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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7157 Spiritual Spells
7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Basic Protection
  2. Cryokinesis
  3. Bending Spoon
  4. Telekinesis
  5. Safety
  6. Fire Blast
  7. Mermaid
  8. My Body Steady My Magic Ready
  9. Dragon Traits
  10. House Protection

#6631 - Basic Protection

A basic protection spell.
You may need:

  • Wand or finger
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    You may need:

  • Wand or finger
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    Draw and visualize with your finger or wand a pentacle. then visualize it rotating and sucking in bad energy. Say: "By the power of five, all bad energy can say goodbye".

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    #6632 - Cryokinesis

    Ice powers
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Propper preperation:
    Your body needs to be in the right condition in order to be able to safely perform cryokinesis, for if one is propperly conditioned, he/she is immuned to the effects of ice.
    Start out by Taking a peice of ice and holding it in both your hands. Keep your fist clenched around the ice, and don't let go, no matter how much it hurts. Time yourself for one minute. After a minute, you may release the ice cube. Do this five times a day. After a week, extend the time to two minutes. After another week, extend it to three minutes. Then after a month, keep the ice cube in your hand untill it melts. Make sure you condition both hands equally. Durring this two month period, also begin taking cold baths. Lower the temperature of the water, every week that you extend the time you hold on to the ice cube.
    After this training period of about two months, you body should be conditioned to withstand hostile temperatures. You can only manipulate ice as much as you body can handle.

    Standard Ice Ball:
    Stand in a grounded position. Place your hands out in front of your navel(belly-button). Shape them just as you would if you were creating a ki or psi ball. Now visualize the water element all around you, flowing in between your hands. Then visualize a cold gust of wind sweeping across and forming the water into ice. Force the ice into a ball between your hands, and let the ice keep materializing in between your hands, untill you've made a complete ball. There should a cold point in the center of your palms. This is where the ice element power is actually produced.

    Dropping the temperature in a room:
    Stand in a comfortable position, and feel out the energy around you. Then begin to focus on the temperature of the room you are in. This works best if the temperature is already a little cold. Now visualize the air getting colder, and the energy freezing into ice. It helps to picture a thermometer dropping. Then begin to visualize waves of ice emmiting from your body, and going through the entire room. If succsessfull, the room should get a little cooler.

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    #6633 - Bending Spoon

    How to bend a spoon.
    You may need:

  • Spoon
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    You may need:

  • Spoon
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    Pick up a spoon and hold it in your dominant hand. Hold it so that your thumb is placed against the handle just before the spoon-head, and the other 4 placed against the back. Close your eyes and feel out the energy around you. Close your eyes. Start rubbing your thumb up and down on the spoon. After about a minute, the spoon will start to feel warm. In your mind, visualize the thumb and spoon merging together. At this point, your thumb should be the spoon, and the spoon part of your hand(in your mind). Now bend the spoon like you would bend your thumb. Open your eyes and see if you were successful.

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    #6634 - Telekinesis

    Telekinetic skill
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    Method 1-Telekinesis Wall:
    Sit down and stare at the object that you wish to move. Now, with any type of energy, start making a wall of energy in front of you. When the wall is finished, visualize it as a wall of glass. Put your hand(s) out in front of you and shoot out a little ki to push the wall. Send the wall crashing into the object. With any luck, the item will budge a little. Start with something small, like a cheap plastic ring......................................................................................

    Method 2-Will power:
    Once again, get in a relaxed state in front of the item. Close your eyes and become familiar with the energy in that room. With your eyes still closed, visualize the object SLOWLY start to move. Re-run the event over and over again in your mind. Open your eyes and see if there was an effect. If there wasn't, then you either didn't put enough time into it, or you don't meditate enough to have a clear mind......................................................................................

    Method 3-Mental Hand:
    Close your eyes and relax in front of the object. Focus on your aura. Visualize a hand coming from your brain. As it comes out, so is your aura. Slowly lead the hand towards the object. Lead the hand as you would any other. Let it grasp the object. Make it have a tight grip. Now SLOWLY push/pull the object. If your concentration is good enough, you can even try picking it up to make the item float. Open your eyes and look at what is happening.

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    #6635 - Safety

    Takes you from a dangerous place to a safe place through a portal that you can summon.
    You may need:

  • Glass or crystal orb
  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Glass or crystal orb
  • Wand
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    Place the glass orb on the ground at your feet. Cast the spell "Evil has surrounded me, bring me into safety,"on the orb. It will glow blue, and as soon as you touch it, you will be in the safest place you can think of.

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    #6636 - Fire Blast

    Shoot flames from your hands.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Put your hands together in prayer formation and close your eyes, taking several deep breaths. Picture flames shooting from your hands. On the last breath, shoot out fire while thrusting your dominate hand out in front of you.

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    #6637 - Mermaid

    Its a spell that will transform you into a mermaid.
    You may need:

  • 1 Tablespoon of seasalt or sand
  • 1 Blue candle (represents water)
  • 1 Candle that represents you
  • 1 Candle for your tail
  • 1 Fish scale or shell
  • Symbol (hair, spit, blood,toenail, fingernail)
  • Bowl
  • 1/3 Cup of cooking oil
  • 1/2 Cup of water
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    You may need:

  • 1 Tablespoon of seasalt or sand
  • 1 Blue candle (represents water)
  • 1 Candle that represents you
  • 1 Candle for your tail
  • 1 Fish scale or shell
  • Symbol (hair, spit, blood,toenail, fingernail)
  • Bowl
  • 1/3 Cup of cooking oil
  • 1/2 Cup of water
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    Crush the shell (if you have a scale DO NOT CRUSH IT). Mix in seasalt/sand with the scale or crushed shell in the bowl. Light the candles. Mix in the symbol, oil and water

    Go look at the moon and soak in its light, just however it takes you to transfer into a mermaid (between 20 an 45 seconds). Pour the mix ALL over you. Recite this (you can look at this or remember it): "Dear God and Goddesws of the sea, hear my plea. I am casting this spell tonight asking you to grant my deepest wish. I wish to become a mermaid with a (color of your candle) tail".

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    #6638 - My Body Steady My Magic Ready

    A spell that will enhance your other spells.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Before casting a spell, simply chant: "My body steady, my magic ready" and focus on the intent on the second spell you wish to cast.

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    #6639 - Dragon Traits

    This spell will release your inner dragon traits, making you stronger in battle. You could fly, breath fire, anything that a drgon can do, depending on your pesonality.
    You may need:

  • Wand or Sceptor (Staff)
  • Magical Abilities
  • Fire
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    You may need:

  • Wand or Sceptor (Staff)
  • Magical Abilities
  • Fire
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    Light the fire and flick your wand in a circular motion over it, your wand pointing horizontally. While doing this, cast the spell
    ''Look deep into my core, let my inner dragon soar.'' Within 9 days, your dragon traits will show. If you are not satisfied, do the spell again.

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    #6640 - House Protection

    Protect your home.
    You may need:

  • thyme
  • cloves
  • white sage
  • powdered garlic
  • rosemary
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    You may need:

  • thyme
  • cloves
  • white sage
  • powdered garlic
  • rosemary
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    Mix the ingredients together. Say the incantation: "Magick wheel, twist. Magick weehl, turn round this house. This spell has begun. Goddess, shine your light on this place with harm to none. Thy will be done, so mote it be". Your house is now protected.

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    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters