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7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7153 Spiritual Spells
  1. Elemental Protection (Works)
  2. Telekinesis
  3. Basic Color Magick and Color Corresponences
  4. Knowledge Absorption
  5. Quick Energy Muster
  6. Reverse a Spell
  7. Shape Shifters Killing
  8. Javna Vanquishing Spell
  9. Invoking The Powers Spell
  10. Banish spirit

#4481 - Elemental Protection (Works)

*Created all by self, without any help*

Uses the elements to protect you for a whole day. And anything bad that was going to happen or has happened to you, will reverse (not like massive things like death,or health, just current bad life events)

Personal Experiance: I had done something major bad, and i was going to be put in care home for it, and have all my technology taken away. Then i did it, i did not get put in care home, but i got my laptop taken away, 2 hours later, I got it all back and everyone was in a good mood, when i had my stuff taken away, my grandad, was in a better mood as the minutes past away. And he said i could have everything back about 2-2 1/2 hours. So yeah it does work
You may need:

  • Glass of tap water (concecreated/holy/magickally blessed is best but that take too long)
  • Lit WHITE Candle (or you can use the sun, both are just as good) (i used a white/cream candle, which is probably best, because it represents spirit, and fire)
  • Window open (or go outside, i opened window but outside best)
  • Grass from outside(in a container)
  • Container
  • Paper with spell on the front, and a point up pentacle (cirlce one) on back with: From: (cirled) (your full name including any middle all of it) (Astrological Sign), (year of birth)
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    You may need:

  • Glass of tap water (concecreated/holy/magickally blessed is best but that take too long)
  • Lit WHITE Candle (or you can use the sun, both are just as good) (i used a white/cream candle, which is probably best, because it represents spirit, and fire)
  • Window open (or go outside, i opened window but outside best)
  • Grass from outside(in a container)
  • Container
  • Paper with spell on the front, and a point up pentacle (cirlce one) on back with: From: (cirled) (your full name including any middle all of it) (Astrological Sign), (year of birth)
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    Get a WHITE peeice of paper, and wirte on the front,
    ''Hear me now this (warlocks/witches) Word, All elements now accord, Fire (if you used sun write: Fire,fire,from the sun), burn out my enemies and give my life longevity, Water, Wash away all neggativity, Eath, bury my anxiety deep in the ground, make my enemies, have no sound.Air, fill me with protective light, to keep me protected through day and night, Make me protected as can be, Do this immediately. SO MOTE IT BE''

    Get some grass from outside put it inside a plate, bowl, any container
    Get some water in a normal or glass cup/chalice (glass is best, all works though) Open window (or outside, outide best), Get WHITE (or creamish, but close to white, white represents spirit/akasha part of the elements) candle and light it (if you chose sun go outside, both work i used candle though)

    Meditate for 10 minutes (i only did 30 seconds but its better to do 10 minutes) visualises energy , entering you, and also creating a force field arround you the SUN is amazingly powerful when doing this, if using sun imagine it is shining even brighter and brighter on you, then imagine it sending beams. balls of energy in to yourself, then imagine shining, then it covering you completly, then A big force field arround you

    Then rub hands together fast feel the warmth, move them away from each other, imagine a ball of energy in you hands, move the hands like creating a ball for a few seconds
    Then push it into your body

    Do this 3X (if get it wrong start all over again from number 1 till you get it right 3x)

    ''Hear me now this (warlocks/witches) Word (war-de NOT Wer-de), All elements now accord, Fire (touch candle) (if you used sun Say, with hands in air towards sun: ''Fire,fire,from the sun''), burn out my enemies and give my life longevity, Water (dip fingers in the water, and splash some on your face), Wash away all neggativity,(hold grass) Eath, bury my anxiety deep in the ground, make my enemies, have no sound (put grass back in container)(Take Massive Breath in and out) .Air, fill me with protective light, to keep me protected through day and night, Make me protected as can be, Do this immediately. SO MOTE IT BE''
    (i didn't do this but you might want to should work without though but its better to do this)
    Burn paper with the writing on in the candle doesen't have to be all of it, put it in the water, till finishes with fire, leave the ashes in, take the paper out, put it outside NOT bin (after the day you can get rid of the paper put it in bin) Then put the grass in, then say ''after i drink this potion my spell is complete and a part of me, I can cast it any time) Drink the water (doesen't have to be all,, but make sure you drink some, but not just a sip)

    Shout 3X



    Added to on Jun 09, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4482 - Telekinesis

    This spell will allow you to move things with your mind.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 any colored candle
  • 2 small objects
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 any colored candle
  • 2 small objects
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    Put candles at your sides. put both objects in your hands and say twice: "May my mind be able to shift and bend things under my control. May my telekinesis grow from now on. My mind is not the same no more may it be able to do extraordinary things"

    Then feel the 2 objects in your hand and repeat as much as you want in your mind until you think your ready "I am this"

    Added to on Jun 08, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4483 - Basic Color Magick and Color Corresponences

    Found on
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Color Magic refers to the combined magical and psychological effects of color(s) while working spells. Psychologists have only recently begun studying the effects that color has on people, but magicians and alchemists have known of the power of color for centuries.

