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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7157 Spiritual Spells
7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Rain
  2. Ice
  3. Past Life Incantation
  4. Anubis Scrying
  5. Invocation to Anubis
  6. Mermaid Spell
  7. Minds Eye
  8. Warriors Blessing
  9. Aerokinesis
  10. Cryokinesis

#6381 - Rain

This spell summons the winds to bring rain.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Look towards the sky and feel the air around you exchange energies with it as you chant:" Wind that rules the mortal world, never ending, never slow. Bring the clouds now full of rain. To soothe this earth of scorching pain."

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    Last edited on Jul 10, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #6382 - Ice

    A spell for conjuring ice: good for freezing wounds.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Put your hand on the object you want to freeze and whisper, "Water flowing through: freeze up when this spell is through".

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    #6383 - Past Life Incantation

    A spell that shows your past life.
    You may need:

  • Stone
  • Candle(black or red)
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    You may need:

  • Stone
  • Candle(black or red)
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    Place the stone on the floor in a dark room. Put the candle on the stone so that the wax sticks to the sones. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, put both hands above the stone and chant the following:

    "Flame that flickers, bright and true. Memories lost will come back soon. Through my mind and onto stone, show what I may have disowned. Flame that flickers, bright and true. Show me life before me and you".

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    #6384 - Anubis Scrying

    This spell summons the god Anubis to receive visions and psychic visions.
    You may need:

  • Clear glass bowl
  • Water
  • Black ink
  • Myrrh joss incense or oil
  • Statue of anubis
  • Single black candle
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    You may need:

  • Clear glass bowl
  • Water
  • Black ink
  • Myrrh joss incense or oil
  • Statue of anubis
  • Single black candle
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    Fill the bowl with water. Light the incense or oil and place the statue of Anubis on your altar. Place a lit candle in front of it. Relax for a few moments, focusing on your breathing. Then say the following incantation as you pour ink into the water:

    "Hail to Anubis, master of the secrets of earth, heaven and the underworld. Give me clear visions, so that I may see what is unseen. Bless and guard me, and help keep my path always true".

    Remain with your eyes shut in a relaxed position and allow any visual images that may come to pass. Once finished, snuff out the candles and thank Anubis.

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    #6385 - Invocation to Anubis

    You may need:

  • Soil
  • Black Candle
  • Drop of Blood
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    You may need:

  • Soil
  • Black Candle
  • Drop of Blood
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    "Hail to Thee,Anubis,Anpu,Neb-ta-djeser!
    Come to me!
    Oh high one,
    Oh mighty one,
    Oh master of secrets for those in the Underworld,
    Oh Pharaoh of those in Amenti,
    Oh Chief Physician,
    Oh good son of Osiris,
    He whose face is strong among the Gods,
    You should appear before the hand of Osiris.
    You should serve the souls of Abydos. In order that they all live through you, these souls, the ones of the sacred underworld.
    Come to the earth!
    Reveal yourself to me here today!"

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    #6386 - Mermaid Spell

    This spell takes 3-4 weeks to change you into a mermaid.
    You may need:

  • Necklace
  • water
  • Full Moon
  • Neclace od Bracelet
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    You may need:

  • Necklace
  • water
  • Full Moon
  • Neclace od Bracelet
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    First you must step into some water. 9preferably into the bath tub or the ocean) Then put on a symbol. Focus on the water and piscture yourself as a mermaid. Then chant:
    ''Magic spirits of the deep, give me a tail not two feet. Beauty upon me. My necklace/bracelet is the key to my power of the sea. All magic around mehave the power of sea.''

    *Side Effects*
    Itchy legs
    legs changing colors
    Legs sticking togethor

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    #6387 - Minds Eye

    Create a window to anywhere in the world.
    You may need:

  • 1 crystal ball
  • 1 red candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 crystal ball
  • 1 red candle
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    Sit in front of the crystal ball and behind the crystal ball place the candle lit so it appears in the middle of the crystal ball.Focus your energy through the crystal ball and the candle onto a wall or picture.Then imagine a person or place and say: "so mote it be".

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    #6388 - Warriors Blessing

    Warriors used to recite this incantation before going into battle and it is believed to have brought them much success.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Recite the following: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper. Every tongue that shall rise against thee, in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. Their righteousness is within me, saith the Lord".

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    #6389 - Aerokinesis

    This article will help you manipulate the air.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    Air ball:Create a psi/mana or chi ball and the see it turning white and really try to feel the windy breeze between you hands,after you have felt the breeze in your hands see the white energy ball turning into a gust of wind,see it spinnig faster and faster.Do this for one week for 5-10 minutes.

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    #6390 - Cryokinesis

    This article will help you manipulate ice.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    Cultivating Water Energy: This technique you will need throughout most of cryokinesis, since you will be taking the water elemental energy and forming it to ice. To start, stand in a position you would for ki breathing or grounding. Close your eyes, and picture yourself standing in a peaceful place, surrounded by water, or waterfalls, whatever you want. Now, picture energy flowing from the water, into your body, mixing with your ki in your Dan Tien, and flowing throughout your body. I picture this as a blue form of mana. Keep doing this until you feel that the technique has been completed, and that you have cultivated water energy.

    Cultivating Water Energy 2: This is another way of cultivating water energy, sent to me by my friend Richard. This is an easier way to cultivate water energy. While taking a shower close your eyes and let the water hit your front side of your body. Visualize the water energy coming from it into your Dan Tien or even just your body like it is absorbing it. After a minute or two you will have enough. Changing Temperature: This technique is one of the more common you can find on Cryokinesis all over the web. It is using Cryokinesis to change the temperature of a specific area a bit, to make it colder. To start out, you may want to meditate a bit and clear your mind. Now, find the room, or whatever area you wish to change the temperature of, and you may want to check the thermostat first, and see what the temperature is. Now, stand there comfortably, with your eyes closed. Invision that you are standing in the middle of a blizzard, with snow blowing past you with gusts of frigid wind, ice forming on the ground. You must really get into this. Actually try to feel your body becoming colder. Picture the thermostat that you looked at in the beginning, and picture the temperature on it dropping. You could also picture ice forming around the room, all over everywhere, causing the temperature to drop. Now don't get discouraged, this takes practice. With enough work, you should be able to make the temperature a little colder.

    Ice Ball:Create a psi/mana or chi ball and now visualize it turning white blue and really try to feel the cold breeze between you hands,after you can feel it visualize it turning in to a ice ball

    Ice Blast: This tech can be done a couple of ways, and here I will describe both that I know of. One way, is to just make a normal ice ball, and then push your hands forward like a normal ki blast, and picture the ice ball flying through the air, being absorbed into your target, and turning the entire thing to ice. Now, this will not actually turn the object into ice. But if done on a person, they may get a shiver, or feel cold. Now, the second way to do this, is a bit different. This way I have thought up myself. Instead of making an ice ball, fill up your fore-arms with the water energy. Now, picture it freezing just like the ice ball technique, and then shoot your hands forward, picturing a large icicle being launched out of your hands at your foe.

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    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters