals summon angels as well as other benificial spirits. Place an Angelite crystal under your pillow or sleep with it over your chest. Pay attention to your dreams, it is the canvas for many invitations
Method 2:
Many angels love the scent of myrtle, the key ingredient in Angel water (recipe below) Fill pans and bowls with Angel Water and strategically place them on the altar. Accompany this by verbally requesting the angel's presence.
Angel water:
- Myrtle
- Orange Blossoms
- Rose
Boil water and make a strong infusion. Strain and use.
Method 3:
Burn Benzoin. Benzoin incense not only summons angels but induces them to linger. It has the added benefit of repelling malevolent spirits.
Last edited on May 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3714 - Summon a Guardian Angel
Sit cross-legged on the floor or any where so long and your very close to the ground. Now light both the candles and place them just in front of you side by side. Then light the incense and hold on to it while you chant this twice:
"I am good, I am clean,
You are my fifth element unseen,
Accept this gift that you see
In return please protect me.
Blessed be."
Last edited on Jul 11, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3715 - Attraction Spell
Set this thought in his (or her) mind
Set this thought in his (or her) heart
Set this thought in his (or her) life
So that we will never part
Focus on that person and feel them being drawn to you. Leave the flower with its contents in a vase of water and let it stay until the blossom completely droops. Bury the flower, and save the paper and stone on your altar to continue the effect of the spell.
#3716 - Dragon Charm
Get your materials. Place the candle in front of you. Place the item in between you and the candle. Light the candle.
Say this only once, "Dragon of light, I call upon you. Turn this (item) into a charm of good luck. Never shall my spells fail." Wave the item in the flame and say, "This ordinary charm is now a good luck charm. So mote it be."
Blow out the candle. If the charm has some black stuff on it, it's ok to wash it. Put on the charm and feel the new energy enter your body.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3717 - Invoke Hades
Hades, god of the underworld,
you watch over the spirits of the deceased.
You truly are the liberator of justice, you have kept the peace.
The spirits are at your mercy.
Your word is law.
The angrier you become,
the more dangerous you are.
I plea to thee, bearer of sorrow, bearing the sorrow of all spirits,
to aid me in my spell casting, with the darkness of my heart.
So mote it be!
Long live Hades, the god of the underworld!
#3718 - Air Enchantment
Then, place the stone in the centre of the cloth and say ''white stone, of which our colors are the same, activate and help me, when I call your name *name the amulet*''
Wrap up the stone and tie it with the string, then wear it as a necklace
#3719 - Water Enchantment
Then, place the stone in the centre of the cloth and say ''Blue stone, of which our colors are the same, activate and help me, when I call your name *name the amulet*''
Wrap up the stone and tie it with the string, then wear it as a necklace
#3720 - Earth Amulet
Take the stone, and sprinkle dirt over it, saying, "oh dirt from the warm earth, serve as an amplifier for this amulet"
Then, place the stone in the centre of the cloth and say "(green or brown) stone, of which our colors are the same, activate and help me, when I call your name *name the amulet*"
Wrap up the stone and tie it with the string, then wear it as a necklace
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.