    Using Color to Enhance Magic

    Using specific colors when performing rituals is not necessary. Using colors that correspond to the purpose of the spell or ritual can, however, vastly enhance its power. The easiest way to bring color magic into your ritual is to use candles. If you frequently perform rituals for a specific purpose, you may want to invest in candle holders, altar cloth, or other ritual supplies in the appropriate color(s). Many traditions favor ritual tools in black and white to avoid confused messages during rituals (among other reasons - see List of Color Magic Correspondences below).

    When discussing how to use a particular magical tool, you will often hear about its correspondences. A correspondence is simply what something is used for. You would say, for example ''White corresponds with purity'' or ''Black corresponds with grounding''. Most magical tools (colors, herbs, crystals, symbols, etc) have more that one correspondence, so it is still important to use your will and visualizations no matter how many extra tools you have.

    Also, correspondences (color magic correspondences in particular) are seldom absolute. When you choose your tools, make sure that the color matches the purpose in your mind. Green, for example, can symbolize both sickness and health. For healing, you would choose a healthy green. For repulsion spells (like a ''Get this negative person out of my life'' spell), you would want a sickly green.

    Color Magic Correspondences


    White corresponds to spirituality, cleansing, purity, perfection, innocence, integrity, healing, freedom, opportunity, forgiveness, and acceptance. It is also a color of simple power. White carries the powers of all the colors. It can be directed towards almost any use, and can enhance the power of other color magic in spell work. It helps eliminate negative energy and creates inner peace. It is used by many cultures in purification rituals. It also corresponds to the Maiden form of the Triple Goddess.


    Black corresponds to death, the Underworld, grounding, stability, mystery, and witchcraft. Black absorbs negative energy. Many people shy away from using black in magic, even going as far as to say ''never use black''. I do not hold to this. With its powerful associations to mystery and the underworld, black makes a powerful addition to any spell of divination or protection. Black is the color of the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess.


    Red corresponds to the Element fire, the Root Chakra, the God Ares, Mars, love, passion, sex, self-confidence, success, strength, creativity, persistence, energy, and vitality. It is often used in love and healing spells. It is also associated with grounding (the Root Chakra), and with any powerful emotion. Red is the color of the Mother Aspect of the Triple Goddess.


    Pink corresponds to love, nurturing, tenderness, sensitivity, harmony, femininity and innocence. While red is associated with fiery love and passion, pink corresponds to the gentler aspects of these emotions.


    Orange corresponds to The Sacral (Navel) Chakra, harvest time, happiness, excitement, assertiveness, motivation, persistence, and prosperity. Orange is useful in eliminating procrastination, anxiety, and stress. It is also helpful when trying to divine solutions or new ways of accomplishing your goals.


    Yellow corresponds to the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Sun and Sun God(s), joy, cheerfulness, intellect, hope, direction, personal power, clear thinking, concentration, fruitfulness, and communication. It can also correspond to fear and treachery (this can be useful for banishing them). This is a case where the shade of color can make a big difference: Bright yellows tend to carry the positive aspects, while pale or muddy yellows tend to carry the negative.


    Green corresponds to the Heart Chakra, the Earth Goddess, the Element Earth, the Green Man (or Horned God), nature, wealth, abundance, longevity, and healing. Dirty or muddy green corresponds to envy, hate, and sickness (a ''sickly green'', so to speak). When representing with the Earth Goddess, green will almost always appear along with blue. Green is especially useful in color magic spells for healing and for wealth drawing.


    Blue corresponds to the Throat Chakra, the Element Water, communication, creativity, integrity, calm, truth, loyalty, justice, leadership and clear thinking. It is used to represent the Earth Goddess when paired with green (the green land and blue seas).


    Indigo corresponds to the Brow (or Pineal, or Third Eye) Chakra, idealism, justice, wisdom, inspiration, intuition, spirituality, psychic powers, and the understanding of things. It can also be used in color magic to help reduce phobias and stress.

    Violet or Purple

    Violet (or Purple) corresponds to The Crown Chakra, inspiration, spirituality, the sacred, selflessness, tolerantence, intuition, imagination, royalty, wealth, inner peace, security, protection, creativity, freedom, and personal responsibility. It is most often used in spells for protection and psycic ability.


    Brown corresponds to grounding, good health, hard work, stability, reward from effort, and earth. Like white, it has the power to enhance other colors in color magic.


    Gold corresponds to the Sun, masculine energy, success, money, abundance, power, positivity, confidence, self-motivation, self-discipline, generosity, enlightenment and manifestation. The color is very useful is spells for success, wealth, and self-confidence. Note that Fool's Gold, or Iron Pyrite, has this power (despite of the negativity of the name) and is frequently used for drawing wealth.


