Want to reverse a curse/spell on you or someone else, either accidental or incidental? Just use this spell.
You may need:
You may need:
Think of yourself (or whoever has a curse/spell on them) and why you don't want them to be cursed. Then say this incantation, "Reverse the spell, don't make me/him/her/them/us scream and yell".
This spell is great if someone you know tells awful jokes.
You may need:
You may need:
Direct your energy towards the person who tells bad jokes and say this incantation: 'Before these jokes get faster, make this fool a better jester.' And s/he will no longer tell bad jokes, unless you (or someone else) reverses it.
Bring someone back from the dead, or from a different locations.
You may need:
Pic or mental pic of person who you want to bring back
You may need:
Pic or mental pic of person who you want to bring back
Think of or look at a picture of who you want to bring back. Then say this: "Do not hate, do not my/his/her/their/our (who it what you want to come back) take."
Is your best friend too busy to hang out with you? Are you too lazy to do something, like take out the trash, or go to school? This is the perfect spell if any of these things are true.
You may need:
Portrait of person you want to clone
Wand (optional)
You may need:
Portrait of person you want to clone
Wand (optional)
Find a portrait of who you want to clone. Think about why you want to clone them. Then say the following spell: "One (name of person your cloning) is not enough, give this photo a life".
It works better if you have another person/people to do it with, but that might just be me.
''Echo and hum, racket and din,
Clamor and clatter, outside and in,
Hush to silence, heed our call,
To tacit peace and quiet do fall,
voices we/I seek rise above all''
Chant: "By the witches night may this illness take flight. By the witches day may this sickness go away. By the witches light may this we/I be able to fight. By the witches love may we/I rise above. By the witches magec may this harm none. As I will so mote it be" And say as many times you like at least 3 times.
Say the following 58 times: "Men in white coast, I'm super insane. Place me in a straightjacket and make me a mentally insane patient. Put me into an asylum. Just make me insane, so mote it be".
I wrote this spell when I kept having haunting dreams. Written by BlackStar13.
You may need:
Full Moon/New Moon
Clear Voice
2 White Candles (Optional)
Done at Nightfall
You may need:
Full Moon/New Moon
Clear Voice
2 White Candles (Optional)
Done at Nightfall
Sit cross-legged in the middle of your bedroom. Get the two candles (if you have them), light them and place one in front of you, and one behind you. Begin to meditate, breathing deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. Just relax and say this three times:
Gods of Power,
Gods of Might,
Take my Pain,
Take my Fright,
I just want to sleep tonight,
Let it be,
Let it be.
After saying the spell clearly, set the candles on a table in your bedroom, and let them burn out themselves.