7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Simple Magick Practice
- Angel (re-uploaded)
- Portal spell (for stronger warlocks and witches)
- Horse Transformation Spell
- Owl Transformation Spell
- Ferret Transformation Spell
- Phoenix Transformation Spell
- Skunk Transformation Spell
- Shark Transformation Spell
- Snake Transformation Spell
#511 - Simple Magick Practice
Focus on your space. Without moving feel yourself touch the floor with your hands if your hands are on your lap or vice versa. When you are confident with that you can branch out. Do this until you can leave the room. Once that has happened you are ready to try Astral Projection or any other complicated things!
Last edited on Aug 23, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#512 - Angel (re-uploaded)
On a windy day, go outside and chant this,do not read the crossed off text though, as it will screw up the spell
I call upon the angels in the heavenly skies to make me one of their kind, make me a beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed angel with a golden halo on my head and beautiful white wings on my back, so mote it be!"
Side Effects:
- Back hurting
- Feeling like your floating
- Becoming closer to nature and the sky
- Floating in the air
- a halo appearing above your head
- watery eyes (if your eyes are not blue:
- portions of hair turning blonde (if not already blonde)
Last edited on Oct 26, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#513 - Portal spell (for stronger warlocks and witches)
First mix anybody fluid with the herb of your choice. Mixing in anything. Next think about your desired destination this can be anywhere.!!
Next say "osjfa ishb opshr"
Pronasiation (os-jf-a) (ish-b) (ops-hr)
Once preformed put your fingers in the mixture and after create a circle in the air. If done correctly you should be able to travel there whenever.
#514 - Horse Transformation Spell
Say three(3) times the spell:
"Gods and Goddesses of spirits and freedom,I ask upon you to give me the gift I desire, to give the ability I acquire. I will run with the horses as one and live a life as both Human and Horse. This is what I ask of you, this is my desire so mote it be!"
Side Effects:
- Headaches
- Bone Aches
- Weak Limbs
- Strange Sensation On two(2)Legs
- Tingles
Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#515 - Owl Transformation Spell
Say one to ten (1-10x) times the spell:
"I call upon the gods and goddesses of the world, please give me the ability I acquire. I will be able to soar the skies with my wings and scan the area for danger with my piercing vision. I will be able to become an owl on demand and I will be able to control my new form. This is what I ask and this is what I plea, this is my wish so mote it be!"
Side Effects:
- Headaches.
- Nausea.
- Dizziness.
- Aches.
- Tingles.
- Itching Sensations.
Last edited on May 11, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#516 - Ferret Transformation Spell
Say three to ten(3-10x) times the spell:
"I asks upon the gods and goddesses, I want the ability to change back and forth, I have a ferret in my heart, I have a ferret in my soul. But I am having trouble bringing out my coat as black as coal I ask you to help me, I ask of you to help me turn into someone I can truly be."
Side Effects:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Weak Limbs
- Tingling
- Strange Sensations
- Aching Limbs
- Aching Bones
Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#517 - Phoenix Transformation Spell
Say three(3) times the spell:
"From the heat of fire to freedom of air a bird flying around with no care. Wings of fire Heart of Gold. To be able to fly around and never get cold."
Side Effects Are:
- Dizziness
- Hot
- Tingles
- Burning
- Headaches
- Sore
- Floating Feeling
Last edited on Oct 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#518 - Skunk Transformation Spell
Say the spell Three(3) times:
"Spirits of the skunk, I ask you, gift me something, nice and new. One of you I want to be, for this is something I do agree. I wil be able to shift into my skunk form at will, I promise I wont go overkill. I will have two form(s), one skunk one human which will soon be a norm. This is my wish I want gifted to me,this is my will so mote it be!"
Side Effects:
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Blurry Vision
- Weak Limbs
- Bone Aches
- Tingling
- Strange Sensations
- Burning
Last edited on Feb 07, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#519 - Shark Transformation Spell
Must say the spell in Water
Say three(3) times:
"A beast of water,a hunter at sea. A shark is want to be. With skin so smooth and teeth so sharp, this is my will so mote it be."
Side Effects:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Weak Limbs
- Nausea
- Better Smell
- Drawn to water
- Fuzzy eye sight
Last edited on Oct 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#520 - Snake Transformation Spell
Say two(2) times:
"Spirits of the snake, I call upon you, gift me something I know is true the gift of the snake, to become one would be cool, with this ability I should not be a fool. To shift on command is what I desire, after 5 shifts control of it is what I shall acquire. I thank you for this gift prior, I shall keep this a secret event if I have to be a liar."
Side Effects:
- Headaches
- Migraine
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Aches
- Limb Aches
- Bruising
- Stomachaches
- Weak limbs
- Slower Reflexes
- Blurry Vision
Last edited on Nov 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.