    Silver corresponds to the Moon, feminine energy, balance, harmony, change, learning, introspection, confidence, wealth, secrets, hidden desires and intuition. It is very useful in divination and meditation. It is also useful for tapping into and increasing your psychic power and/or intuition. On occasion, silver is used for money drawing spells.


    Grey corresponds to morning, sorrow, humility, doubt and uncertainty. It would generally not be used in ritual except during funerary rites.

    Added to on Jun 08, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4484 - Knowledge Absorption

    This is a simple spell to let you absorb knowledge with an amulet or lucky charm at any time, especially when you're napping or not listening. Have fun, and message me if you have any questions.
    You may need:

  • Orange candle
  • 4 yellow candles
  • Amulet or lucky charm
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Orange candle
  • 4 yellow candles
  • Amulet or lucky charm
  • Belief
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    Put the candle in the shape of a pentagram (the orange one at the top) and put your amulet or lucky charm in the middle. Light the candles. Say 5 times:

    "I believe that I can absorb knowledge at every moment until I say to stop."

    To stop, say 3 times:

    "I wish to stop absorbing knowledge."

    Blow out the candles and say:


    And you're done.

    Added to on Jun 07, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4485 - Quick Energy Muster

    Use an energy stone or crystal to cast a circle or use an amount of energy.
    You may need:

  • You
  • Energy crystal
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    You may need:

  • You
  • Energy crystal
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    Okay, so hold the stone in your dominant hand. Imagine ankle the energy you need coming from it into you. Now Stretch your diaphragm so that your lungs are ful and hold this for a few seconds as you see fit. Feel the energy going into the lungs, and absorb the energy when you exhale.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4486 - Reverse a Spell

    Use this spell to reverse any harmful magic. This could work to reverse the effects of a spell cast on you or someone else with malicious intent. You can also use this to reverse your own spells (although hopefully you do not use magic to harm).
    You may need:

  • A taper candle
  • A glass or bowl
  • Water
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • A taper candle
  • A glass or bowl
  • Water
  • Salt
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    Cast a circle. Put the candle into the glass or bowl and fill it with water so that it is almost covering the candle; have the water level about a half inch to an inch below the candles tip. Sprinkle salt into the water around the candle and say:

    "With salt, this water is made pure
    I give it the power to heal and cure"

    Imagine the water and salt glowing with a bright light. Perhaps visualize sparks as the salt hits the water. Light the candle and say:

    "A spell was cast with baneful will
    A wicked web was wrongly spun
    I take away the harm and ill
    I now undo what has been done"

    As the candle burns, imagine that the water is emitting positive energies that will help to reverse the spell. Let these energies build up in your circle. When the candle burns to the level of the water and sputters out, take it out of the water and hold it horizontally with both hands. Say:

    "This harmful spell I now negate,
    Return things to their rightful state!"

    At the last word, break the candle in half. As if the snapping sound were a thunderclap, visualize the energy in your circle being released in a burst of bright energy like lightning, destroying the effects of the spell you are reversing. If you can, snap the candle into even smaller pieces, breaking it further, making it useless and inconsequential.

    Close your circle if you are not outdoors and take the bowl or glass of water and the broken candle outside. Bury the candle pieces as well as any wax that dripped into the water. Pour the water in a circle around where the candle is buried. If you are outdoors, do all this within your circle and close it when you are done.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4487 - Shape Shifters Killing

    This spell will kill anyone invading your space.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "When in the circle that is home,
    Safetys gone and evils roam.
    Rid all beings from these walls,
    Save sisters three, now hear our call".

    Added to on Jun 06, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4488 - Javna Vanquishing Spell

    from the Book of Shadows
    You may need:

    You may need:


    Evil eyes look unto thee,
    May they soon extinguished be.
    Bend my will to the power of three,
    Eye of Earth, evil and accursed.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4489 - Invoking The Powers Spell

    from the Book of Shadows
    You may need:

    You may need:


    Hear now the words of the witches,
    The secrets we hid in the night.
    The oldest of gods are invoked here,
    The great work of magic is sought.
    In this night and in this hour,
    I call upon the ancient powers.
    Bring your power to we sisters three,
    We want the power, give us the power.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4490 - Banish spirit

    This is designed to banish any evil spirit. I have used it 4 times now and it has always worked.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Trust
  • Energy
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Trust
  • Energy
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    To start you must be calm and relaxed. Let yourself gather energy and meditate for about a minute to calm your mind.

    Once you feel ready, summon the energy to your hand. Using this energy, draw a pentagram in the air in front of you. this is to act as a shield from evil energies.

    Next say this:
    By the power of the five elements,
    I banish you from this realm.
    May the Earth swallow you.
    May you never find water.
    May the air you breathe be a poison to you.
    May fire burn you eternally.
    May your spirit be banished always.
    Let my will be done,
    so mote it be.

    *Note: For those who question the necessity of the last 2 lines, I have tried without the lines and it only got worse. It is your choice but highly recommended.

    Added to on Jun 05, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters