This allows you to be protected by the Egyptian goddess Bast depending on the the time (day or night) you will be protected by one of her forums a roaring lion(day) a black panther (night).
You may need:
You may need:
Chant "Bast goddess of the (day/night) protect me as you would your kittens. I'm frail as your kittens! Save me now from the evil lurks. As you were protector of Ra protect me now. I ask of thee so mote it be".
Now visualize golden energy (day) filling within in you then see a proud lion roaring terrifying your enemie (you may roar as well if in private or your mind if In public). If for night see silver energy filling you instead and see a proud black panther roar roar if you wish in mind if you are in public but if not let that fury OUT be proud that you are defended by yours and Bast's power.
1. Light your incense
2. Stand in the middle of the room
3. Trace a pentacle in the smoke and blow it onto the wall (this is where visualization comes in.) Do this to all walls.
4. Either use your spell or mine, '' I ask the Goddess to protect the are surrounded by my pentacles, I ask that she only allows those who want only love and peace to come within these barriers, this is my will so more it be.''
Pour the snow and rain together. Choose your target and chant, "O might Gods, lend me your strength. A thousand storms, I call!". Summon a mach 9 and chant, "The mach 9 and the thousand storms, combine! Tonight there is a mighty enemy to be destroyed". Think of your target again.
Fill cauldron with water. Mix ingredients on a full moon. When done, chant these names: ''KENAI! SITKA! KODA! DENAKU!'' After that, use a phone or whatever to play Sitka's funeral song. Then drink the brew. Now chant this: ''KAWANAPE AWWANAPEE!'' Then the spirits will come to you.
This works for a pain-on-the-go. It works better if you place your hand over the paining spot, but you don't have to. Try to find the core of your being(mine's in the heart), and imagine healing energy flowing from it and surrounding the wound. Then imagine it seeping into the wound, taking the pain awat. This won't heal your wound, but it will take the pain away for a time.
Light your candle, and while walking around the room (be near the wall) visualize the light sticking to the walls. While doing this ask the Goddess to protect the area in which the light surrounds.
Brick-Dust symbolizes a wall and is used to make a very powerful selective barier that will only allow spirits/entities of good intentions to cross.
You may need:
Red Bricks
Hammer (or other similar tool)
Mortal & Pestal (Optional)
You may need:
Red Bricks
Hammer (or other similar tool)
Mortal & Pestal (Optional)
Using a hammer, or somethink to the likes of one, break apart red bricks until they are a fine powder. Use the brick-dust powder to make a circle and/or put lines at doors, windows, portals, etc. Only spirits of good intentions toward you may cross these barriers.
Blood Magic Alternative to Brick-Dust:
1 liter of water,
2 tablespoons of blood
1 tablespoon of salt (sea salt preferred)
Mix ingredients and use to draw barrier as with brick-dust.