7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
- Stone of Power
- Seven Candle Money
- Ki Techniques
- Adjust Your Aura
- Find your Guardian Animal
- Abundant Pantry Spell
- Azaraph
- Flame Song
- Summon a Dragon
- Elemental Amulet: Fire
#3901 - Stone of Power
Stone of power Enchants a stone with luck, energy, a wishing charm and Protection spell
You may need:
A stone that you like (River stone best)
Paint matching the color of your energy
Willing to borrow energy from the spirits
Bowl of water
1 White Candle and matchesBowl of Salt
Spirits, spirits, to you I plea!
energy and power
I humbly ask of thee!
Imagine the energy flowwing out of the ground around you an the trees and everything around you.
then, while holding the stone, chant the following twice:
Stone, stone, with beautiful shine,
Use the energy that was once mine,
Wishes wishes please come true!
Use the energy I share with you
That takes are of the energy and the wishing aspect.
Now we move forth to the protection aspect.
take your stone and
Chant ''Water'' while you dip it into the water. Watch the energy Seeping into the stone.
Chant ''Fire'' While you wave your stone through the fire of a candle. The energy is joining the stone in thin whisps.
Chant ''Earth'' While you rub with salt. The energy from the salt falls into the stone.
Chant ''Air'' While you touch the stone, now heavy with energy, With a feather. The energy flies into the stone.
Now picture the ebnergies joining into a beautiful white ball and sinking deeper into the stone.
Beastmode has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Dec 09, 2013
#3902 - Seven Candle Money
This is to be used to reverse a spell cast upon a person, and return the spell upon
the one who cast it. WARNING: Because of the Law of Threes, depending on the
strength of the cast spell, this could cause great harm to the original spell-caster.
This should only be used in dire need.
the one who cast it. WARNING: Because of the Law of Threes, depending on the
strength of the cast spell, this could cause great harm to the original spell-caster.
This should only be used in dire need.
You may need:
You will need:
cast iron cauldron
a pile of oak wood
some mistletoe herb
and 2-5 pounds of salt
cast. Consecrate the ground and cover it with a layer of salt to prevent evil from
interfering. Pile the Oak wood and light it. Place what ever was collected from the
person into water in the cauldron and boil. Add mistletoe and perform an
incantation. The spell is reversed.
As with any spell work, it were best to perform the spell inside a cast circle for
LuneLove has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Dec 09, 2013
#3903 - Ki Techniques
These are some ki tevhniques I made. The techniques cover attacking and defending from an opponent.
Ki SpindleThis move is used to restrain the opponet. Let the ki flow into your fingers. Imagine thin lines coming from your fingers. Let the ki wrap aroumd your opponet. The tech shoild hold them down, unless they simply brush it off if their ki power is .
very high.
Life Risking Move
THIS MOVE USES LIFEFORCE, BE CAREFUL. This move is a last resort move. Visualize all the ki from all the ki points in your body. Visualize a huge ball in your hand. Aim at the opponet. Try to get the ball attavhed to yourvmiddle amd pointer finger using ki spindle. Launch the ball. If the opponet moves, simply move your pointer and middle in the opponet's direction.
klogg has been a member of the site for 12 years, since May 02, 2013
#3904 - Adjust Your Aura
This will help you adjust your aura.
Go in front of a mirror. Light the sage if you have some. Close your eyes and chant: "In this time, and in this place. Let my spirit gaze into space. As my spirit gazes in time, let my spirit intertwine". Open your eyes and blow out the sage.
charmed333 has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Oct 22, 2013
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#3905 - Find your Guardian Animal
These are 3 ways to find out what your Guardian Animal is. I know the first one works because that is what I did.
3 ways-1. Think of either the animal you are most like or the animal you feel most attached to. Picture it in full detail- especially the color. It does not have to be a logical color- your GA might be a purple tiger, but if you have to think about it all ''Hmm, I want a rainbow unicorn, or maybe a neon pink goldfish'' then it is obviously not your GA. Also, it can be a ''fantasy'' creature, my GA is a purple dragon. Think of a name- usually the first to pop into your head, unless the word is ''fart'' or ''crap '' because those names should be changed, that is usually it. Yay! You did it! Oh, and if you dream about your GA that night, that is good, but if you don't that doesn't mean it didn't work.
2. This way is a bit easier for some people, but not all. Just think- have you ever repeatedly met a certain creature in a dream with a name you know? For example, let's say you always have a dream about a tiger named Jade. Does she protect you? If yes, then the animal is probably your GA. If its an animal you fear and always kills you in the dream, keep looking.
3. Meditate. If you can slip into the astral plane or fall asleep, do so. But first, just think that you need to find your GA, and it needs you more than anything. When you fall asleep/ fall into the astral plane, search for it. The one you find is probably it.
Good luck! Message me if it worked or if you have questions. :)
VioletFlame has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Nov 19, 2013
#3906 - Abundant Pantry Spell
To ensure enough to eat. This is really meant for a friend or stranger but you can do it for yourself.
You may need:
Green Candle
Gold Candle
Silver Candle
Basket of food to donate
Green gift basket plastic wrap
Gold ribbon
Now hold your hand over all the components that you need and speak the following:
''Sweet gods of my heart and my faith,
Bless this craft I weave in this time and space.
Give your gifts of abundance to that which I make,
See to those I give this gift are blessed, this I state.
Sweet and generous gods of my love and heart
fill and keep the home abundant as much as a shopping mart.
Let them never starve nor ever be in need,
This I beseech of you, so mote it be.''
Now take the food you wish to donate and place it in the basket. Make sure it is non-perishable foods. (no meat, poultry or fish. Nor foods that will go bad fast) Then wrap the plastic wrap about it. With the gold ribbon tie the green plastic up with nine knots. As you do chant the following:
''One, two, three,
Abundance come to thee/me.
Four, Five, Six,
Abundance to ____ now afix.
Seven, Eight, Nine
Abundance now by thine/mine.''
Place the basket on your altar or work space, between the three candles. Then light three candle. Repeat this chant for each candle as you light them:
''Let my offer of sharing and caring expand.
This I ask most humbly.''
Now sit and meditate on the basket. See the energy from the candles bless the basket of gifts with the power of abundance. At the same time, feel free to change the basket as well with more energy.
Repeat this ritual for three nights, moving the candles closer to the basket each time. Just not too close to set the basket ablaze.
Now give the basket to someone you know who is in need. As they open it, the energy will release from the basket and fill their home with abundance.
JessFoxQuinn has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Nov 23, 2013
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#3907 - Azaraph
This spell helps you to control your strength and emotions. It is recommended to do this spell in a quiet and dark room
Light the candle and meditate foe 3 minutes in the dark room . Think about all the times you tried to control your emotions and your strength . After you finish meditating , chant this'' Oh monks of Azaraph !
I vow to control my emotions and stay focused .
Grant me your power ''
Immediately start meditating for 2 minutes . While meditating , chant this -
'' Azharaph Metraeon Zhinthos ''
If u feel angry or sad or feel like u cannot control your emotions after completing the spell , chant '' AZHARARH METRAEON ZHINTHOS '' one or two times.
Note - if any of you think that I was copying Teen Titans , I got this spell at www.teentitans.in
Winxgirl has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Oct 08, 2013
#3908 - Flame Song
Summon flames.
Say: "From air to fire, water to stone, drop like thunder and burn"
Oracharm has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Aug 23, 2013
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on Dec 08, 2013
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Last edited on May 09, 2017
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#3909 - Summon a Dragon
Summons a dragon companion. Extremely easy!
You may need:
1 large leaf of any kind
1 clover / leaf of any herb
4 natural items of your choice ( bark, berries, acorn, feather etc )
1 twig
oreo.flubber has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Oct 09, 2013
#3910 - Elemental Amulet: Fire
An amulet to give you the attributes of the fire element.
You may need:
1 red stone or jewel
1 candle of any color
(Check articles for candle color and meaning for amulet ability)
Pinch of ashes (Use a match)
White cloth to hold stone
''Ashes, essence of fire,
Serve as an amplifier
For this amulet''
Suspend stone over flame and chant thrice:
''Red stone, color of fire
As my element is the same,
Imbue this rock with (candle attribute)
And be active when I call your name.''
*choose name*
This amulet works best if your element is fire.
Leolamin has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Dec 04, 2013
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters