7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Garden protection spell
- Ring Around the Candle
- Plant Blessing Or Growth Enhancer
- Eye Color
- Transport Into Video Games
- Druid Protective Circle
- Contact a Deceased Loved One
- Cleansing the Home
- True Love
- Stop Nightmares
#4331 - Garden protection spell
With my heart I'll heal you through
Coldness, heat, and pests too,
Let the strength of the Sun,
Bless you,
Let the earth of the Mother
Ground you,
With the blessing of the God and Goddess,
They will help me keep my promise,
To keep you safe from the weather,
And help give you shelter
Touch your fingertips to the top of the water and imagine green energy going from your heart into the water. Take the water and water your plants with it.
#4332 - Ring Around the Candle
A ring for boundaries, which hold me tight
A candle to burn threw them, with all its light
After you are done with the carving, keep muttering the words above, then take your piece of paper, and write your problem(s) down three times each. Fold it five times while thinking about the future of what will come with this courage. Take the folded piece of paper and light the corner then place it into your cauldron. Say this as you watch the flames:
A ring for boundaries, which hold me tight
A candle to burn threw them, with all its light,
Fire to watch courage burn threw,
Air to take it away and make it new,
Earth to let courage grow to me,
And water to take these restrictions out to sea,
As I will it, so mote it be!
Let the candle burn for three more minutes then take the ashes of your paper to the nearest pond, stream, lake, ect., and sprinkle them into it. Watch them flow away while thinking what the future will be like.
Next, take the wax of the candle that has been burned away and bury it. Either in the woods or in the yard will be just fine!
#4333 - Plant Blessing Or Growth Enhancer
Light candles and cast circle. Picture the plant(s) or seed(s) growing and maturing. Recite this spell:
"Kitty in the garden,
Doggy in the meadow,
Wolf in the forest,
Elk grazing in the vally.
Grow to aid my ailment .
Grow to look pretty.
Grow with the essence of life,
Heart, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit at hand.
I here by Bless (Plant Name(s))
With the Light and Energy
So mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4334 - Eye Color
Light the candle and say:
"Eyes eyes please hear my plea, change to ____ instead of____ .
By the power of thee, this is my wish so mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4335 - Transport Into Video Games
I shall transport into (name of video game), this is my will, so mote it be.
#4336 - Druid Protective Circle
Use your wand to draw a circle of protection around yourself. Visualize the rowan Ogham (a vertical lines with two horizontal lines pointed to the right), and chant its Ogham name softly (luis). Draw the Ogham in the air.
Recite the Druid's Breastplate:
I bind myself to these, the beauty of the Stars, the Sun's life-giving ray, the whiteness of the Moon, the flash of Lightning, the whirling Wind, the stable Earth, the deep salt Sea, the strength of Stones.
#4337 - Contact a Deceased Loved One
Preferably, cast a circle of purification in your own tradition. See 'Druid Protective Circle' for a possible way.
Light the candle and sit in a comfortable position. For as long as you see fit (usually 30-60 minutes for me), meditate on this loved one. Think of the fun times, the hard times, and remember them. Pay homage to their life and their accomplishments.
Hold the candle in your hands. Chant:
I feel the warmth of your body, the warmth of your soul. I hold you in my arms, my heart, and soul. Please join me, (insert name).
As you look at his/her picture, begin to feel the warmth of the candle envelop your hands. Feel the warmth climb up your arms, down your body, and cover your entire body. Sit, listen, and experience.
You will likely smell them, or feel their energy. It is also possible to hear them, see them, or dream of them.
#4338 - Cleansing the Home
Sage and Rosemary are one of the most well known herbs. They have many magickal properties, including protection.
With Sage and/or Rosemary in a smudging stick, walk clockwise into a room, with the herb(s) burning. Say this at least three times within each room:
"Purify and cleanse this place
clean and clear my living space."
*This spell was NOT written by me. It was within a book I own.*
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4339 - True Love
Take some sugar (brown or white)
1/2 cup of vanilla
Sprinkle two teaspoons of cinnamon and coco
Drink warm
Mix the blood counter clockwise
Add sugar
Put it in a spray bottle
Spray once a day around you and your crush
#4340 - Stop Nightmares
Siting in the dark, tie the ribbon around the candle, light it, and place it in front of you. Watch the flame until your eyes naturally close; once you are deeply relaxed, begin visualizing times or places in which you felt good in any sense.
Once you feel comfortable, happy, and warm, carry the candle to the window, and look up at the sky.
The Moon is my friend, watching over me, bringing the beauty into my dreams. The stars are here, forever to shine, bringing serenity and peace of mind. When I close my eyes, they won't be gone, keeping me safe until the dawn.
You could either find a tune to sing it to, or just chant; the important part is that as you repeat the chant, you raise and gather energy, putting your true desire for peaceful dreams forward and into the spell.
Once you have gathered and released energy, either with this chant or one of your own, extinguish the flame and take off the ribbon. Then, tie the ribbon to your wrist. Wear the ribbon (you can cut it) at least while you're sleeping until you start having nightmares again. Repeat the ritual as needed.